Geranium at home - where it is better to put it in an apartment, in a flower pot or on a windowsill,


In the old days, when they saw lushly blooming pelargonium in the window, they said: "The way reigns here." But is it so and whether it is possible to keep geranium at home, it is worth sorting out. After all, there is an opinion that this plant is capable of causing harm.

Among flower growers there are real fans of pelargonium. There are also those who are annoyed by the smell emanating from geraniums. People interested in magic believe that this plant simply needs to be kept in the house. Feng Shui experts recommend choosing the right place for the flower.

The benefits and harms of geraniums in the house

There are many types of pelargonium, in terms of decorativeness this is a real decoration of the interior. Is it possible to keep geranium at home, how useful or harmful it is? There are arguments, both in favor of the pros and cons of the presence of pelargonium in homes.

Pelargonium in the house

Useful properties of geraniums

MicroclimateLeafy phytoncides refresh and disinfect home air. This eliminates the disease of family members with colds and infectious diseases.
Inhalation of the fragrant smell of pelargonium calms the nervous system, relieves irritability. It is also an excellent remedy for headaches and insomnia.
Healing propertiesIn folk medicine, pelargonium is used for healing decoctions:
· From the root - with epilepsy;
· From leaves - from rheumatism, gout, gastritis, diarrhea;
· From the aerial parts and roots - for gargling with tonsillitis and colds; with stomatitis and toothache.
Cosmetology at homeTo restore the epidermis with acne and skin rashes, masks with the use of crushed geranium leaves are recommended.
AromatherapyEssential oils with a tonic effect are prepared from parts of the plant in pharmacology. In a small amount, the drug is used to treat:
Otitis media, rhinitis, tonsillitis;
Frostbite and burns;
· Blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
· Hormonal imbalance.
Essential oil will help relieve menstrual pain. A few drops added to water is a good remedy for cellulite, skin rash and acne.

Important! Geranium-based preparations should not be taken on an empty stomach. Essential oils should not be used for more than 3 weeks.

Geranium essential oil

Despite this list of advantages, in some cases, pelargonium can be harmful if:

  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute gastritis and ulcer;
  • high blood viscosity;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

People aged and children are not recommended to take drugs with pelargonium inside. Only external use is allowed, given the absence of an allergy to geranium esters.

Where to put the flower

After weighing all the pros and cons, it is determined whether geranium is needed and whether it is possible to keep a plant in the house. If you want to decorate the interior with brightly blooming pelargonium, you need to think about where it will be most comfortable.

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

In order for the plant to act positively on home energy, calm the nerves and create a joyful mood, Feng Shui approaches the choice of a place for a room flower. Science recommends placing geranium pots on a windowsill oriented to the southeast.

Experienced flower growers believe that pelargonium is unpretentious in choosing a place, so it can be placed in any room, regardless of the location of the windows. But the frequent relocation of color negatively affects his "mood".

Note! If the plant begins to smell sharply after relocation, it is better to leave it in the same place.

In a private house, pelargonium is planted on a flower bed in summer. Following Eastern teachings, the best place for geraniums will be flowerpots installed on both sides of the front door. This will help protect your home from bad energy. It is desirable that these were flowers with red petals. They are visible from afar and, according to popular beliefs, frighten off glazed people.

Plant in place

If you take into account the functionality of the premises, then the geranium to the place will be everywhere:

  • in the living room, the flower will create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere;
  • in the bedroom will set the spouses in a romantic mood;
  • in the children's room provides a healthy sleep and stimulates students to the creative process;
  • In the kitchen, geranium is useful for improving digestion.

If there are windows in the bathroom and hallway, then pelargonium will be appropriate here. Having placed geraniums around the house, you don’t have to worry that the family will be annoyed by flies, mosquitoes and other harmful insects.

Note! People who are sensitive to odors, but do not want to part with pelargonium, should not keep the flower in those rooms where they rest and work.

Geraniums in flower pots

There are lovers to grow indoor flowers in limbo. Pelargonium can also be planted in a cache-pot. For this option, only certain varieties from the group of climbing (ampel) plants are suitable.

Pelargonium in a cache-pot

Geraniums are lowered in a cache-pot and placed as close to sunlight as possible, choosing an eastern window for summer and outweighing it for southern in winter.

Geranium under artificial lighting

Not every apartment has windows facing the right direction. If the hostess is forced to keep pelargonium on the northern windowsill, the plant will not be enough sunlight. Therefore, additional illumination with a phytolamp or a luminescent device will be required.


How to propagate ampel geraniums at home

The peculiar smell of pelargonium makes sensitive people worry. For them, the question is: allergenic geranium or not, urgent. An allergen plant on a windowsill can cause a runny nose, sore throat, and cough. This is especially true of pelargonium with white inflorescences. For too susceptible people, contact with a flower may result in Quincke's edema.

Signs and superstitions

How to transplant geranium, how to plant a flower step by step

Indoor geranium pelargonium is surrounded by many superstitions. Some of them relate to family well-being, others - mental balance, and others - financial success. Even if this is only the idle opinion of the townsfolk, it is worth paying attention to them.

If a person believes in the magical properties of a plant, then he involuntarily adjusts to the desired result. This makes him act in a certain direction (sometimes unknowingly).

Signs and superstitions about love and family happiness

The fact that pelargonium with its aroma exuding phytoncides is able to suppress outbursts of anger is scientifically proven. The more negative emotions the geranium will absorb, the more magnificent it will bloom. Thus signaling that peace reigns in the house.

People who are not aware of the scientific background of this phenomenon endowed the plant with magical properties, changing the cause and effect in some places. They are sure that if geranium appears in the house, happiness will settle there. The evidence of this is folk signs that also take into account color shades.

