Soleirolia - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Soleirolia (Soleirolia Gaud) is among the herbaceous, perennial, groundcover plants. Belongs to the Urticaceae family. The homeland of saltworks is the tropical rainforests of Corsica, Sardinia and Mallorca. Semi-transparent stalks of the ampel type reach a height of 10 cm and, growing, cover the soil with a thick carpet.

The root system is superficial, in addition, numerous aerial roots form in the internodes. The leaves are tiny, not more than 5 mm, paired on thin, short petioles. Leaf blades of a rounded or teardrop shape, for which the plant is called - baby tears.

Also see how to grow a sawing plant.

High growth rate.
It rarely blooms in room conditions.
Easy to grow plant.

Where to put salioli

Despite the fact that saliolysis is among the photophilous plants, prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to a loss of decorativeness, curl of the leaves and a change in their color. She feels good in slightly shaded places and even in the shade.

Soleoli can be located at the eastern, northern and western windows, in any corner of the room where natural light enters. If there is insufficient lighting, the bush will lose splendor.

Soleoli: home care. Briefly

The key to success in growing plants is to maintain a favorable microclimate:

Temperature modeThe optimum summer air temperature is within + 20-23 ° C, in winter - not lower than + 10 ° C.
Air humiditySoleoli at home needs high humidity.
LightingModerate bright light without direct sun, partial shade.
WateringAbundant watering in summer and moderate in winter is recommended.
Soil for soilSoil is chosen breathable, fertile, with a high content of humus.
Fertilizer and fertilizerThe most effective liquid organic top dressing with a frequency of 15-20 days.
TransferSoleoli at home needs to be transplanted as the decorative effect is lost.
BreedingReproduction is carried out by dividing the bush or by cuttings in the spring.
Growing FeaturesPractice growing in wet in terrariums and bottle gardens.

Caring for salt in the home. In detail

Growing plants is available even to beginners, but the rules of maintenance must be followed.


The saltworks plant at home practically does not bloom. In rare cases, small white flowers appear in the internodes, consisting of a bunch of silver stamens and a pistil. Seeds ripen in tiny seed boxes, but they are rarely suitable for propagation.

Temperature mode

For normal growth and tillering, the plant needs moderately warm weather with a temperature not exceeding + 26 ° C. If the temperature rises above, then it is necessary to increase watering and spray more often. You can wait out the heat in a cool room or outdoors in the shade.

In winter, the plant is placed away from heating appliances. A signal to lower the temperature is excessive stretching of the stems. At temperatures below + 8-10 ° C, conditions are created for the development of diseases and death of the plant.

Attention! To prevent burns, spraying is not carried out under the influence of active sunlight.


To create optimal humidity using all known methods. Caring for salinity at home involves spraying from one to several times during the day. Sprayed in the summer and winter, with a warm content (above +20 ° C). In cold conditions, spraying is carried out less often or not at all if the plant is placed for wintering.


Excess sunlight can do more damage to the plant than shading or shade. When grown on the southern windowsill in the summer heat, homemade salinolysis may die. But even with a constant lack of light, the shoots become thinner, the leaves are smaller, the crown loses its splendor and attractiveness.

Given this circumstance, in conditions of short daylight hours, it is recommended to carry out additional artificial lighting.

Watering Saline

Features of this culture require constant maintenance of the soil in a slightly wet state. Drying of the soil immediately leads to a deterioration in the condition of the plant and its appearance. Systematic drying of an earthen coma leads to death. The frequency of irrigation and the amount of water directly depend on the season, ambient temperature, soil composition and plant age.

Excessive watering, stagnation of water, especially in cold weather, can also cause irreparable harm and lead to the death of the plant, as they contribute to the development of putrefactive processes. It is better to moisten the overgrown bushes in the lower way, periodically placing the pot in a container with warm, settled water. After the soil is completely saturated with moisture, the plant is rearranged on a pallet or, if necessary, excess water is removed.

Pot for salt production

To create a spectacular hat, use low, wide pots with drainage holes. If the plant is supposed to be suspended, a cache-pot is more suitable. Ceramic containers contribute to good air exchange, plastic - better retain moisture. It is important that it is convenient to control the level of humidity.


Soleoli at home is grown in soil for ornamental - deciduous crops or palm trees with a neutral level of acidity. You can prepare a mixture of available components, taken in equal amounts: turf and leaf soil, sand and humus.

The nutrient substrate may consist of turf land and peat. Adding a small amount of pebbles or expanded clay will improve water permeability. Experienced growers grow salt hydroponics.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Soil fertility must be replenished during the active growing season every 15-20 days. Top dressing is carried out in liquid form and combined with watering. Complex mineral fertilizers for decorative leafy flowers or liquid organic ones like peat oxidate are suitable.


With age, the bush loses its attractiveness, so transplantation of salinology allows you to improve nutrition and at the same time rejuvenate the plant. Spend it in the spring every 2-3 years. At the bottom of a wide pot, 2-3 cm of any drainage material is poured, and then wet soil. Young plants are transplanted whole, old ones by dividing the bush.


Soleirolia is grown as a groundcover; its constant pruning is not required. Most often, hygienic trimming of damaged, diseased shoots or spring thinning is carried out in order to stimulate the growth of the remaining ones.

By trimming the bush, you can give the desired shape.

Rest period

Soleoli does not really need a rest period, but in winter it is better to place it in a cool room and reduce watering. At high temperature, the stems stretch very much.

Propagation of saline by dividing the bush

Part of the adult bush during transplantation is carefully separated along with the root system. It is slightly buried in moist soil, in a new container. A few days are not watered, but only sprayed. With this method, the engraftment takes place quickly, the main thing is to prevent the soil from drying out.

Propagation of solyoli by cuttings

Healthy cuttings with aerial roots are selected and placed in water or nutrient soil. Several cuttings are planted in one container. Rooted in a warm room, covered with polyethylene or a transparent cap.

Diseases and Pests

Improper conditions of detention lead to diseases and worsening of the state of salinity:

  • The stalks of salinity turn brown and rot. The reason is excessive moisture with a lack of light and low temperature.
  • The shoots are pulled leaves turn pale in low light.
  • The tips of the shoots dry out at low humidity.
  • The stems of the plant are stretched in winter at high temperature, even in good light.
  • Salting leaves when drying an earthen coma.

Salioli is sometimes attacked by a spider mite.

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Watch the video: Soleirolia soleirolii Baby Tear Care and Propagation with 45 days Update (October 2024).