Gina Tomato: a promising variety from Holland


Choosing tomato seeds for planting, almost every gardener first of all pays attention to the characteristics of the variety. After all, I want to grow a productive, disease-resistant and unpretentious variety. And sometimes breeders really create varieties that meet almost all the wishes of gardeners. Here, for example, Dutch experts brought out Gin's tomato, which in a short time became known throughout the tomato world. And the variety is good in that the harvest will grow from the collected seeds next year, which is in no way inferior to last year.

Description of Gina Tomato

An outstanding achievement in the field of tomato breeding is considered to be the variety Gina. The popularity of the variety in our country is evidenced by the fact that several well-known selection and seed-growing companies of the country are engaged in the sale of Gina seeds at once:

  • Gavrish;
  • A successful harvest;
  • Sedek;
  • Aelita.

Gene Tomato Seeds - Featured Product

Gina is a low, or determinant plant, up to 60 cm high. In greenhouse conditions, growth is slightly higher - 80 cm. The plant does not belong to the standard, but differs in a strong structure. In the process of growth independently forms 3 stems, which is why the bush looks sprawling. The oblivion is average.

Gina is a small but strong plant

The first fruit brush is formed after 8 to 9 leaves. And then they are tied in 1 or 2 sheets. Up to 5 fruits can be tied in one brush.

Gin tomato fruit brush carries up to 5 pretty fruits

The fruits are rounded and slightly flattened. Sometimes a slight ribbing is noticeable. The size is quite large - 200 - 250 g, sometimes 300-gram fruits are found. Ripened tomatoes are painted in bright red color. The peel is very durable. Gina is valued for its fleshy, juicy and aromatic flesh. The dry matter mass in fruits reaches 5%. The taste of tomatoes is sweet, although a small sourness is still caught.

Gin tomato pulp juicy and fleshy, taste - fine

Video: Gina variety tomato review


A set of excellent characteristics of the Gin variety has made it popular not only in our country. Gardeners in Europe and Asia appreciate these tomatoes.

  1. From the moment of emergence of seedlings and until the ripening of the first fruits, 110-120 days pass. Therefore, Gina is a mid-early variety.
  2. Gina is very productive. From the bush you can get up to 3 kg of fruits, and from 1 m² remove from 7 to 10 kg. In the greenhouse, productivity increases.
  3. Stretched fruiting. Fruits are tied and ripen gradually.
  4. A dense peel is an undoubted plus of the variety, because thanks to it, tomatoes are well stored and can withstand transportation without losing commercial quality.
  5. The fruits of universal use. Health benefits come from salads with fresh tomatoes. The variety makes wonderful juice, ketchup and tomato paste. Strong peel allows preserving fruits.
  6. The variety can be successfully grown both in open and in closed ground.
  7. Gina's immunity is excellent. The variety is resistant to fusarium, late blight, root rot and other diseases.
  8. The variety is plastic; it adapts well to environmental conditions. This makes it possible to grow it in all regions of Russia.
  9. It does not require pinching, which makes gardener labor easier.
  10. Gina is not a hybrid, but a varietal tomato. This allows you to independently collect seed material and plant it for the next year.

If ripe Gin tomatoes are rolled up in sterilized jars, then the shelf life can be extended up to 3 months. But you need to store such cans in a cold place in the complete absence of sunlight, for example, in a refrigerator or basement.

The original storage recipe allows you to save tomatoes for 3 months

Advantages and disadvantages of the Gina variety - table

Beautiful appearance and taste of fruitsTolerates sudden changes
When storing and transporting tomatoes not
lose their presentation
Universal use of fruits
They have excellent immunity in
in particular to late blight, fusarium and
root rot
You can collect seeds from ripe fruits
No stepson required

Thanks to the dense skin, Gin tomatoes do not lose their marketable appearance

Comparison of varieties Gin and Gin TST

A tomato with a very similar name recently appeared on the market - Gina TST. It is not a clone or a hybrid. This is a completely different variety belonging to the Russian selection. In the description of the characteristics of the two varieties there are similar features, but there are also differences:

  • Gina TST matures a little earlier than Gina;
  • also suitable for all regions of Russia, and recommended by the State Register for cultivation in the open ground and under film shelters;
  • bush of Gina TST of determinant type;
  • the fruit is round, loose and slightly ribbed;
  • weight - 200 g;
  • the number of seed nests can be up to 6;
  • the taste is excellent;
  • thin peel does not allow storing and preserving tomato;
  • productivity indoors - up to 6 kg from 1 m².

