List of field (meadow) flowers with photos, names and description


Due to the variety and wide range of shades, wildflowers or meadow flowers are used in the design of Moorish lawns, household plots and summer cottages. Plants are accustomed to wild conditions, so they are very unpretentious in care. This is another reason why they deserve the love of gardeners. In addition, they have healing properties, they are used in cooking and cosmetology.

Variety of meadow or wildflowers

Flowers choose the most comfortable climate for living. Therefore, each region has its own species.
Plants are presented in the form of perennial, biennial, annual specimens. Reproduction occurs by seeds, pollination, vegetatively.

They have a wide range of colors: bright or pastel colors, two-tone, colorful, dark. Prevailing sunny, dark lilac, blue, snow-white, pink and scarlet shades.

Types of wildflowers, their description, photo and use

Wild plants are often used for medicinal purposes. All of them have contraindications and side effects, some of them are toxic. To avoid adverse effects, any non-traditional treatment technique is agreed with the doctor.


Able to grow in any climate. Widely distributed in Eurasia, throughout Russia, including in the Urals. Perennial, reaches 80 cm. Has tetrahedral shoots, the upper part of which is reddish. The leaves are oblong, located opposite each other.

Flowers / period of their appearance: bright purple with a pinkish tint, collected in inflorescences exuding a pleasant aroma. July August.

Water, alcohol decoctions and tinctures are prepared from dry leaves and flowers. It contains: essential oils, coumarins, organic acids, phenol derivatives.

Applied as an antibacterial agent for disinfection of hospitals and maternity hospitals from Staphylococcus aureus.

It helps with:

  • CNS disorders: insomnia, depression, depression, loss of strength, neurosis, convulsive seizures (including epileptic);
  • gastrointestinal diseases: reduces gas formation, improves the production of gastric juice in gastritis with low acidity, normalizes the output of bile, relieves spasms, helps digestion;
  • urolithiasis: has diuretic properties;
  • severe pain and hyperthermia;
  • gynecological diseases: bleeding, hormonal disruptions, menopause.

Found application in cooking. Gives dishes a piquant, refined taste.

St. John's wort

Up to 1 m. The stem is straight, branched, dense. The leaves are simple, sessile. Flowers are collected in yellow inflorescences. Formation begins in July. Flowering can be observed for 1.5-2 months.

Effective for the treatment of:

  • colds and coughs;
  • urolithiasis and cystitis;
  • CCC pathologies;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • nerves, depression, stress;
  • hematomas and bruises;
  • burns.

Meadow clover

Perennial with a core root, ovate plates. It reaches 50 cm. It grows well on lawns and nitrogen-poor soils. The buds are snow-white or pink. Bloom from May to frost.

It has the following properties:

  • antiseptic and lymphogonous;
  • diuretic and choleretic;
  • diaphoretic and expectorant;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiviral;
  • blood purifying.

Effective for therapy:

  • intestinal disorders, inflammation of the intestines and gall bladder;
  • gout, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ovaries and fallopian tubes, genital infections;
  • Central nervous system;
  • muscle tone;
  • fungus of nails and feet;
  • eczema, psoriasis, allergic rashes.


An annual herbaceous plant. Widely distributed in Eurasia, North America. At the end of the shoots, single baskets are located. The inflorescence consists of snow-white reed and median tubular lemon petals. It blooms from May to August.

Essential oil is extracted from chamomile. Its most valuable component is chamazulen. It has anti-inflammatory, sedative, local anesthetic effects.

The extract is added to soap, cream, shampoos.

Goose bow

Short, no more than 15 cm. Leaves elongated, growing at the base. The flowers are bright yellow, smell of honey. Blossom from April to early June.

Recommended for spring vitamin deficiencies. Helps with epilepsy, bronchial asthma, hepatitis. It has a wound healing and antiseptic effect.


Up to 1 m. Tapered plates, light green. The buds, the period of their appearance: red or canary, grow in bunches or singly. July August.

The composition includes: vitamins E, K, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron.

Used for treatment: bronchitis, rheumatism, cough, festering wounds, scurvy, diseases of the digestive system, abscesses, benign tumors, scabies, asthma attacks, exhaustion in debilitated patients.

