Rose Blush (Blush) - description and characteristics of the variety


Variety Blush was born thanks to Canadian breeders. Features of the hybrid allow it to be grown anywhere on the CIS map, because it easily adapts to the heat and tolerates the most persistent frosts.

Rose Blush (Blush): what kind of variety, the history of creation

Rosa Morden Blush is a hybrid tea variety. Two-color raspberry flowers of the correct form delight their hosts for up to 14 days and bloom for several days throughout the season.

Blush Rose Buds

Short description and characteristic

The variety belongs to the re-flowering, at each flowering abundantly covers the bush with racemose inflorescences. The flowers are densely doubled, delicate pink inside, bright raspberry on the edges.

In cold climates, the height of the bush reaches 1 m, in temperate and hot - 2 m. The leaves are green, matte.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Features of the Canadian variety:

  • frost resistance up to -35 ° ะก;
  • quick recovery of shoots after freezing;
  • resistance to drought;
  • long and plentiful flowering;
  • large inflorescences;
  • resistance to some common diseases.

Among the shortcomings are the following:

  • slow development after planting;
  • lack of flowering in the first 2-3 years after planting;
  • weak root system buildup.

Note! High decorativeness of the plant covers all the disadvantages. Cut buds do not lose freshness for a long time and stand in a vase for a long time.

Use in landscape design

Rose Blush is used in group plantings on an ordinary green lawn, planted in mixborders. Looks fully in single landings. Looks harmoniously with white and yellow shrubs.

Flower growing

A healthy seedling, the right planting location and soil composition are the main criteria for rapid growth and lush flowering of roses.

Planting roses

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

To grow a Blazh rose on a site, you need to prepare seedlings from cuttings or purchase ready-made ones.

Note! When buying seedlings, they look at the structure of the root system, it should be multi-level, the root neck is even, the shoots are fresh and elastic.

Saplings are purchased at the end of March and stored in a cool room until planted in the ground. Immediately before planting, the rose is placed for several hours in a vessel with water.

What time is the landing

Hybrid tea rose Blanche is planted on the site in spring after warm weather sets in, or in the fall before frost.

Location selection

Modern Blush landed in sunny areas. Direct sunlight should not fall on the bush, they are allowed only in the morning or evening. Rose calmly tolerates partial shade.

Air must circulate in the area, but drafts and cold air currents are not allowed. Better to choose an elevated place.

Flowering shrub

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Properties of the ideal soil for growing Blush roses:

  • loose;
  • loamy or slightly loamy;
  • slightly acidic (pH 5-6);
  • rich in humus.

Black soil or any other fertile soil is suitable. Sandy soil is poorly affected by the appearance of the shrub, which is poor in nutrients and is unable to retain moisture. In this case, the sandy soil must be diluted with turfy soil, compost, clay or peat.

Landing procedure step by step

How to plant a whim rose on a site:

  1. Dig out the landing pits at a distance of 0.5 m from each other with a depth of 50 cm.
  2. Soak the roots in a mixture of manure, clay and water in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.
  3. Spread the roots.
  4. Place the seedling in the pit.
  5. To fill up with the earth.
  6. Compact the soil.
  7. Make a roller from the ground around the stem so that the water is kept near the shrub when watering.

Important! The root neck of the shrub deepens by 3-5 cm.

Plant care

The formation of buds occurs at an air temperature of 14-20 ° C. This temperature range is especially important in the early years of the bush. Therefore, in extreme heat and during frosts, the plant is covered with lutrasil and spud 15 cm to protect the kidneys.

Watering rules and humidity

Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

In warm weather, one adult shrub requires 1 bucket of water 2-3 times a week, and in dry weather - 2 buckets.

Top dressing and soil quality

It is best to adhere to the following rose fertilizer scheme:

  • in the spring, during the period of active growth, nitrogen fertilizer is applied for the first time, potash for the second time;
  • during the formation of buds and after flowering end, universal organic fertilizer is introduced, alternating with mineral;
  • in the fall, before the end of the flowering period, phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is applied.

Pruning and transplanting

Cropping performs two tasks. The first is the forming bush. You can not do it if you want the plant to be tall and spreading. The second pruning is sanitary. Before winter, all weak and dry shoots are cut off. The event is also held in the spring, removing all branches that failed to successfully winter. Places of cuts are treated with ash.

Note! Transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment, in which the earthen lump is not disturbed.

Features of wintering a flower

After sanitary pruning in late autumn, flexible stems are tilted to the ground and spud with dry foliage. The crown is covered with fir branches and warming non-woven material.

Flowering roses

A feature of the Modena Blash variety is that only one flower appears on one branch. A delicate aroma comes from the bud.

Period of activity and rest

Rosa Titanic - characteristics of the Dutch variety

Blush rose blooms abundantly and lasts from May to late autumn. Flowering is continuous, some buds on the bush are replaced by others.

Care during and after flowering

Before flowering, the plant is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer, after - phosphorus-potash. Buds that have already faded are best removed on their own so that they do not consume nutrients.

What to do if it does not bloom

If the rose has not bloomed, this indicates the creation of improper growing conditions.

Perhaps the plant is not enough moisture or fertilizing.

Note! A rose will not bloom unless pruned and covered for the winter.

Flower propagation

Reproduction is done by cuttings, twigs are cut from semi-lignified shoots.

What should be cuttings

When produced

Cuttings are harvested when buds appear, or immediately after flowering. The material is taken from the central part of the shoot, cut into a length of 5-8 cm. The lower foliage is removed completely, the upper is cut in half, three leaves should remain.

The lower section is made under the kidney at an angle of 45 °, the upper one exactly 1 cm above the kidney.

Detailed description

On the day before planting, the cuttings are soaked in the root dew stimulator for 20 hours. After this, the planting material is washed with water and planted in soil or pots with sod-humus soil and a layer of sand with peat 3-4 cm.

Cuttings are buried in the soil by 2 cm, planted at an angle. A greenhouse is made from a can or oilcloth.

Note! Watering is done as the soil dries. Ammonium nitrate or urea (20 g per bucket of water) is added every two weeks.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

This variety is affected by fungal diseases, shoots can damage the leafworm, aphids, spider mites, caterpillars. Affected shoots are removed, foliage is treated with insecticides or fungicides.

Blanche is a rose that will not leave indifferent any grower. This is one of the best varieties for home and garden decoration. Ease of care and plentiful flowering will give the landlord a lot of positive emotions.


Watch the video: My Entire Blush Collection + Swatches! (October 2024).