Spruce: description, types, planting, diseases and pests


Spruce belongs to the Pine family. This plant is a symbol of Christmas and New Year. The genus includes about 40 species, the most common of which is European spruce.

The height of an evergreen coniferous tree reaches 50 m. The average life span varies from 250 to 300 years.

Description and features of spruce

A distinctive feature of a monoecious tree is harmony. The root system is pivotal for the first 15 years. After the root dies, and its functions go to the surface processes. They diverge by 20 m. This explains the lack of resistance to the wind.

The crown, characterized by a pyramidal or conical shape, is assembled from drooping and horizontally-extended branches. Lateral shoots appear only a few years after planting spruce in open ground.

The characteristic features of trees belonging to the genus of spruce also include gray scaly bark and needle-shaped needles. The first eventually becomes furrowed and thick. Needles can be either flat or tetrahedral.

If the gardener can create favorable conditions for cultivation, no more than 1/7 of the total needles will crumble every year.

Spruce - gymnosperms. Female and male cones are located on the tips of branches. The oblong-cylindrical cones fall only after the seeds have ripened.

Pollination occurs in May, and ripening occurs in October. Fruiting lasts for 10-60 years.

High frost resistance is another distinguishing feature of fir trees. Unfortunately, this applies only to mature trees. Young plants that have been planted in an open area are very sensitive to a sharp decrease in temperature. To protect the tender needles, immature spruce trees are recommended to be planted near larger trees.

Despite the shade tolerance, spruce trees need good lighting. Therefore, undergrowth in non-mixed spruce forests is usually absent.

Selection of planting material

To get a new seedling, you can use several methods:

  • visiting the nursery. They offer grown seedlings planted in containers or dug in the presence of the buyer. The first option is more preferable. This is due to the security of the root system. Acquiring a plant in which it is exposed, is more sensitive to the effects of the external environment;
  • digging in the forest. This option is acceptable if the type and variety of spruce is not of particular importance. The height of the selected tree should be from 1 to 2 m. The seedling is carefully dug. A lump of earth should remain on the roots. Thanks to the "native" soil, spruce quickly adapts to a new place;
  • growing yourself. The first stage is the collection of ripe cones, the second is the preparation of the soil. The soil mixture can be made independently or purchased ready-made composition. It is poured into a container. The last stage is the sowing of seeds according to a certain technology.

Seedlings should be transported by covering with a tarp.

The sooner they are placed on the ground, the better.

Spruce propagation

New trees can be obtained using seeds and cuttings. The latter is popular among amateurs. For rootstock, you can use another coniferous tree. The main condition is its high frost resistance.

Rooting should be done in early spring. The gardener should be in time before the buds swell. As cuttings use stems on which there are smaller twigs. The shoot should have a length of 6-10 cm. After it is cut, it must be treated with a growth stimulator. The optimal landing angle is 30 degrees. The soil mixture is prepared from sand and peat. Instead of the last ingredient, fine perlite can be used. Soil is covered with drainage and turfy soil. The thickness of the first layer should be at least 5 cm, the second - about 10 cm.

To grow spruce in a generative (seed) way, a lot of costs and time are required. At the same time, seed is used that has preserved germination. Seeds are extracted from ripe cones. They are pre-dried. To carry out stratification, peat or dry sand is used. The next step is freezing. In the refrigerator, the seeds are kept for 1-1.5 months. Sowing is carried out in late February and early March. Using this method, the gardener will receive plants that will be characterized by slow growth, low resistance to strong gusts of wind, the scorching sun and excessive humidity.

Varieties of spruce

Spruce trees prefer a cool climate.

The soil is preferably rocky or sandy. Unpretentiousness is expressed in winter hardiness and drought tolerance.

