Syngonium - home care, photo species and varieties


Syngonium is an ampelous plant belonging to the Aroid family. The plant is perennial, naturally growing in South and Central America, in Brazil. It is actively used in indoor floriculture due to good decorative characteristics and unpretentiousness in care. The shoots of syngonium grow rapidly, over a year the twigs extend to 30 cm, giving 6-7 new leaves.

An adult plant grows to 1 meter. The lower and upper leaves of the creeper are different. Adult segments have an ear-shaped shape, young ones are more elongated oval. Depending on the species, the plant may have a different color of leaves and a unique decorative pattern with white or dark veins.

33 species of this plant are known and described. Syngonium does not belong to decoratively flowering, but in rare cases it can form inflorescences in the form of cobs, which do not have much attractiveness.

The shoots of syngonium grow rapidly, over a year the branches extend to 30 cm
In rare cases, it can form inflorescences in the form of cobs that are not particularly attractive.
The plant is grown with little difficulty.

Useful properties of syngonium

Syngonium has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the room. It is believed that this plant contributes to the “spirit of the times” and helps to distract from everything old, directing one's eyes to the future. To plant such a plant in the house is recommended for those who often look back and do not want to accept modern reality.

Syngonium is able to give powerful energy, relieve depressive states and passivity, positively affects mood and performance. It is useful to place a creeper in the bedroom if bad dreams torment you.

Caring for syngonium at home. Briefly

To successfully grow syngonium at home, you must follow a few rules. In nature, liana grows in southern countries, so it is quite thermophilic and does not tolerate drafts.

TemperatureThe optimum temperature is from +15 degrees in the winter, and not lower than +18 - in the summer. In a too cold room, the plant slows down, the leaves grow dull.
Air humidityHumidity: not less than 60%. Once every 2-3 weeks, the leaves of syngonium need to be sprayed. It is not recommended to install a pot with a plant near radiators.
Syngonium lightingPrefers a shadow, does not tolerate direct sunshine.
WateringAbundant but rare, in the hot season, syngonium is watered no more than 2-3 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week.
PrimingLiana needs a light, friable substrate that passes oxygen well and evaporates moisture.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active vegetation, a complex mineral fertilizer is introduced for indoor plants.
TransferYoung plants are transplanted every year, adults - no more than once every 2-3 years.
BreedingCuttings, seeds.
Growing FeaturesAt home, the liana can become a luxurious decoration of the interior, but it is important to choose a place to place it. Most often it is suspended in a pot or mounted on supports. It can be grown on balconies or in gardens, in places where direct sunlight does not fall.

Caring for syngonium at home. In detail

Syngonium care at home requires not too complicated. If you maintain the required temperature, observe the conditions of irrigation and prevent pests, the plant will delight with lush shoots with beautiful leaves.

Flowering syngonium

In indoor conditions, syngonium does not bloom. But if you want the plant to bloom, you can plant it in the garden for the summer. Flowers appear only in an adult plant. Small, soft pink or white, they form on the shoots in the form of ears.

After flowering, the liana "rests" for several years and new flowers appear only after 3-4 years after the previous ones have fallen.

Temperature mode

Syngonium at home is demanding on temperature. If the room is too cold, then the plant slows down its growth, and its leaves begin to fall off. A temperature drop of more than -15 degrees should not be allowed.


To create conditions close to the humid tropics for the vine, it must be regularly sprayed from the spray bottle with room temperature water. Spraying in hot summers and during the heating season is especially important.

Favorably affect the growth of syngonium special devices that moisturize the air. Also it is possible to arrange "bathing" to the plant 1-2 times a month. To do this, a flower pot is installed in a basin or pan with water and left for 1-1.5 hours.


Home syngonium does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it is best to choose a shaded place for it. Optimum placement on the windowsills from the south-west and north sides. Solid green leaves of syngonium turn pale in the sun and lose their decorative appearance.

Species of plants with variegated leaves are less demanding on illumination and can easily tolerate bright sunlight.

In a too dark room, the leaves at the syngonium become small, lose their brightness, therefore, as soon as daylight becomes shorter, it is recommended to place the liana closer to the window.


For syngonium, active moistening of the soil is important, but water stagnation in the sump must not be allowed. This can lead to decay of the roots and death of the vine. It is necessary to water the plant with settled water at room temperature. Do not use too cold water poured from the water supply.

Experienced flower growers recommend once a month to water the leaves and soil from the shower by installing a pot with syngonium in the bath. Evidence that the soil is well moistened is the water in the pan. It must be poured immediately.

Syngonium pot

The syngonium flower at home can feel equally good, both in a round pot and in a container of any shape. The size of the vessel matters. It should not be too big, but necessarily high enough.

You should not use pots for growing syngonium without holes for draining water. Replace the pot when the roots completely fill the tank.

It is better to use clay vessels.

Soil for syngonium

Liana syngonium prefers light, loose soil compositions. You can use the finished substrate, bought in a store and intended for indoor plants. It is desirable that the pH is in the range of 4 to 7.

