The 9 best vegetable salads to plant next season


Salad is a green culture that contains a large amount of nutrients for the human body. It is low-calorie, tasty and has many healing properties. In nature, there are about a thousand varieties of this plants.

Batavia leaf lettuce

Batavia is an unpretentious variety of lettuce, with a developed rosette and wavy, spreading leaves. Most often you can find species of green color on the beds, but there are red and red-brown shades.

The plant has a sweet, delicate taste. It goes well with fish and meat.

Batavia grows remarkably anywhere. It tolerates heat, lack of light and temperature changes. It can grow on hydroponics. Seeds are planted throughout the spring-summer period.

The most common varieties: Fanley, Jumble, Geyser.

Lollo rossa leaf lettuce

The plant is very common among summer residents. The bush is spreading, the leaves are medium sized, wavy at the tips.

Delicate salad with a pleasant nutty flavor. Perfect for fish, meat and vegetables. Used to decorate many dishes.

It is characterized by rapid growth, they remove it immediately, otherwise the leaves become coarse. Shelf life in the refrigerator 1-2 days. To extend freshness, the leaves are wrapped in a damp cloth. Greens are grown throughout the season.

Popular varieties: Lollo Ross, Nika, Eurydice. ”

Dubolisty salad

Lettuce leaves are wavy in appearance, there are green, red, burgundy-brown hues. The shape of the leaves is similar to oak, hence the name of the variety.

It has a bright nutty flavor and is not bitter. Ideal with mushrooms, fish and various fruits. Used in the preparation of sauces.

Planted in well-lit places, does not tolerate a lack of light and sudden changes in temperature. Landing lasts the entire spring-summer season.

The most famous varieties: "Credo", "Dubrava", "Dubachek".

Iceberg Vegetable Salad

The salad is grown by many gardeners. Sold in many supermarkets. The shape is similar to a head of cabbage, but less dense. It weighs an average of 300-500 gr. But it sometimes grows to 1 kg.

The leaves are corrugated, crispy and juicy. No harsh taste. Used in the preparation of fish, meat, sauces, vegetables. It is good to wrap stuffed cabbage stuffed leaves.

Grow with seedlings or sowing in the ground. Planted in a well-lit place where there is no stagnation of water. Harvested when reaching the heads of 7-11 cm.

The best varieties: Diamond, Ice Queen.

Romano romano salad

Famous Caesar salad is made from it. The greenery has an oblong head of cabbage with dense leaves.

It tastes sweetish, slightly tart. Used in many dishes. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month and at the same time all useful qualities are preserved.

Planted with seeds or in the form of seedlings. To form a head of cabbage, formation is performed. 50-65 days after planting, the leaves of the plant are lifted up and tied, wrapped in a dark bag. Contain in 14 days. During this period, the leaves take the necessary shape and a bitter taste disappears. Then the heads of cabbage are cut.

Famous varieties: "Dandy", "Cosberg", "Pinocchio".

Arugula Salad

Greens has a delicate aroma and exquisite taste. Salad leaves are rich in healthy vitamins and minerals. It is believed that it promotes digestion and lowers blood cholesterol.

It goes well with meat, fish, vegetables. Add to okroshka. The salad is not stored for long.

Arugula is grown on a site with moderate lighting. From the bright sun, the leaves become hard, and in the shade they lose their taste. They have been planting seeds since late April, and seedlings have been sown since March. Salad needs regular watering, with a lack of moisture, the leaves acquire a bitter aftertaste.

Popular varieties: "Poker", "Delicious", "Rocket".


The plant is small in size, the leaves are dissected, green or bluish-green hue. The taste is saturated, slightly pungent, due to mustard oil.

Used in the preparation of salads, seafood, meat and sandwiches.

Seeds germinate after 5-7 days, and cut the greens after a couple of weeks. It can grow both in the shade and in a well-lit place. Loves moisture and weeding.

Watercress is growing well in the apartment. To do this, the seeds are laid out on wet gauze, and after 9-15 days, the leaves are used in cooking.

Common types: "Fun", "Openwork", "Chill".

Witloof Salad

The composition of the plant includes a huge amount of vitamins that are beneficial to humans. Grow in two stages. In the summer, root crops ripen, which, after harvest, are stored in the cellar, and if necessary, they are germinated.

Head of cabbage is pale yellow. The leaves are crisp and juicy. It tastes bitter, so before use they are dipped for 1-3 minutes in hot water.

Lettuce is planted in late May, in fertile soil with neutral acidity. The plant is hygrophilous, therefore, they regularly water at least once a day.

Known varieties: "Blanca", "Cone", "Express".

Field salad

Also called - rapunzel, corn, valerianella. Consists of rounded glossy leaves.

The salad is juicy, tender, with a slightly nutty flavor. It goes well with fish, mushrooms and various dressings. Shelf life in the refrigerator 3-4 weeks.

The salad is unpretentious to temperature extremes, responds well to frost. Planted in early spring. Poor to excess moisture.

Popular varieties: "Duplex", "Impromptu", "Duplex".

Leaf lettuce must be grown in any garden. It is not only rich in healthy vitamins and minerals, but also very tender and juicy, which gives the dishes a special taste.


Watch the video: The Salad Garden. 3 Lettuce Varieties. Beautiful Salad. Gardening in Los Angeles (October 2024).