Gloxinia brocade - a description of the red and blue varieties of a flower


Most flower growers love to grow bright and lush flowers on their windowsills, which have a pleasant smell and appearance. Gloxinia is one of them. Thanks to an interesting combination of shades and strong aroma, it can become an excellent decorative decoration of an apartment.

Appearance Features

Gloxinia has several differences from other domestic plants. One of them is the diverse shape of the leaves. Most often they are large, saturated green or dark green in color. Brocade belongs to terry varieties. Depending on the color of the petals, they are divided into several groups:

  • tiger;
  • chintz;
  • monophonic.

Red gloxinia

Brocade is a plain look. She has bright buds, whose petals form a spherical shape. The flowers themselves, as a rule, are plain with a white border running along the edges.

Additional Information. The flower got its name thanks to two breeders - Gloxin and Sinning, who created it.


What does terry gloxinia look like - types of flower

There are two varieties of plants that gardeners use to grow.


Gloxinia brocade red blooms profusely in small buds. The color of the petals is bright pink or red, with or without a border. In height, it can reach 20 cm.


This variety has terry buds reaching a diameter of 8 cm. The hue of the flowers is blue or purple with a neat white border. The bush can be up to 20 cm high; up to 25 inflorescences bloom on it simultaneously.

Blue gloxinia


The plant is grown with seeds in a specially prepared mixture. It is necessary to use turfy sheet soil, sand and humus. Before planting, the substrate is disinfected and watered. Perform the procedure in March. Procedure:

  1. Seeds are planted in a container at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and cover with a film.
  2. Move the container to a warm place, moisten the soil regularly.
  3. When the first leaves appear, move the seedlings into separate pots.
  4. Put flowers in a warm, bright place and water regularly.
Azalea - home flower, species description

The bush should begin to bloom in six months.

Important! When watering, it is advisable to pour water not into the pot itself, but into the pan.

Planting seeds

Further care

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Gloxinia does not need very careful care. The main thing is to provide her with sufficient heat and lighting. It is best to maintain the temperature at +25 ° C. The room should not have drafts or too humid air. When dry, brown spots may appear on the leaves of the flower. But you can not spray the bush - this can lead to its decay. You need to feed the flower once every ten days throughout the summer. Fertilizers can be used ready-made or make them yourself.


Gloxinia can multiply in various ways:

  • cuttings of leaves or stems;
  • by seeds;
  • tuber division;
  • peduncles.

All methods are not difficult, so you can get new plants at home using any of them.

Diseases and Pests

Brocade may be affected by pests and diseases. The most common disease is ascochitosis. It causes its fungus that occurs with excessive moisture. Blight and septoria are also common. With these fungal diseases, the leaves of the plant become stained, dry and rot. For treatment, it is necessary to remove damaged areas and treat the bush with fungicides.

Note! Also, gloxinia can attack thrips, aphids and spider mites. To get rid of them, the plant must be regularly treated with insecticides.

Using the basic rules for the cultivation and care of gloxinia Brokada, you can get an excellent ornamental plant that will delight you with bright colors.


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