Do-it-yourself dry creek in landscaping


Household territory is often decorated with water bodies. Such a transformation will require impressive material costs. The budget variety of artificial reservoirs are dry streams. Decorating the improvised stream with aquatic plants and natural stone, you will get a skillful imitation of water. It will look good in landscape design, regardless of what the area of ​​the site is.

Dry Stream is a fairly popular element of garden art that came to Western countries from Japan. It was believed that a channel made of natural materials could attract luck, happiness and prosperity. Source:

Dry stream: features of planning and application in landscape design

The dried stream can be simulated using crushed stone, stones and sand. The latter is used to draw the outline. Plants are planted on the shores of the reservoir, their choice is not limited.

The list of advantages of such a structure is quite extensive, it includes:

  • ease of care;
  • minimum costs;
  • quick installation (from 1 to 3 days);
  • preservation of decorativeness throughout the year;
  • absolute safety for households;
  • lack of insects.

Using a dry stream, you can remove water from the drainage system, hide visible defects and communications.

The latter include cables, sewers and pipes. Additional functions of the makeshift channel include separation and visual enlargement of the site.

To succeed, you must be guided by the following recommendations:

  • When developing, the amount of consumables, the terrain and the parameters of the site should be taken into account.
  • A dry stream should correspond to other objects in their external design.
  • As a basis, it is desirable to use stones of different breeds, differing in color and size.
  • To protect the plants from the negative effects of heated stones, the bed should be regularly moistened.
  • Production should be thought out in advance. Beginners can take advantage of ready-made projects or consult with specialists. This will avoid a lot of mistakes.

During the rain, the decorative ornament will turn into a full-fledged stream, the contemplation of which will help to find harmony and peace.

There are no disadvantages of the dry stream, created with all the rules in the country.

What stones are needed for a dry stream

So, to make a dry stream you need stones and pre-sifted sand. There should be no foreign objects or debris in the prepared material. There is no need to avoid sharp contrast, in which case it is acceptable. Thus, it is possible to achieve not only the maximum decorative effect, but also originality.

If you prefer gneiss, basalt and slate, you will get a dry stream of gray-blue hue.

For the embankment in brown and reddish tones you will need granite, marble, limestone. Pebbles and cobblestones coated with waterproof luminous paint can be added to them.

Dry creek ideas

Improvised streams are classified into several types, among them:

  • sinuous - imitation, characterized by frequent changes in the width of the channel;
  • branched is one of the most complex configurations. The stream splits into several streams, which are then combined;
  • cascade, waterfall - the best option for uneven surfaces. The source is made on a hill, gradually going down to the levels below.

Dry streams can vary both in appearance and in the way they are created. The list of the most popular ideas is as follows:

  • A source. In this capacity, a crevice in the rock, a remarkable jug or an original decorated bowl are often used. The dishes are carefully “knocked over”, not forgetting about decorative details, for example, fragments of colored glass, small luminous stones. The composition in any case will turn out unique and spectacular. You will achieve the latter due to the naturalness of the materials used.
  • Jets of sand. Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme. Shades should contrast, but at the same time be combined. Waves you can simulate a rake.
  • Combining multiple sleeves.

In order for the finished composition to create the desired effect, it is necessary to approach its design responsibly. Regardless of which option you choose, the first step is design. In the absence of time, experience and relevant knowledge, you can turn to professionals.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a dry stream

The procedure is quite simple, it includes:

  1. Gathering the necessary information. The gardener should evaluate the scope of work: determine the area of ​​the working area, its location, type of surface and soil properties.
  2. Selection of options. At this stage, you should consider personal preferences, features of the site and budget.
  3. Sketching, budgeting, planning next steps. One of the most important stages. Mistakes made when immortalizing ideas on paper can lead to loss of time, increased costs, disappointment at the sight of the finished composition.
  4. The acquisition of the necessary materials. To frame a dry stream, you should buy or collect sand and large stones. This will avoid dissonance. To lay out the stream itself, you will need flat pebbles. It can be pre-painted in different colors. To extend the life of the decorative element, for the treatment of stones, you need to choose waterproof compounds.
  5. Transferring the sketch to the ground with twine and pegs. The contours of the channel are drawn with sand. After that, you should check the resulting picture with the image on paper and, if necessary, make adjustments.
  6. Preparation of the working area. You will have to get rid of the top layer of the earth (thickness not more than 15 cm) from the specified site, level the bottom and compact the soil. To prevent the growth of plants, without reducing air permeability, it is necessary to cover the future stream with geotextiles.
  7. Laying natural materials. It all depends on your imagination and the type of stones prepared in advance. During the initial processing they must be washed, degreased, dried.
  8. To give the simulation a more natural look, gardeners often make a bridge over a dry stream.

Dry creek decoration

An impromptu stream is decorated with plants. A good solution may be to plant lobelia, pansies, phloxes and buttercups. These plants during flowering will give a dry stream a beautiful view. They are often supplemented with meadowsweet, creeping tenacious, large-leafed brunner, blue fescue, sweet cherry, swimsuits, decorative onions and irises. You should not abuse flowers; a too bright flowerbed will distract attention from a dry stream, making it a secondary object.

In shady places, hosts and ferns are planted. The combination of ground cover and spreading crops makes a dry stream more like a natural element. When choosing plants, one should not forget about their comfort. They should not suffer from unpleasant neighborhoods, insufficient or increased acidity, lack of sunlight and moisture.

Tips for maintaining the beautiful appearance of a dry creek

Now you know how to make a dry stream without resorting to the help of landscape designers. But in order for the stream to retain its decorative effect in the future, it is necessary to follow simple rules:

  • After the snow melts, loosen the ground and feed the plants with fertilizers.
  • Inspect a dry stream, remove debris, excess sand and soil.
  • Timely eliminate moss. Otherwise, the channel will take on a sloppy look.
  • Regularly adjust the boundaries of the creek. They lose clarity due to mechanical stress and weather conditions.


Watch the video: 100 SUPER EASY DRY CREEK LANDSCAPING IDEAS YOU CAN MAKE. DIY Garden (October 2024).