Delphinium: planting and care, seed cultivation


Delphinium (Larkspur, Spur) is a one-and perennial plant belonging to the Lyutikov family.

Homeland Africa and Asia. It has about 400 species.

Description and features of the delphinium

Mostly tall upright plant with strongly dissected leaves. Low only alpine species.

Flowers often consist of 5 sepals, one of which is folded in the form of a cone and slightly bent, which resembles a spur. In the middle is a peephole, different from the main flower, usually darker. Inflorescences of all shades.

Features of ferns are used in landscape design, covering unsightly places on the site or in the background of the mixborder. Looks great and in solitary landings, for example, in the middle of the lawn.

The main types and varieties of delphinium

There is a large species diversity of natural, cultural species and varieties of delphinium. They are annual (about 40 species) and perennial (about 300).

Annual delphinium

Annuals bloom much earlier than perennials (July), continues to bloom until the end of September.

FieldBranched, erect, pubescent, up to 80 cm.Triple with linear shares.Up to 4 cm of all shades of blue, collected in a brush with curved spurs up to 2.5 cm.
TallUp to 3 m, erect, frost-resistant.Fleecy, palmate, green, 15 cm, rounded.Numerous, ultramarine, up to 60 pieces, with an open whisk.
Large floweredBranched, erect, pubescent, up to 80 cm.Triple with linear shares.Up to 4 cm of all shades of blue, collected in a brush with curved spurs up to 2.5 cm.
AjaxUp to 110 cm, straight, branched.Sedentary, strongly dissected.Different colors.

Perennial delphinium: New Zealand and others

Perennial delphiniums are hybrids obtained by crossing annual crops. They have more than 800 shades.

Terry flowers and simple, the height depends on the variety.

New ZealandPlants 2 m. Frost-resistant, disease-resistant. Use for cutting.

Varieties: Giant, Roxolana.

Sweeping green leaves.Terry, semi-terry (about 9 cm).
Belladonna90 cm high. Sometimes blooms twice a year.

Varieties: Piccolo, Balaton, Lord Battler.

Green, from 7 segments.Blue, purple inflorescences from small 5 cm flowers.
PacificTall, grassy, ​​up to 150 cm.

Varieties: Lancelot, Blue Jay, Summer Skye.

Large, heart-shaped, dissected.5 sepals, 4 cm, indigo, with a black eye.
ScottishUp to 1.5 m, upright.

Varieties: Flamenco, Moonlight, Crystal Shine.

Dissected, large.Super-wide, more than 60 petals of all colors of the rainbow, brushes up to 80 cm.
Beautiful1.8 m, erect, pubescent, leafy.Palmate, dissected into 5 parts, dentate.Blue, petals 2 cm, dense, center black, thick brushes.
MarthaDecorative, frost-resistant, tall.

Varieties: Morpheus, Blue lace, Pink sunset, Spring snow.

Large, dark.Semi-double, large with a bright core

Growing delphinium from seeds: when to plant

Delphinium seeds lose their germination very quickly, so purchased ones sometimes do not germinate at all.

Many gardeners prefer to collect their seeds and then sprout plants from them.

  • Before planting, they are stored in the refrigerator.
  • Sowing is carried out in February.
  • Planting material is decontaminated by placing it in a pink solution of manganese for half an hour or treated with a fungicidal preparation.
  • Washed with cold water. It is treated with a growth stimulator for 24 hours.
  • A soil mixture is prepared from peat, garden soil, humus and sand, in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1.
  • Calcined soil to destroy pathogens and weed spores.
  • Containers are treated from microorganisms by the same means as the seeds, filled with earth.
  • Delphinium seeds are sown on the surface. They fall asleep with soil at 1.5 centimeters. Compact the soil. Gently water the planting.
  • They cover it with plastic wrap, glass or spanbond, and then with a dark covering material that does not transmit light.
  • Put boxes with seeds on the windowsill. Growth temperature + 10 ... +15 ºC.
  • To increase germination, stratification is carried out, taking plants to a closed balcony for 14 days. Return the boxes to the windowsill.
  • Periodically inspect the pots. If the soil has dried, spray. If wet, ventilate to prevent rot.
  • After 1-2 weeks, after the appearance of the first shoots, protective materials are removed, giving plants access to light.
  • When 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are thinned out. Excess plants are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 9 cm.
  • Once a week or when dry soil is watered, avoiding waterlogging.
  • During seedling growth, once every 14 days, root dressing with mineral fertilizers is performed.