CommonUp to 50 m. The crown of the pyramidal shape is decorated with a pointed apex. Oblong bumps, tetrahedral needles are painted in deep green.AcroconDimensions are compact, plentiful. Fruiting early.
FroburgMedium-sized straight trunks, flowing lush "paws".
OlendorfiWide crown, golden needles, dense branches.
SerbianFlattened needles decorated with silver dashes. High decorative, unpretentious to the soil.Peve TajinFlat surface, dense crown.
CanadianHeight from 25 to 30 m. Dense bluish-green crown, branches directed down. Cones are small in size. In a mature state they are painted in brown.Alberta GlobeGraceful crown. Its surface is provided by tuberosity.
Sanders BlueWith insufficient lighting, the needles become more loose.
KonikaIt was obtained as a result of Canadian selection.
WeepingReaches 50 m. Bluish needles differ in the acute form. Cones are characterized by burgundy color and small size.SnakeGradual growth of skeletal branches.
Bush laysHigh decorativeness due to the variety and richness of shades. Among them are bluish green, blue, silver.
BlueBranches are directed horizontally. It is frost-resistant, resistant to gas contamination. The needles have a blue tint, the bare shoots are painted in bright brown.Herman NauCompact variety, central stem not expressed. Bluish needles.
The bluesMedium-tall, long needles decorated with blue growths.
HoopsieLush crown, height - no more than 12 m.
BlackUp to 30 m. Bluish-green needles are characterized by density. Branches are downy. Unpretentious, winter-resistant.AureaSlow growth, drooping branches.
NanaDense crown, annual growth - up to 5 cm. Contrast color, short needles.
SiberianNarrow conical crown, glossy needles no longer than 3 cm long.GlaukaSlender central stalk, linear-needle needles.
EastDoes not exceed 60 m. The crown is thick. The branches located at the base are raised. Saturated green needles are stiff.AureospicateThe height varies from 10 to 15 m. The growths are colored greenish yellow.
NutanceBranches grow unevenly. Needle needles have a glossy shade. Ripe brown cones.
MariorikaNot more than 30 m. Needles, decorated with silver blotches.MachalaWidth - up to 1 m, needles of silver-blue color.
AyanWinter-resistant, shade-tolerant, unpretentious.Nana CalusA low plant with a rounded crown.

Dates of planting ate

Fir trees are placed in the ground in autumn and spring. The latter option is preferable, since when planting in the indicated period, the seedling will have time to grow stronger by winter. An agricultural event should be held in late April or early September.

High seedlings are recommended to be planted in November or March. The clod of earth left at the roots should be in a frozen state. The need for protection is due to the fact that young plants can suffer from sudden temperature changes. It is also necessary to consider the following nuances:

  • location of branches. The cardinal points are determined based on their number. There are much less branches from the north than from the south;
  • appearance of the root system. The bare processes can die due to overdrying;
  • landing place. In home gardens, decorative varieties are most often planted. Tall and powerful spruce, the so-called large-sized, need more nutrients and moisture. For them, a place should be allocated outside the garden. Otherwise, other cultures will suffer;
  • lighting. Spruce - photophilous plants. A special need for sunlight is characterized by decorative varieties with colored needles.

Technology planting spruce

Fir trees are planted in pre-prepared pits. They should correspond to the following indicators:

  • depth - from 0.5 to 0.7 m;
  • lower and upper diameters - 0.5 m and 0.6 m;
  • the thickness of the drainage layer is not more than 20 cm.

As the latter use crushed stone, supplemented with sand, or broken brick.

The need for drainage may be due to heavy soil and the proximity of groundwater.

The next step is to create a soil mixture. Its composition includes nitroammophoskos, turf land, peat, sand and humus.

The plant is removed from the container immediately before planting. Soil should remain on the roots.

The seedling is placed in a pit in an upright position. The soil should not be tamped. The planted tree is surrounded by an earthen dump. Water is poured into the resulting "container". One seedling accounts for 1 to 2 buckets. After complete absorption, the trunk circle must be covered with peat. Between seedlings should be at least 2 m.