Applied in the culinary, alcoholic beverage industry. Rhizome has a coloring effect (gives a blue color).


Tall, up to 2 m. Three-fingered leaves are evenly distributed along the shoot. Small flowers, canary or white, appear in the second half of summer.

It has the following properties:

  • treats a wet cough;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • relieves cramps;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds.


Bush up to 1.5 m. At the base are narrowed, lancet plates. Inflorescences are small, of various colors: lemon, snow-white, blue, heavenly, lilac, pink. They grow pyramidal on an elongated stem. Formation begins in June.

Soap is made from a flower. Also helps with:

  • migraines
  • Toothache
  • cystitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • pneumonia
  • pleurisy;
  • skin infections;
  • bone fractures.

Apply for blockade of nerve endings, relaxation of smooth muscles.


With a powerful fleshy rhizome. The stem is highly branched, up to 1.2 m. The buds are bluish-blue, pinkish, snow-white. Located along the entire length of the shoots and at the top. After sunset, close the petals. Bloom from the second decade of summer until the first frost.


  • CNS pathology;
  • CVD diseases;
  • damage to the liver and kidneys.


Bushes up to 80 cm. A distinctive feature is frost resistance. With large inflorescences of different colors on elongated pedicels. Flowering can be observed in June-July.

It helps with:

  • pneumonia;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • skin rash;
  • wounds and burns;
  • scurvy;
  • headaches;
  • stomach cramps.


Shrub with branches below and grassy top. It grows to 1.5 m. The buds are bluish, purple, light blue. Bloom from spring to autumn.

.Applied for therapy:

  • indigestion
  • gout
  • pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • anemia
  • diathesis;
  • heart failure.


Up to 100 cm, with elongated plates of a pale blue tone. Flowers are collected in blue baskets. Formation begins in July.

Cornflower helps with:

  • damage to the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • CCC diseases;
  • eye problems
  • female diseases;
  • joint pain and gastrointestinal tract.

Aconite Dzhungarsky

The bush is up to 2 m. The leaves are rounded, cut into 5 shares. The buds are large, dark purple, five-fingered. Bloom from the second month of summer to autumn.


  • anemia;
  • problems with childbearing function;
  • diabetes.

Comfrey Medicinal

Up to 0.9 m, with a rigid, rough aerial part. Violet flowers with a purple tint. Flowering occurs from late May to September.

Apply for:

  • relief of inflammation;
  • cessation of hemorrhage;
  • treatment of tumors and ulcerative lesions;
  • mitigation of symptoms in fractures and dislocations;
  • prevent decay.


Medium sizes (up to 50 cm). Emerald, oblong leaves are located throughout the shoot. From below they are larger, gradually fading to the top. Single buds, pale pink, up to 10 cm. Bloom from June to July.

In alternative medicine, they are used to treat:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • coughing.

Recommended for strengthening immunity.


Up to 1.5 m. Foliage is located on elongated petioles. The flowers are collected in fragrant, umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Flowering can be observed from April to August.

Medicines are made from grass for:

  • pressure
  • angina pectoris;
  • migraine headaches;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • gallstone disease;
  • problems in the urinary tract.

Valerian has a sedative effect. It also helps women with menopause.

Narrow-leaved fireweed

Perennial herbaceous plant. Stem erect, not branching. Reaches 2 m. Leaves are elongated, on short petioles. The buds are bright pink or purple. Petals open wide. Flowering occurs from mid-June to the second half of August.

The composition includes: tannins, tannin, flavonoids, sugar, coumarin, ascorbic acid, manganese, essential oil and more.

It has a sedative, anti-inflammatory effect. It has an enveloping, hemostatic, laxative effect.

Forest Anemone

Up to 40 cm. Stem with dense, long pubescence. The leaves are rounded heart-shaped. Inflorescences are apical, single. Located on long felt pedicels. Consist of 5 petals. Snow-white above, slightly violet below. Flowering has been observed since the end of spring.

In folk medicine, only the aboveground part is used. The root contains toxins and alkaloids. Used for:

  • toothache and headache;
  • whooping cough as an expectorant;
  • colds with severe coughing, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • kidney problems, urination;
  • cramps.

Reduces swelling, effective for the prevention of reproductive dysfunction, blindness and deafness.

