Interesting Articles 2024

Sweet cherry Night - a delicious hybrid variety

Among the recently popular hybrids of cherries and cherries, the so-called dyukov, the Nochka variety, originally from Ukrainian Donetsk, turned out to be successful and in demand. About the features, advantages and disadvantages, the rules of planting and care, possible pests and diseases, about combating them and about prevention, you need to know when choosing this duke for planting in your personal or summer cottage.

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Chlorophytum - the ubiquitous green fountain

Chlorophytum is a long-known herb in a room culture. Several decades ago, it could be found in any home or institution, then the popularity began to leave, but absolutely undeservedly. The plant belongs to the Asparagus family and comes from South Africa. The name itself is pretty commonplace, it translates as "green plant".

Forest cyclamen and other street types: garden, braid, mix

Amazing, beautiful and vibrant cyclamen is not only an adornment of the house, garden, but also used in folk and official medical practice. Today, the world knows several varieties of this plant, but medicinal properties are inherent only in the forest. The widespread use of the flower for medical purposes has even led to the fact that some species are listed in the Red Book.

How I planted carrots and onions in spring and why together

May 8th. It was raining, the earth warmed up. It is neither hot nor cold outside, about + 10 ... + 12 ° C. I decided to plant carrots and onions. Since we have a lot of vole and mole mice, I make joint landings. Rodents do not tolerate the smell of onions. From the land cooked, loosened and fertilized with humus from the autumn, I form beds.

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Tukai is a high-quality frost-resistant grape variety that bears fruit even in Siberia

Grapes - this is one of the first plants that people began to cultivate long before the advent of our era. Nowadays, about 600 species of this sun berry are distributed throughout the globe. More than 8 thousand different grape varieties were bred by breeders, one of them is Tukay. The story of the creation of Tukay grapes On the Don land, in the city of Novocherkassk there is an All-Russian Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after

Succulents street perennials - planting and care

The terrestrial flora is rich and diverse. Among the usual trees, shrubs, herbs growing in certain natural areas, there are special plants that differ in appearance and in the way of survival in dry times. This group of evergreen fleshy centenarians was called succulents, which means the ability to accumulate moisture in their tissues.

Seed gloxinia at home - how and when to sow

You can decorate the house with small flowering gloxinia bushes. A simple method of planting and breeding allows you to independently collect seeds and grow seedlings. In this case, the appearance and other characteristics will not be worse than that of the purchased instance. Gloxinia from seeds at home The culture has an attractive appearance, for which it is appreciated by gardeners.

Cosmea Chocolate (Black): growing and caring for a flower

Cosmea Black - a unique perennial plant native to Latin America. An unusually beautiful blood-red hat exudes the aroma of chocolate and vanilla. This property has led to the fact that in nature the flowers are completely destroyed. Today, Chocolate Cosmos (as they also say about culture) is the fruit of the efforts of breeders, with their help the view was restored, but you can’t see it in the fields anymore, only on flowerbeds and in botanical gardens, as well as on the windowsills of flower gardeners.

Raspberry Diamond: description and characteristics of the variety, reviews of gardeners, especially planting and growing and caring for the plant

Raspberry is a berry for which both children and adults have tender feelings. Gardeners selling fruit and berries, and gardeners who grow crops for personal consumption, have different priorities in choosing varieties. But the area of ​​their interests sometimes coincides: Raspberry Brilliant fruiting abundantly and until late autumn, prolonging the pleasure of enjoying aromatic berries to the cold.

The secrets of growing salvia from seeds: how to get healthy seedlings

The bright, lushly flowering Salvia plant, which belongs to the genus Sage, has become one of the favorite decorations of flower beds and flower beds. Moreover, this culture is pleasing to the eye on all continents of the world, except Australia. The plant attracts with its chic appearance, a long flowering period and, moreover, unpretentiousness in care.

Mushrooms for the winter: delicious and simple recipes for a real hostess

In winter, any family will enjoy a dish of mushrooms. To cook it, you need to take care of the ingredients in advance. What are the ways to prepare mushrooms for the season? Here are some simple and understandable recipes that even an inexperienced mistress will cope with. Drying The main thing to remember is that not all types of mushrooms can be dried.

Rosa Patio - what kind of variety is it?

Dwarf rose varieties attract gardeners with their miniature beauty. Some low flowers are not dwarf, although they grow on average only 30-50 cm in height. Today we will talk about one of these varieties - the focus of the roses is the Patio Mix. Roses Patio: general information Roses Patio were introduced to Europe in the 19th century from their homeland, China.

Ceropegia - home care, photo species, reproduction

Ceropegia (Ceropegia) is a flowering creeping shrub plant of the family fowl, having thick lanceolate leaves and axillary, umbellate, or racemose inflorescences with fused stamens. The homeland of ceropegia is the tropical forests of Asia and Africa. This is a perennial flower that is grown in indoor floriculture as an ampel, climbing ornamental plant.

Marant is a flower, an indoor plant - is it worth keeping at home

Arrowroot is a decorative flower whose beauty is created by unusual leaves. The plant has healing properties and is completely safe. Already in ancient times, Indians used antidotes made from the roots of arrowroot. The history of the plant is named after the medieval botanist Bartomoleo Maranta.

Calathea - Home Care

The variety of flower shades and shapes of the colorful leaf of kalatea is amazing, the rainbow palette is eye-catching, and you just want to bring such a miracle home to illuminate it with the colors of the tropics. Moody calathea care at home for which requires a certain amount of time and labor, quickly won the hearts of admirers of the flora world.