Interesting Articles 2024

Heliconia - growing and care at home, photo species

Heliconia (Heliconia) - a rapidly growing herbaceous perennial of the heliconium family. In natural habitats, it is able to reach a height of 6 meters or more. The birthplace of heliconia is the tropical forests of South America. In nature, there are about 200 varieties of plants. Large leathery leaves of heliconia are similar to banana leaves: they have an oval-oblong shape and a glossy surface with a juicy green color.

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A pick of strawberries grown from seeds: subtleties and tips

Strawberries are most often propagated vegetatively - rooted rosettes that grow on a mustache. If this is not possible, then it is propagated by seeds obtained from ripened berries. This method is also used to breed new varieties. When to dive strawberries from seeds Growing strawberries from seeds is not very difficult, but it is important to follow the rule: plant them only if you can ensure that the plants have a temperature of at least 23 ° C and good illumination up to 12-14 hours a day.

Echeveria: Home Care Tips

Echeveria is a group of perennial herbaceous succulents from the family Crassulaceae. There are more than 170 species in the genus. Can be found in Mexico, USA, South America. Description of echeveria Leaves are compacted, fleshy, juicy, collected in rosettes of 3-40 cm. They are flat, cylindrical, oval with pointed ends.

What are gerbera flowers - how they look and how they grow

Gerbera flowers have become popular in European countries relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century. Today gerbera is loved and actively planted in many countries. It is not enough to find out how and where gerberas grow in nature, you also need to get acquainted with the history of flower culture. Not many people know, but the name "gerbera" today is by ear, thanks to the famous botanist Jan Gronovius, who lived in the 18th century.

Raspberry Diamond: description and characteristics of the variety, reviews of gardeners, especially planting and growing and caring for the plant

Raspberry is a berry for which both children and adults have tender feelings. Gardeners selling fruit and berries, and gardeners who grow crops for personal consumption, have different priorities in choosing varieties. But the area of ​​their interests sometimes coincides: Raspberry Brilliant fruiting abundantly and until late autumn, prolonging the pleasure of enjoying aromatic berries to the cold.

Blackberry Giant - a high-yielding hardy grade

It is rare to find cultivated blackberries in our personal plots. However, gardeners who love to experiment with pleasure grow this berry and really appreciate it for its pleasant taste and nutritional properties. Garden blackberry compares favorably with wild species with yield and fruit size.

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Coffee tree: how to grow

Coffee is a tree, originating from Ethiopia, the Marenov family. For a long time it was not recognized as an indoor culture because of the belief in the complexity of its cultivation. However, with good care, you can achieve not only the flowering of this unusual exotic plant, but also get the fruits for making a real coffee drink.

Hydrangea Incredible Arboreal (Incrediball)

Flowers - an elegant decoration of the yard or garden. But weather conditions are often unpredictable, so gardeners prefer to plant plants that stably tolerate natural phenomena that can destroy attractive flowers during the night. For this reason, they prefer a plant called hydrangea treelike Incredibol.


Gerbera is a plant of the aster family, about half a meter high with star-shaped large flowers of various shades. The birthplace of gerbera is South Africa, as well as the island of Madagascar. This perennial herb with medium-intensive growth is grown as a decorative decoration for the interior, including for cutting.

Onion Diseases: How to Help a Plant

Despite the current view that it is easy to grow onions, reality shows that this is far from the case. Not only is it demanding on soil composition and moisture conditions, onions have a large number of diseases, which are not always easy to cope with. Onion plants are especially often sick on waterlogged clay soils overfed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Adapter for walk-behind tractor: how to build a good cart with a do-it-yourself seat?

Work on the land, whether loosening, digging or hilling, takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many gardeners, to facilitate land cultivation, acquire auxiliary special equipment - walk-behind tractors. Using this universal unit, you can perform a number of diverse works, starting with cleaning the site and cultivating the land, and ending with the transportation of harvested crops and any cargo.

Green horoscope: the best gardeners by the zodiac sign

Someone even manages to gather a gorgeous crop from barren rocky soil, while someone cannot really grow anything on chernozem. It turns out that successes and failures in gardening are largely determined by the sign of the Zodiac. Taurus You love plants and the earth, and they reciprocate. You can easily grow both the most unpretentious and exotic crops.

Balmamin indoor - home care

Many people associate balsam with childhood, with their grandmother's house, where this unpretentious flower invariably flaunted on the windows next to geraniums. By the way, the plant has more than one name, there are others: "wet Vanka" (as the people began to call the plant due to its ability to form liquid droplets on leaves with high humidity), "not touched", "light".

Hypocytosis: description, types, home care

Hypocirr is an exotic houseplant, known recently. In America, Great Britain it is called the "goldfish". From Greek is translated "thickened from below." Grown as ampelous and bush flower. According to popular superstitions, Nemanthus is the second name, has wonderful properties, brings happiness, prosperity, cleans the house.

Popular pumpkin varieties from A to Z

Pumpkin is perhaps one of the most amazing garden plants. An amazing variety of shapes, colors and sizes is a surprise to this natural wonder. There is something genuinely alive in it, attractive and at the same time frightening, it is not for nothing that the pumpkin is one of the indispensable attributes of Halloween. On the classification of pumpkin In order not to get confused in the great variety of pumpkin varieties, it is useful to know that the whole family of pumpkin plants is divided into types: large-fruited; nutmeg; hardcore.

Palma washingtonia: description, types, nuances of care

Washingtonia is a plant belonging to the Palm family. Distribution areas - the south of the USA, the west of Mexico. It received its name in honor of the first president of America. Features and appearance of Washington Palm tree has a fan-shaped thin foliage that reaches a length of 1.5 m. Under natural conditions, grows to 25 m.

Zamioculcas: the right transplant at home

The extraordinary handsome Zamiokulkas in indoor floriculture appeared relatively recently - in the late 90s. Perhaps the flower growers were distrustful of the appearance of an exquisite handsome man in the flower market, having suspected a very capricious plant in it. But as it turned out, Zamioculcas is so unpretentious that even a novice can take care of it.