Wild bow

Grassy perennial 60-70 cm. Covered with snow cover can withstand frosts down to -45 ° ะก. The bulb is narrowly linear. The leaves are emerald and fleshy, covered with a light waxy coating.

From July to August, blooms snow-white flowers in the shape of a star with a lilac central vein on each petal. They are collected in spherical inflorescences of 100-150 pieces.

It has the following useful properties:

  • improves appetite, gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves colds, rheumatism, purulent wounds, intestinal infections;
  • possesses anti-scaling, restorative properties;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • helps with lichen and warts;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • gives a spicy taste to various dishes.


A biennial or annual herbaceous plant. The shoots are hollow, trihedral, thin and highly branched. The buds are located on long peduncles in the axils of the leaves. Petals are variegated, multi-colored. It blooms from early May to late September.

Pansies help with:

  • neurosis, sleep disturbance;
  • tachycardia;
  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract;
  • urogenital system pathologies;
  • joint diseases;
  • dermatological problems: boils, acne.


It grows everywhere, even in cracks on the pavement. In a thin, upright stalk there is milky juice, with a fracture of the shoot it follows. The flowers are yellow, tubular, collected in one rounded inflorescence. Petals open in the sun, close in cloudy weather. After ripening, they become white, translucent, rounded in shape. Formation begins in early May.


  • eliminates pain and swelling with a bee sting;
  • helps with colds;
  • heals skin lesions;
  • relieves anemia;
  • mitigates the symptoms of tuberculosis;
  • eliminates cholesterol plaques;
  • treats eczema;
  • improves digestive organs, promotes the production of gastric juice, improves appetite;
  • removes acne and papillomas;
  • whitens the skin, hides pigmentation and freckles.

Poppy field

An annual very fragile plant, when the wind blows, the petals may fall. The buds are deep scarlet, similar to flames. Appear in the last month of spring.

Used for:

  • insomnia, sleep disorders;
  • severe pain of any nature;
  • panic attacks, excessive irritability and anxiety;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • tachycardia;
  • urinary incontinence.

And also for:

  • cleaning the bronchi, lungs, coughing, breathing relief;
  • prevention of myopia and hyperopia;
  • preventing the spread of cancer cells, stimulating the body to fight them;
  • weight loss (blocks appetite, normalizes metabolism).


The genus includes 500-700 species. An annual or perennial plant. The flowers are velvet or simple, five-petalled. A variety of shades, shapes, aromas. Flowering year-round, depending on the variety.

It has the following properties: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic, wound healing, sedative, antimicrobial, diaphoretic, antipruritic.


Perennial evergreen shrub. In the wild grows on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Canary Islands, in India. It has a rich persistent odor. The flowers are light gray, blue, dark purple. Flowering from July to August.

Lavender helps with:

  • a cold
  • burns and bruises;
  • incontinence.

It has a sedative, antiseptic and antispasmodic effect.

Used in the perfumery and cosmetics industry, soap making, cooking. Add to tea and other drinks.

Lily of the valley

Perennial. Unpretentious to the conditions of detention, hardy. The genus includes 4 species, but only one is cultivated. It can be grown in a pot or in an open area. Snow-white perianth consists of 6 slightly bent teeth, the same number of stamens and pestle. The buds bloom from late May to June.

Lily of the valley is used for:

  • treatment of cardioneurosis, heart failure, endocarditis, arrhythmias;
  • strengthening the body during pregnancy;
  • improving memory and developing intelligence.


Perennial herb up to 0.5 m in height. The rhizome is shortened, with many processes gathered in a bundle. Buttercup flowers are golden-lemon on elongated pedicels. It blooms from May to autumn.

This is a poisonous flower, but when consumed in small quantities, it has a medicinal effect:

  • relieves pain in the joints;
  • helps the opening of boils and carbuncles;
  • relieves stomach cramps;
  • eliminates migraine;
  • stimulates the central nervous system;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • treats tuberculosis of the skin;
  • kills bacteria and fungi.


Bulbous perennial with a short vegetative period. Leaves are light green with a yellowish tint or dark emerald. The flowers are fragile, snow-white. Flowering period: February-April.

Used to facilitate the clinical picture:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • joint inflammation;
  • muscle pathologies;
  • boils, fungal lesions.