Geranium and family happiness

Flower hueSuperstition
PinkPelargonium brings love, happiness to the house and strengthens the marriage bond.
The plant will protect against squabbles and spells of evil rivals, saving spouses from separation.
Pink geraniums will help a guy to marry successfully, and a girl - not to stay too long in brides. If the plant has bloomed, it's time to get ready for the wedding.
The creative people are guaranteed recognition of their talent, and those who are down to earth are guaranteed success in business.
WhiteHelps to cope with infertility. This pelargonium is recommended to be placed in the bedroom of spouses who are unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child. If the plant gave a lush color, wait for the replenishment in the family soon.
White innocent girl will protect from evil spirits and abuse.
If you put geranium in the children's room, the baby will grow calm, and his sleep will be sound.
LilacWhen the geranium blooms magnificently, wait for a strong friendship for centuries in the house.
This is also a sign that the owner is surrounded by great honor and respect.
RedIt is a symbol of fidelity and true love.
Young guarantees the reciprocity of feelings. It helps to keep married the beauty and youth.
If you carry a bag with dried red petals, it is easy to meet a narrowed one.

Symbol of innocence

Based on the described superstitions, it is hoped that pelargonium of any color will bring love to life and make people happy.

The real point is that the geranium in the house is an attribute of aromatherapy. It is the ethereal smell that creates a relaxing, cozy atmosphere, setting up the home inhabitants to be positive.

Geranium withers

The lush the plant, the more negativity he managed to neutralize. If pelargonium has ceased to bloom and wither, the fault is - not a violation of agricultural conditions, you should think about the reasons:

  1. The house has too serious problems that geranium cannot cope on its own. Owners need to analyze the events of the last days (weeks) that have attracted negative into the family.
  2. Perhaps on the eve of the house there were many guests, among them there were ill-wishers, envious people or people with poor energy.
  3. Pelargonium is also sensitive to the physical condition of family members. The stunted condition of the flower may be evidence of an impending disease, even if it is still at a hidden stage. Red geranium is even able to anticipate cancer.
  4. Geraniums can also wither because someone else's thing charged with spoilage has got into the house. If the plot is strong, it is difficult for pelargonium to cope with such energy.

How true the signs are, why the pelargonium will fade, each owner will decide on his own. But to analyze your life, relationships with others will not hurt.

Pelargonium withers

Useful and magical properties of the plant

From the foregoing, it is clear why geranium is needed in the house. Realists see healing in her presence. People who believe in the other world endow Pelargonium with magic that can not only support positive energy in the home, but also attract material well-being.

How to attract money

In ancient times, merchants and bankers revered geraniums, believing that the strength of the plant attracted wealth. To verify this, it is recommended to use one of the following methods:

  • in a purse or breast pocket, you should wear a small canvas bag with dried geranium flowers;
  • you can squeeze juice out of leaves or buy Pelargonium essential oil and lubricate the inside of the wallet with it;
  • if an important transaction is foreseen, on the eve it is recommended to grind a fresh leaf of white geranium with the fingers of a working hand;
  • It is worth bringing a flower to the enterprise and installing it near the workplace; this will help to tune in to the creative process and make it productive (in material terms, too); office workers will help with a career.

Note! To achieve high material well-being and attract money to the house, flowers must exude aroma. This is possible with proper care of domestic plants.

Geranium and zodiac signs

Pelargonium is revered by astrology lovers. It is believed that the plant, like the moon, affects the fate of people. Each sign affects geranium in its own way:

  • Scorpions, Cancers and Pisces need a flower to relax and get rid of the stresses of the working day;
  • Capricorns, Lviv and Sagittarius pelargonium energizes;
  • Aquarius, Aries, Taurus will set in a romantic mood;
  • Gemini, Virgo and Leo will help get rid of laziness.

Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, geraniums will be a good defense against the negative from the side and a talisman from evil spells. The flower helps to develop a sense of humor, get rid of complexes and gives self-confidence.

Azalea - partner of geranium

Additional Information. The magical effect of pelargonium will be enhanced by the azaleas standing nearby - flowers similar to geranium with their energy.

Beneficial features

The statements about the magical abilities of pelargonium are true or not, but the fact that the presence of geranium flowers destroys the negative in the room is a fact. As well as the fact that the plant can rightly be called a "folk doctor".

All parts of the bush (roots, flowers, leaves) that contain tannins, pectin, sugar, starch, gallic acid, gum and many more useful chemical elements are used. Thanks to them, pelargonium has bactericidal, antiviral, antiseptic, diuretic properties. In folk medicine, the scope of geranium is quite large:

  • with its help you can remove swelling, stop blood and anesthetize;
  • Pelargonium is a good remedy for diabetes;
  • decoctions of geraniums improve blood flow, conduction of the heart muscle, establish a rhythm;
  • with hypertension, it is enough to attach a leaf of a plant to the wrist to reduce pressure;
  • the presence of geranium in the house improves the physical condition of people suffering from problems of the kidneys, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • crushed leaves in the form of a compress at night will relieve pain caused by osteochondrosis and radiculitis;
  • a slurry of geranium, attached to an inflamed area, promotes rapid healing;
  • diluted fresh juice will relieve otitis pain and defeat the disease in 3-4 procedures;
  • geraniums will help older people avoid sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other problems associated with mental and physical activity.

A houseplant will alleviate suffering in a serious illness if tea is brewed from red geranium flowers. But more than 1 cup of this remedy per week should not be taken.

Pelargonium is a real antidepressant that helps relieve nervous tension. His presence in the house is desirable even where it is not customary to plant flowers. If there is no allergy to volatile, ethereal odors do not provoke a headache, you should put at least one pot of geranium in the apartment in a place where it will be clearly visible. What color will be combined with the interior, everyone will decide based on their own preferences.


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