Growing honey mushrooms at home


You can grow mushrooms in the country, at home and in the garden. They will not lose their taste, aroma from this, if you adhere to the planting technology.

What mushrooms can you grow yourself?

Houses are planted summer and winter mushrooms. Preference is usually given to the first option, since it does not require a lot of cash costs and space. But you can plant the summer mushrooms yourself, but it just won’t work out on the windowsill, you will need rooms like a hangar or basement.

Seed and technology for its production

Honey mushrooms are grown in two ways (depending on the seed), it is either a fruit body, i.e. old mushrooms, or mycelium.

First technology step by step:

  • hats are removed (usually they have a circumference of about 8 cm, with a dark brown tone from the inside);
  • the material is placed in a container of water and soaked for a day (without washing and straining);
  • hats are crushed to a state of gruel;
  • the resulting is passed through a gauze cloth;
  • the liquid is poured into a glass vessel and used for inoculation;
  • grooves are made on stump wood or logs, the resulting slurry is poured into them;
  • the grooves are covered with sawdust.

The planting method from such seed is used at any time of the year in a closed building.

Mycelium is a mycelium, from which mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms are grown. You can find it in the forest in the fall:

  • the mycelium is divided into pieces 2 * 2 cm;
  • holes are made on the sides of the hemp;
  • pieces of mycelium are laid in connectors and covered with moss;
  • from above the holes are wrapped with polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions;
  • with the onset of frost, the mycelium is covered with coniferous branches;
  • if the planting stump is in an open area, it is protected from excess moisture: it is cleaned of a snow embankment;
  • spruce spruce branches, polyethylene and moss are harvested in June for the summer, at the end of September - for the winter.

The advantage of growing from such a material: it can be kept outdoors.

Prerequisites for Growth

Home mushroom picker is being built at home, in the basement, on the balcony, in the garden.

  • temperature from +10 to +25;
  • humidity 70-80%;
  • mushrooms do not tolerate bright light, they need twilight;
  • heating in winter; cooling in summer;
  • ventilated area: ventilation or open windows.

It is necessary to comply with sanitary standards so that fungi do not infect diseases and insects. If you follow all the rules, then there will be no problems with the cultivation.

Methods for growing honey mushrooms

  • on logs or stumps;
  • in bags in the basement;
  • in the greenhouse (suitable for summer residents);
  • in three-liter jars.

Each mushroom picker can choose the most acceptable and least expensive method for him.

On the logs

The log is taken moist with bark, but not rotten. If the material is dry, it is immersed in water for 2-3 days. After that they take it out and let the liquid drain.

There are three methods for breeding mushrooms:

  1. Make grooves with a depth of 1 centimeter, a length of 4. The distance between them is 10-12 centimeters. Insert mycelium sticks with clean hands. Top wrapped with polyethylene with several holes for air circulation. The log is transferred to twilight. Temperature - +20 degrees, the room should be humid. Mushrooms will begin to germinate in 3-4 weeks.
  2. On the street in the shadow dig holes with a depth of 15 cm. After watering, sticks with mushroom mycelium are placed in a horizontal position in them. So that honey agarics do not kill the snails, around the holes sprinkle soil with wood ash. As soon as the soil dries, it is watered. In cold weather, the log is covered with leaves.
  3. A log with mushroom mycelium is placed in a barrel with soil. It is placed on the balcony at a temperature of +10 to +25 degrees.

The planting of mycelium is best done in April-May or in August.

On the stumps

One of the easiest methods. Stumps from rotten trees or logs are suitable for sowing.

Landing is done in warm weather, but not in the heat. The mushroom picker is cut directly with a piece of wood.

Growing honey mushrooms on stumps is easy. They make grooves in them and lay pieces of mycelium there one or two centimeters in size. The recesses are covered with sawdust. Watered the soil around.

The stump should be in a darkened room or outside in the shade. He is kept at home in the basement or on the balcony, but away from the light.

In the greenhouse, basement

Stumps, logs, logs, blocks with mycelium or liquid with spores are moistened and placed in a greenhouse. Wood is watered so that it does not dry out. In the greenhouse, honey mushrooms are bred in banks or bags. Harvest appears from May to September.

It is recommended to use substrate blocks by buying them in a store or by cooking them yourself. Compost is used as a filler.

The material is placed in a damp place. At the first stages they cover with straw, moisturize regularly. After a while, it is taken out to the site and buried.

When breeding honey mushrooms in basement conditions, it is recommended to use bags filled with sawdust for sowing.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A package of 2-5 l is filled with dried sawdust 200-500 g. The material is taken from pine or any deciduous tree (with the exception of oak).
  2. Germination soil for 30% consists of barley, oats, barley, buckwheat or sunflower husk. A teaspoon of chalk is added to the substrate.
  3. All components are mixed and placed in water for 60 minutes.
  4. In the same water they undergo sterilization for a quarter of an hour by boiling.
  5. Excess water is poured, the mixture is put on low heat in the oven for 20 minutes.
  6. The material must be wet. It is laid out in equal parts on packages of polyethylene with good density.
  7. The mycelium is divided into pieces of 20 g. They are laid out on top of the substrate with clean hands.
  8. From above everything is covered with cotton. The package is tied.

The temperature in the basement is from +12 to +20 degrees. It should have good ventilation, heating in the cold.

Month packages should not be touched. Tubercles will appear in them: these are future mushrooms. The packages are untied, the cotton wool is removed. Honey mushrooms grow to the side where the air comes from. In order for the roots (legs) to be short, additional light is needed.

Mr. summer resident recommends to beginners: how to grow mushrooms in the bank?

Even beginners can grow mushrooms in the bank. Capacity is placed on a balcony or a window sill.

Step-by-step technology:

  1. The substrate is prepared from sawdust and bran (3 to 1). Instead, they sometimes use sunflower husks, buckwheat, and corn cobs.
  2. For 24 hours, the substrate is poured with water, squeezed and slightly compacted.
  3. Then they put it in three-liter jars (for 1/2 volume).
  4. Using a long stick (up to 2 centimeters in diameter), recesses are made in the substrate to the bottom.
  5. Cans, along with the substrate, are pasteurized so that mold does not start, for this they are put in a pan with water and boiled for 60 minutes on low heat.
  6. When the contents of the containers cool down to +24 degrees, they are closed with plastic caps, in which holes are made of 2 mm.
  7. Mycelium is introduced through these holes; for this, as a rule, a syringe is used.
  8. Banks are placed in twilight, at a temperature of +20, and preferably +24 degrees.
  9. Mushrooms begin to grow after four weeks. The first seedlings appear after 15-20 days. Immediately after, the can is moved to the window from the north side.
  10. When the mushrooms grow to the lid, it is removed. The neckline is wrapped with a strip of cardboard, thus creating a kind of collar.
  11. Mushrooms must be sprayed with water. As they ripen, they are cut, the legs are pulled out. In their place, another crop will appear after two to three weeks.


Watch the video: Growing Shiitake Mushrooms at Home (October 2024).