Comparative characteristics of the varieties Gin and Gin TST - table

GradeGinaGina TST
Ripening period110 - 120 days110 days
Fetal mass200 - 300 g100 - 200 g
Fruit colorBright redRed orange
FormationNot requiredIs required
The purpose of the fetusUniversalDining room
ProductivityUp to 10 kg from 1 m²Up to 6 kg from 1 m²
Well kept and
tolerates transportation
Does not tolerate transportation
and poorly kept

Grade Gina TST, despite the external similarity, has a slightly different characteristic

Features of growing Gina variety

Since Gina can be grown in open ground, under film shelter and in a greenhouse, planting methods can be different.

  • the seed method is used exclusively in the southern regions;
  • seedlings - in cooler ones.

By the way, it is the seedling method that is popular in all regions, even the southern ones, because it allows you to get an earlier crop. And for the Gin variety, this is important, since the ripening period of the fruits is stretched, and can last until the coldest. Tomatoes planted with seedlings give the bulk of the crop much earlier.

Seed way

Sow seeds only in heated soil. Before sowing, they are soaked. For planting, choose the sunniest place, since Gina will not grow in the shade. Dig shallow holes, in which some wood ash is added. Seeds should be buried by 2 cm. To protect the soil from drying out, the garden bed is covered with agrofibre or film. In addition, the shelter creates favorable conditions for the rapid germination of seeds.

Several seeds are sown at once in one well, so that the strongest seedling is left

Seedling method

Seeds are sown in seedlings at the end of March. In the southern regions, sowing is done somewhat earlier so that seedlings do not outgrow. Preliminary preparation, in addition to soaking, does not require seed material. After the appearance of 1 - 2 true leaves, seedlings dive into separate containers. In the process of growth, seedlings are fed 2-3 times.

Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place at the age of 50 days. The soil should warm up to 15 ° C. Suitable conditions usually occur in May, and in the southern regions at the end of April. If weather conditions are unstable, seedlings are planted under temporary shelter.

If tomato seedlings have grown, they bury it lying down, with their roots to the south

Shaping and Garter

There is no need to form and pinch the bush, breeders took care of this. The plant independently forms 3 to 4 shoots, due to which the load on the bush becomes uniform.

If Gina pluck all the side shoots below the first fruit brush, then you can get the crop ahead of schedule.

Due to the short stature and strong structure, the bush can not be tied. Often, Gina shoots are allowed to simply sink to the surface of the soil, which helps preserve moisture in the roots. But such an experiment can only be carried out in the southern region, where precipitation is extremely rare in summer. Many gardeners still recommend tying up fruit brushes. This will protect the fruits from possible spoilage due to increased dampness, and keep the tomatoes clean.

Despite the stunting, Gene is still better to tie up, so the bed will look neater and the fruits will not get dirty

Planting scheme and how to protect bushes from thickening

The plant, although low, but rather sprawling. Therefore, from 1 to 3 bushes are planted on 1 m². Landing pattern may look like this:

  • the distance between the bushes is 50 cm;
  • aisles are placed after 65 - 70 cm.

To protect Gina from thickening and provide the fruits with maximum lighting, you need to remove all the leaves that obscure the ripening tomatoes.

Watering and feeding

Gina prefers moderately moist soil, which is provided by infrequent, but plentiful watering. If the soil is excessively moistened, the quality of the fruit suffers. They become watery, there is a prerequisite for the development of fungal diseases. With insufficient watering, when the earth dries out strongly, there is a danger of falling ovaries.

Approximate watering schedule - 1 time per week. But it must be adjusted by the presence or absence of precipitation. Irrigation rate - 7 - 8 liters under the bush. So that when moistened, water does not cause a burn of green parts of the plant, watering is carried out in the evening. If it is cloudy outside, you can water it during the day.

When the bushes of Gina blossom or the fruits began to be tied up on them, watering should become more plentiful.

