Allamanda - growing and care at home, photo species


Allamanda (Allamanda) - a beautifully flowering evergreen vine or shrub from the Kutrovy family. In the wild, it is found in the tropical rainforests of South and Central America, and the homeland of Allamanda is Brazil. In Australia, the plant is so common that it is considered weedy. In indoor conditions it is difficult to grow it, but it is possible.

Allamanda is growing rapidly. Over 5 years of living in an apartment, it can grow up to 3 m in height; it will grow in breadth. Therefore, the plant is suitable for growing in spacious rooms. In nature, allamanda blooms very beautifully, showing the world delicate golden, pink and flowers of a different color. But in the apartment, not everyone is able to see its flowering.

Severe conditions of detention with low humidity, insufficient lighting and heat are very different from the conditions to which the flower is genetically predisposed.

See also how to grow room adenium.

Growth rate is high.
It blooms in summer with proper care.
The plant is difficult to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Useful properties of allamanda

Allamanda is a poisonous plant. But the beneficial substances contained in it are used in homeopathy to treat hepatitis. They help with malaria, enlarged spleen. Used as a laxative. Substances found in the plant are comparable in action to antibiotics that affect staphylococcus aureus.

Allamanda: home care. Briefly

Tropical plant allamanda at home takes root with difficulty. The task of a caring grower is to create favorable conditions for the flower. Optimal for allamanda are:

Temperature modeIn winter - + 14 ° C, in the summer season - + 24 - 26 ° C.
Air humidityAt least 65%, spray frequently.
LightingAt least 5 hours a day, a bright direct.
WateringModerate; in winter - not more than 1 time in 10 days, in summer - every 4 days.
Allamanda soilSubstrate for senpolia or soil mixture of two parts of leaf and garden land and part of spruce bark, sand and crushed coal.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom May to the beginning of September - once every 7 days with universal mineral fertilizer diluted in half.
Allamanda transplantYoung bushes - in the spring of each year, adults - after 2.5 years.
BreedingRooting cuttings cut.
Growing FeaturesAllamanda is a very sensitive flower, painfully surviving any operations performed with it. Therefore, we must try to bother her only in case of urgent need. Allamanda has a thin elongated stem. To make the young plant comfortable, it is grown on a trellised support.

Allamanda care at home. In detail

The delicate allamanda plant at home is very sensitive to the atmosphere of detention. When buying or receiving a plant as a gift, one must understand this and try to create favorable conditions for the green creation.

Flowering allamanda

The flowering of allamanda is a spectacle mesmerizing with beauty. In spring, at the ends of thin shoots, original flowers appear - gramophone seeds collected in racemose inflorescences. Different shades of yellow, red and other colors look fresh and impressive against a background of glossy green leaves. Allamanda reacts to cold rainy weather and changing seasons by darkening the petals. If the bush does not bloom, the situation can be corrected:

  • to increase the intensity of lighting;
  • water more abundantly;
  • spend the winter in a cooler room;
  • feed the plant.

So that the flowers are large, and flowering is long, the plant is fed with potassium humate, be sure to dilute the solution several times. An overfed bush will absorb nutrients for a long time, and it will have neither time nor energy for flowering.

Temperature mode

When growing allamanda, it is important to observe the temperature regime, then the flower will feel comfortable. Tropical plants at home are kept in winter at + 14 ° C, and in summer at + 24 - 26 ° C. If possible, the bush should be protected from a sharp temperature drop and kept away from drafts.


Homemade allamanda prefers high humidity (over 60%). It is supported in many ways. Several times a day they spray the plants, place it next to the aquarium, on a pallet with wet pebbles; An open container of water is placed next to the pot. Do not spray during flowering.


Allamanda prefers bright lighting for at least five hours a day. Therefore, as prescribed by the care of allamanda at home, the bush is placed in the southeastern part of the apartment. The lack of light manifests itself in the absence of flowering, slowing down the development and stretching of the plant. In winter, it is necessary to include phytolamps.

If there is a lot of light, burns will appear on delicate petals and leaves. In the southern part of the house, a bush is shaded.

Watering allamanda

Moisture is very important for a flower, but watering allamanda should be moderate. Between watering the surface of the soil should dry out. In summer, it is advised to water no more than 1 time in 5 days, and in winter - once every 10 days (less often in cold weather).

In the fall, watering is reduced, preparing the plant for winter. For irrigation take well-defended lukewarm water. To keep moisture in the soil longer, mulch with crushed bark, moss or coconut substrate.