Garden spruce care

Despite the drought tolerance, spruce trees need watering. Its frequency is increased if dwarf and miniature varieties are planted in the infield. The same can be said about seedlings and young trees. If the plants were planted in the winter, they need to be watered no more than once a week. Humidify needles is not recommended.

Feeding is carried out by means of complex fertilizers. They are often combined with growth stimulants. Herbamine, Heteroauxin and Epin are especially popular. It should be noted that only young trees need feeding.

To prevent the defeat of the needles, it is sprayed with Ferravit.

Trimming can be sanitary or decorative. During the first, damaged and dried branches are removed. The second is carried out in order to give the tree a symmetrical shape.

You should also pay attention to lighting. Seedlings shade for several years. In this way, they are protected from the scorching sun.

Preparing for winter and wintering ate

The procedure is quite simple. The last time a tree is watered before the onset of the November frost. Strengthen the trunk circle through the bark. This stage is especially important for young and weakened spruces.

To achieve faster stem lignification, plants in September are fertilized with potassium-phosphorus mixtures. After carrying out this agrotechnical procedure, the need for additional feeding will disappear.

Diseases and Pests

Spruce, like other plants, can be susceptible to harmful insects and diseases. Most often, trees that are weakened due to insufficient or improper care suffer.

ProblemDescriptionControl measures
RustCylindrical vesicles appear on the needles in which spores are located. Needles fly around early. Most often, young plants suffer.Spraying with fungicides, timely removal of weeds.
SchütteThe disease occurs in the spring. The needles on the shoots first change color, and then die off. Her fall occurs at the beginning of next season. A fungus forms on the needles.Elimination of infected shoots, fungicide treatment.
Spider mitesThe parasite activates during a drought. Dots appear on the plant. Another characteristic feature is the web.Preventive spraying with acaricides. They include Floromayt, Flumayt, Apollo, Borneo. Insectacaricides (Akarin, Agravertin, Actellik, Oberon) are used for treatment.
Bark beetlesThe pest damages the bark, as evidenced by a large number of moves.Treatment with the following drugs: Crohn-Antip, Clipper, Bifentrin.
False shieldsThe parasite is protected by a brown shell. The tips of the stems bend and gradually die. The needles take on a brown hue.Compliance with agricultural technology is the best prevention. To enhance the effect, plants are treated with insecticides.
Needle EaterBrownish-yellow caterpillars make rusty clusters on the shoots.Using a solution prepared on the basis of green soap.
SawfliesInsects settle on young trees. Their growth slows down, the stems lose needles.Digging the soil, destruction of nests. Larvae are treated with insecticides, which include Fury, BI-58, Decis.
Root spongeThe root system rots. Brown or brown formations appear in the area of ​​the root neck.Removal of all affected areas, the use of fungicides.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: ate in the landscape

By means of trees, distinguished by longline branches and a pyramidal crown, protective wings and strict alleys are created. Branches form a dense shelter that poorly transmits sunlight. This is used when decorating secluded areas. Large-sized plants are most often planted in large parks. As a result of tapeworm planting, the gardener will receive a uniform landscape composition.

Dwarf spruce trees are characterized by decorativeness and variety. The distinguishing features include the structure of the crown, the color of the needles and size. Such conifers are planted in groups. They are decorated with flower beds, small gardens and slides.

Difficulties with giving conifers the desired shape usually do not arise. Fir trees give in to a haircut. To create a symmetrical and geometrically correct silhouette, it does not take much time.

Dark green spruce is used to decorate regular style gardens and ground areas. Next to them, they are often planted with other conifers. They can be golden, silver and bluish. Around the fir trees, grassy "neighbors" are often planted. Plants should be shade-loving. They include lilies of the valley, ferns, sour acid and astilbe.


Watch the video: How To Identify Problems with Plants & Shrubs - Spruce Trees, etc. (September 2024).