You can also prepare the perfect soil for the plant yourself. To do this, you need sand, peat, turf and sheet land in the proportions of 1: 1: 1: 3. As the enrichment of the soil using bone meal.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

If the plant lacks minerals, it does not look lush, the leaves grow dull and brown spots may appear. In the period of active vegetation, which at the syngonium lasts from the beginning of spring until the first winter colds, fertilizer is required 2-3 times a month.

It is advisable to use complex mineral compositions, which must be calcium. In winter, the syngonium does not need to be fed.

Syngonium transplant

A transplant is definitely needed at room vines. This allows not only to replace depleted soil with richer soil, but also to check if the root system is not crowded in the pot. A young plant is transplanted every year in spring or summer. Adult syngonium can not be disturbed for 2-3 years.

Before the transplant, the roots of the plant are carefully examined, if signs of rot appear, then the damaged roots are cut with sharp scissors. After transplanting, the liana is abundantly watered and the next watering is carried out when the soil dries by 2-3 cm.


By cutting branches and shoots of syngonium, you not only form a beautiful crown of the plant, but also stimulate the appearance and growth of new leaves. Pruning is carried out with sharp scissors or a garden pruner on a 6-8 leaflet. Old shoots that slow down the growth of new ones should also be removed.

During pruning, you must follow safety rules and wear gloves, since syngonium juice can cause irritation and burns to the skin.

Rest period

Syngonium is equally beautiful at any time of the year, but in winter it begins a period of rest. It consists in slowing down, and sometimes completely stopping the growth of vines, but the leaves of syngonium do not discard. During the dormant period, feeding should be stopped and the number of irrigations reduced, reducing them to 1 time per week.

Syngonium breeding

Syngonium can be propagated easily and fairly quickly. The simplest methods are cuttings and seed propagation. You can use the method of division of the rhizome, but the roots of the plant are so thin and tightly tangled that they will certainly be damaged during separation.

Propagation of syngonium by cuttings

  • For propagation by cuttings, apical cuttings are taken from the syngonium, 13-15 cm long, with 2-3 leaves on each stalk.
  • Cuttings are easily rooted, both in water and in the substrate. You can use wet sand or sphagnum.
  • The shank is covered with a film to create a "greenhouse effect" and left in a warm place, periodically watering the soil.
  • The plant will take root in 3-4 weeks.
  • Then it can be transplanted into a pot or leave "gain strength."

Growing syngonium from seeds

For propagation by the seeds of syngonium, only fresh planting material is used, since the seeds of this plant cannot be stored for a long time and do not germinate when sown. You can sow seeds immediately in a pot in which a liana will grow. Seeds are laid out in moist soil, lightly sprinkled with sand or sphagnum and covered with a film.

Diseases and Pests

With improper care or inappropriate growing conditions, the syngonium can undergo a number of diseases that spoil its decorative appearance and can even lead to the death of the plant. Most often, flower growers face the following problems:

  • Syngonium leaves turn yellow - lack of minerals, too scarce soil or excess light.
  • Brown spots appear on the leaves of syngonium - Too dry indoor air. The plant is restored by regularly spraying and regulating the humidity level in the room.
  • Rotting stems - The cause may be frequent watering and insufficiently drying substrate. Watering should be reviewed.
  • Stems are stretched - poor lighting and shoots are drawn to the light. The same problem can occur when the plant becomes crowded in the pot, and its roots completely fill the earthen lump.
  • Drops on the tips of syngonium leaves - In this way, the liana fights excess moisture in the ground and in the air.

Variegated species of syngonium are especially sensitive to the level of illumination. If it is insufficient, then the leaves become faded, pale and lose their luster.

Liana can be attacked by harmful insects, scale insects, whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs. If pests are found, the plant should be treated with an insecticide, and in advanced cases, removed from the pot, rinse the roots with a weak solution of manganese and replace the soil.

Types of syngonium home with photos and names

Syngonium pinnate (Syngonium podophyllum)

A plant can have both light green and variegated leaves of a heart shape. The fused segments of each leaf create a large lobe from 7 cm to 13 cm long. It does not form inflorescences.

Syngonium Albolineatum

Hybrid view with a pronounced coloration of the veins. White veins adorn the leaves and contrast sharply with the background.

Syngonium White Butterfly

A spectacular plant with a rare, almost completely white color of leaflets. Requires good lighting.

Syngonium Intra Red

Young leaves in this hybrid are pinkish in color. As it grows, green pigment is added, but the pink pattern remains.

Syngonium Spear Point

A popular species, often used as a hydroponic culture. The peculiarity of the leaves is in contrasting white stripes that run parallel to each vein. Leaves are swept, narrower than other species.

Syngonium auricular (Syngonium auritum)

Leaves of this species have an arrow-shaped shape with two "ears". Leaflets of an adult plant have 3-5 segments and more pronounced spots in variegated syngoniums. Sprigs of creepers are long; over a year they can grow up to a meter.

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Watch the video: Arrowhead Plant Care Tips & Tricks! Syngonium Vine Houseplant Care (September 2024).