In the first week of May, plants are placed on a glazed loggia, put in a bright place. Periodically, the balcony is ventilated to accustom seedlings to fresh air.

If the flower boxes are already in the country, they are placed near a warm wall and covered with a spanbond. At the end of spring, seedlings are transferred to open ground by transshipment so as not to disturb the root ball.

Dolphinium planting in open ground

Before planting, they prepare the soil by digging and introducing humus or manure. Then make landing pits at a distance of 80 cm, lay fertilizers in them, for example, ammonium nitrate.

Plants transship from pots, trying not to damage the roots. Watered, mulch the soil with sawdust or dry grass.

For a more durable fit, they are tied to a support. 3 sticks for each bush are sharpened and driven into the ground further than the roots. Tie not very wide ribbons or fabric.

The wire is not used, as it can damage the stems of the flowers.

Dolphin Care

The fern is looked after, as well as for other flowers. Periodically loosen the soil, remove weeds. When plants reach a height of more than 30 cm, the bushes break off, leaving the strongest stems. The weak are thrown out, and cuttings are cut from others and germinated. The process of removing weak shoots allows you to ventilate the bush to avoid infection with gray rot and fusarium. Then they tie it up after 40 cm. Water it every week, pouring 3 buckets of water. Then, when the soil dries, it is spudded.

Delphinium is periodically checked for diseases, as powdery mildew may appear during wet summers.

To avoid troubles make potash and phosphorus fertilizers, fungicides.

Delphinium after flowering

In order to achieve constant annual flowering from the plant, plantings are transplanted, thinned out and rejuvenated once every 3 years.

In the fall, after yellowing of the leaves, the delphinium is cut off, leaving 30 cm of stems. The slice is covered with clay or ash so that water does not get into the hollow tubes of the stems. Less cold-resistant varieties harbor.

Dolphinium breeding

Annual varieties receive seedlings. Perennials can be propagated by cuttings or dividing the bush.


Cuttings with a heel are cut, a section is treated with a growth stimulator Kornevin or Zircon. A mixture of sand and peat is prepared in the landing boxes. Place the cuttings at an angle to the surface of the earth, moisten the soil and cover with a film or covering material. Cuttings take root up to 6 weeks. And then they wait another 14 days and transplant the sprouted plants into flower beds.

Bush division

Spend in August. For division, four-year bushes are selected. They are dug up and a cut with a pointed knife. The section is sprinkled with ash or a growth stimulator. Then they dig it into a permanent place, observing the rules of planting.

Mr. Dachnik warns: delphinium diseases and the fight against them

With good care and favorable weather conditions, fern pleases its owner with lush flowering.

But there are times when yellow leaves or spots appear on the plant, it dries up. Then the flower is checked for diseases and treated.

  • Astral jaundice is carried by insects. Sick plants are removed.
  • Ring spotting. There is a death of leaves and stunted growth. On the bush, insects that carry the disease and affected leaves are removed.
  • Black spotting develops in cool damp weather. Sick parts are destroyed, in the fall they remove garbage around the plant.
  • Bacterial wilt leads to blackening of the lower part of the stem, the formation of mucus. Arises from improper planting of seeds. Before germination, the seeds are kept in hot water.


Watch the video: Dowdeswell's Delphiniums Seed Germination Tips (October 2024).