
Kalanchoe: home care and basic types of the family

If there is a desire to revitalize your house with indoor plants, then Kalanchoe will be a great option. Its species have more than 200 names, and among them there are medicinal varieties. Below is all the information about Kalanchoe, home care, what diseases can affect the flower.

12 great plants to plant along the walkways

Whether you live in a small modest house or in a brand new cottage with a huge plot, you certainly are not indifferent to the attractiveness of the garden plot. We offer a list of 12 plants that are ideal for decorating and edging driveways, the path to the door and creating a favorable impression of your home.

Campsis - a magnificent cascade of flowers and greenery

Campsis is a beautiful fast-growing vine of the Bignonius family. Homeland plants are North America and China. In Europe, it has been actively used to decorate gardens since the 17th century. At walls or fences, the campsis forms dense thickets with sprawling shoots, which are covered with large and bright colors.

Dolphinium perennial

Delphinium can be a real decoration for any garden. People have known this flower since ancient times. The genus of spur or liveliness (the so-called plant) includes more than 400 different crops belonging to both annual and perennial representatives. All of them are similar to a long flowering period, as well as the presence of cluster or panicled inflorescences.

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Sweet pea: description, types and varieties, planting, care

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How to grow peppermint at home on a windowsill

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Phytophthora on potatoes: description, control measures

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