Perennial loose cereal. It happens emerald, gray, lime, brown. It grows to 20-140 cm. The genus includes more than 150 species. The buds are located on the spikelets. A variety of colors (depending on grade). Summer plant.

Usually used for landscape design. Therefore, the composition is not fully understood. It was revealed that the plant contains: starch, lysine, fiber, sugar, essential oil, calcium, iodine, potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, manganese, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, iron.

Thanks to this composition, fescue treat:

  • bladder and kidney disease;
  • wounds, burns, cuts;
  • rashes and redness on the skin;
  • caries.

Helps the body withstand pathogens, strengthens the immune system.
Use as a green fertilizer.Gardeners noticed that in areas with fescue there are no bears, slugs, onions, carrot flies and other insect pests, weed grows worse.


It happens for many years, one year, two years. The stem is erect, bare. With slight pubescence or creeping, creeping. Small leaves are purple-gray. Lower petioles, upper sessile. The flowers are blue, small in size. It can be observed from the beginning of summer to frost.

Mainly used for decoration. However, the flower also has medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • soothing;
  • painkillers.

A bell can be treated: fever, cough, migraine, uterine hemorrhage, severe pain during menstruation, sore throat, wounds from animal bites, skin lesions, stomatitis, lichen, epilepsy.


The genus includes about 100 species. Annual up to 0.6 m in height. The buds are heavenly, blue, beige, rarely pinkish. Collected in false umbrellas. Bloom from June to August.

Used in textile manufacturing. From linen make fabric for sewing towels, tablecloths, clothes. Used in cosmetology as an anti-aging agent, in traditional medicine for the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis.

They are also used in cooking, as oil and fiber are enriched with beneficial organic substances and vitamins.


With an erect stem and flat, green leaves. The buds are large, variegated, in different tones. Single, exude a pleasant aroma. Flowering: May-mid-June.

Used to create confectionery. Flowers decorate summer cottages, squares, parks, etc. Treats: cough, constipation, neurosis, stress, migraine, dense tumors, colic, tonsillitis, pneumonia.

In cosmetology, they are used to remove freckles and acne. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, dandruff.


Decorative bulbous plant. The leaves are broad-lanceolate. Buds of various colors and shapes.

In traditional medicine they do not use, because many varieties are poisonous. However, it is used in folk recipes. It helps with:

  • inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • abscesses;
  • skin lesions;
  • rheumatism;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • poisoning of various pathogenesis;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

Desserts, hot dishes, vitamin salads, liquors, syrups are prepared from flowers. Bulbs are also consumed. They resemble potatoes, but have a richer flavor. Before using in cooking, you need to make sure that the variety belongs to non-toxic.

In cosmetology, masks, creams, and tonics are made from it.


Grassy perennial or annual. Openwork plates with a bluish tone with a waxy coating. Remind greens of wormwood.

Flowers grow on a single shoot in large numbers, but live only 3 days. Simple or terry. Similar to poppies, of various tones: scarlet, white, yellow, red. Bloom from June to October.

In medicine, they are used for the preparation of medicines. It has a sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic effect. It is part of drugs to improve sleep, relieve nervous tension. In Russia, sedative dietary supplements are made from it.


A honey plant with simple stems, bright green plates that look like nettle leaves. The flowers are small, bisexual or pistil, light lilac. Flowering: June-September.
Used in cooking to give a special flavor.

Menthol, which is part of the composition, is effective in:

  • varicose veins;
  • cellulite;
  • radiculitis.

It is believed that mint is a female herb, because she:

  • lowers male hormones;
  • relieves pain and improves menstruation;
  • helps with menopause.

It is used to make creams, masks for problem skin, and shampoos for oily hair. Use also for oral care. Chewing gums, toothpastes, rinses are made.

Mr. summer resident recommends: meadow and wildflowers in the landscape

Plants are used to decorate the open area in a natural style. Such a design implies elements that unobtrusively fit into the environment.

A flower bed with wildflowers and meadow flowers should look as natural as possible. Plaster and plastic sculptures, iron benches in such a landscape will be out of place. The garden needs to be decorated with wooden, stone, ceramic and clay products.


Watch the video: The Top Ten Most Beautiful Red Flowers (October 2024).