When the tomato begins to bloom and set fruit, it is time for plentiful watering

When seedlings are planted, nutrients must be added to the hole:

  • 1 tsp phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, for example, superphosphate;
  • 1 tsp ashes.

Nitrogen is not recommended during planting - this element can reduce the immunity of a tomato. But ash is necessarily used, as it contains potassium, which increases immunity. Otherwise, fertilizing fertilizer for tomato Gin is no different from a similar procedure for other varieties.

On Gin, a large number of ovaries are tied to prevent them from falling off, and the bush is treated with a solution of boric acid. For this, 1 g of boric acid is dissolved in hot water (but not boiling water). Spraying is carried out when the solution has completely cooled. For processing choose either evening or morning hours. The consumption rate is 1 liter per 10 m².

Boric acid is a very useful drug, as it is involved in many important processes in the tomato from the moment of planting.

How to protect Gina from diseases and pests

Prevention is the key to successful cultivation. Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, despite the good resistance of the Gin variety to diseases, it is recommended to carry out a treatment that prevents the development of the disease on time.

The first treatment of seedlings is performed 2 weeks after planting in the ground. And then repeat the procedure every 14 to 15 days. Each gardener probably has a list of drugs, the reliability of which he does not doubt. Well, for beginners, we’ll make a hint:

  • from fungal infections, the most common are copper sulfate and Bordeaux liquid;
  • systemic drugs acting not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the plant, include Quadris and Ridomil Gold;
  • You can use biological fungicides - Haupsin, Trichodermin or Fitosporin.

With respect to pests, Gene is less stable. Aphids, wireworms, teddy bears, larvae of the May and Colorado potato beetles can be especially dangerous. For the purpose of prevention, various means can be used:

  • folk - infusions of plants with a pronounced smell, for example, garlic or wormwood. From aphids, a decoction of onion husks helps;
  • chemical - Ratibor, Confidor or Decis-pros will help cope with the invasion of aphids.
    • the wireworm and larvae of the May beetle will not resist the Antichrush or Bazudin;
    • the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle will not survive the treatment by Decis, Corado or Confidor;
    • very dangerous bear. The pest is practically not visible on the surface, so the granules of Medvetox or Rembek granules are buried under the bush.

It’s difficult to find the bear, since during the day it hides underground, but at night you can hear it - it makes rattling sounds resembling a cricket

Features of growing in a greenhouse

Of course, it’s better for Gin to land on an open bed under the bright sun. But in cold regions, such conditions are hardly possible. Therefore, the variety is grown in a greenhouse, where its care varies somewhat.

  1. Watering control should be stricter. Indeed, in a closed ground, the soil dries much more slowly than in an open bed.
  2. Periodic ventilation is needed to help prevent moisture from rising.
  3. The greenhouse Gina will have greater growth, which means she must be tied up.

The rest of the care is carried out in the same way as in the open ground.

Reviews about tomato Gina

All confirm, the fruits are quite large, not cracked and tasty.



I cultivated a variety of Gin for a long time and I wouldn’t say that it is quite well suited for whole-canning. The fruit is quite large, it tastes good, I do not argue. But in order to drive it into the bank is a rather problematic task. I practically didn’t have any trifles on it, we only let it into the pickle, it is dense and fleshy. Under adverse weather conditions, the variety is affected more quickly than others by late blight, so I refused it. But if it is a warm summer, then Gin always has a great harvest. Tomatoes like stones are heavy. I like.

Petrov Vladimir


Gina was grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Northwest of the Tver region. A good harvest of large tasty fruits !!!

a guest


I just had Gina! Fruited well, not moody and tasty in og



For early consumption and preservation - Gina, Tests F1. But Gin’s taste is not very good, but in late June - early July there is no alternative to tasty ones.



What makes Gin tomato a popular variety among gardeners is unpretentiousness, productivity and taste. Even a novice gardener can grow wonderful fruits. Plant care is simple even in closed ground conditions. Another variety is good because it is universal in use. You can enjoy plenty of fresh tomatoes and make preparations for the winter.


Watch the video: Tomato Basil Cream Sauce - aka Pasta a la Gina (October 2024).