Pot for allamanda

When buying a pot for allamanda, take into account its species characteristics. If the bush grows quickly, the pot should be slightly spacious. If allamanda grows slowly, the height of the container should be at least half the length of the bush. The diameter of the container for compact bushes is approximately 0.2 m, for large - 0.5 m. Drainage holes are required at the bottom of the pot.


Allamanda will develop well in a fertile loose substrate with neutral acidity. Soil suitable for violets is well suited for her. You can prepare the substrate at home from a mixture of one portion of spruce bark, perlite and coal powder and two portions of leaf and garden earth.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

From May to the first half of September, the plant is fed and fertilized. Once every 30 days, apply a universal mineral product for home flowers, diluted in half. Top dressing is combined with evening watering. After the procedure, allamanda is kept for 24 hours in a shaded place.

Allamander transplant

Allamanda is transplanted every spring in the spring to enhance its development. But such a periodicity of the procedure is mandatory only for young plants.

Mature transplant less frequently, after 2.5 years, when their roots completely cover the entire earthen lump. 21 days after the transplant, the plant can be fed.

Pruning allamanda

Allamanda at home grows well. To make the bush look neat, after flowering is completed, allamanda is trimmed, during which the overgrown shoots are cut in half. Remove dried and weak twigs and wilted buds.

Some gardeners combine pruning with transplanting. After replanting a flower in spring, it is cut in half. Pruning helps prepare the plant for the next flowering.

Rest period

From mid-October to the second half of February, the rest period of the allamanda passes. At this time, the plant is kept cool (at a temperature not exceeding + 14 ° C), it is not fed, and it is rarely watered. It is also important to protect the flower from the draft.

Allamanda breeding

At home, breeding allamanda is possible in two ways:

Growing allamanda from seeds

Spend in the second half of February. Seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate, then sown in soil at a distance of 40 mm from each other, deepening by 0.5 cm. Germinate under the film in heat, periodically aerating and watering seedlings. Usually after 60 days shoots appear. Then the film is removed, and when 3 true leaves appear, the plant is transplanted into separate containers.

Propagation of allamanda by cuttings

Spend in the spring, cutting off fragments 10 cm long from strong branches. It is treated with a solution of a stimulator of root formation and planted in the ground under a plastic cup, making several holes on it so that condensation does not accumulate. The appearance of the leaves will indicate the rooting of the plant. When the leaves grow, the stalk is transplanted into a small pot.

Vegetative propagation is faster and easier, therefore, it is often used.

Diseases and Pests

For various reasons (more often due to improper care), allamanda is affected by diseases and pests, as changes in the appearance of the plant tell:

  • allamanda leaves curl - the plant is cold (rearrange in a warm place);
  • allamanda does not bloom - irregular pruning, nutritional deficiency, a little light (regularly cut, feed, rearrange in a brighter place);
  • allamanda is drooping - lack of moisture in the heat or excessive watering during dormancy; the plant is cold (adjust watering; rearrange in a warmer place);
  • allamand leaves turn yellow - lack of nutrients, little light (feed; rearrange in a lighter place);
  • allamand leaves turn black - excess watering in cold weather (rearrange in a warm place, treat the plant with fungicide; transplant or propagate by cuttings);
  • the plant is pulled - insufficient lighting, lack of nutrients (rearrange in a brighter place, feed).

Sometimes allamanda is attacked by whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites. From them, the plant is first bathed in the shower, then treated with an insecticide.

Types of allamanda home with photos and names.

Under natural conditions, about 15 species of allamanda are found. Indoor grown species

Allamanda laxative (Allamanda cathartica)

A long vine with thin shoots. Large (up to 0.14 m) elongated oval leaves on the shoots are opposite. The lower part of the leaf plate is velvety. At the ends of the branches, golden funnel-shaped flowers are formed, snow-white at the base.

Popular varieties and forms of allamanda

Allamanda black-leaved (Allamanda nerifolia)

Tall shrub. Leaf plates are lanceolate. The flowers are small (up to 40 mm) funnel-shaped. Painted in a bright lemon color, the pharynx is “decorated” with stripes of ripe orange color.

Allamanda violet (Allamanda violacea)

Long vine with curly brittle shoots. Red-violet flowers arranged in pairs. It blooms throughout the summer.

Allamanda is called the Jungle Bell. A plant that combines a spectacular look with a simple form brings comfort and joy to the house, filling it with sunlight.

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