Home-grown rose in a pot - care, cultivation and reproduction, photo


Home Rose (Rose) - a beautifully flowering shrub from the family Rosaceae. One of the oldest plants. In the "History" of Herodotus (V c. BC), roses are mentioned from the magnificent gardens at the palace of King Midas. Indoors, a flower has been grown since the 19th century. Domestic rose - a perennial plant, grows up to 65 cm.

Compact bushes from 15 cm high are popular and convenient for indoor growing.. With good lighting and a sufficient amount of moisture it develops intensively. It blooms from the end of March, up to 3 times a year for 2, 5 weeks.

In autumn, the bush prepares for hibernation and blooms not as magnificent as in spring, but autumn flowers also delight with an elegant look and delicate aroma. With good additional lighting, winter flowering is possible.

Average growth rate.
It blooms from the end of March, up to 3 times a year for 2, 5 weeks
The plant is grown with little difficulty.

Useful properties of homemade roses

Domestic rose is a valuable raw material for the preparation of therapeutic agents that improve the functioning of the whole organism. Petals are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Of these, infusions, decoctions, ointments, teas, extracts are prepared. Applied in cooking and winemaking.

Rose oil improves immunity, restores cells, and is used in cosmetology and perfumery. Inhaling the aroma calms and relaxes. The contemplation of a blooming rose causes aesthetic pleasure.

Caring for a rose at home (briefly)

A rose at home develops beautifully if the conditions of its maintenance are met.

TemperatureIn summer - no higher than + 26 ° C, in winter - cooler, within + 6 - 16 ° C.
Air humidityMedium, 50%, is maintained by spraying the underside of the leaves.
LightingAllows direct sunlight for several hours a day.
Watering rosesWhen the soil dries out at 2, 5 cm - in the winter - 1, and in the summer - 2 - 3 times in 7 days.
PrimingNeutral or slightly acidic flower soil; independently prepared from sand (perlite), peat and humus (1: 2: 2).
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom spring to autumn - with complex liquid fertilizers after watering (once every 14 days), you can use organics.
Rose transplantWhen the roots fill the pot; young bushes - every year, in a new pot of a larger (2.5 cm) size, adults - as they grow, in the same pot, pruning the roots.
BreedingFrom August to March - rooting in the mixture of sand and peat tops or cuttings from the middle parts of shoots (temperature + 18 - 20 ° C).

Caring for a rose is simple, but there are features of growing a rose. To get beautiful bushes, they are regularly cut - after flowering and in the spring. In the summer, air baths are useful for the plant, they take it out to the garden or to the balcony (choose a place protected from draft).

Caring for a rose at home. In detail

The flower that has been decorating southern gardens for thousands of years has been successfully cultivated for the last 200 years as a houseplant. A rose at home will develop harmoniously if it is surrounded by attention and care.

Flowering rose home

Blooming roses - a beautiful and long sight. On long stems, decorated with glossy green leaves with serrated edges, delicate flowers are formed with velvety petals painted in different colors.

Rose at home - an impregnable beauty, guarding its charm, covers the stems with thorns. But this protection does not interfere with admiring the beauty of the plant and enjoying its fragrance. Flowering shrubs begins in late March and passes in waves. In experienced gardeners, the rose blooms three times during the year.

To stimulate the appearance of new flower buds after graduation flowering by 7 - 10 cm shorten the shoot with a peduncle or pruned faded flowers with peduncles. Soon, new flowers appear at the cutting sites. In the autumn they are formed less, and in size they are smaller than spring roses. In order for the home rose to bloom in winter, an additional bright backlight is installed.

The rest period of the rose

The domestic rose blooms luxuriantly during spring and summer, conscientiously giving out strength. But like any living thing, she needs rest. The dormant period of a rose falls in the winter. At this time, it stops growing and does not bloom, sometimes losing leaves.

In order for the plant to rest and fully restore its strength, it is kept in a cool room at a temperature of about 0 ° C, after shortening the shoots to 15 - 10 cm.

Watering does not stop, but do it no more than 1 time in 7 days.

Temperature mode

Home rose - a delicate flower. In order for the leaves to be elastic and the rose to bloom beautifully, home care requires observing the temperature regime. The plant is much easier to tolerate cool than heat. Above + 26 ° C, it can shed leaves or buds.

To cool the bush, it is sprayed. In winter, the flower can be kept on an insulated loggia or simply brought closer to the window glass. The temperature from + 6 - 16 ° C the home rose tolerates well. At this time, watering is reduced to avoid root decay. It is important to regularly air the bush, but it should be kept away from the draft.


Rose home is responsive to spraying. The procedure is carried out with standing tepid water or a fertilizer solution (you can take the "Cascade").

Spraying is useful for the prevention of certain diseases of roses, as foliar top dressing and to maintain air humidity in hot weather within 50%. The lower part of the leaf is sprayed with a spray gun without falling onto the buds. Do it in the evenings or in cloudy weather: it is important that bright leaves do not get bright sunlight.


Proper lighting is very important for flowers. A home rose should receive up to 5 hours of direct sunlight per day. It is good if the window on which the plant is placed faces west, southwest or east. But with the rays of the sun, one must also be careful: constant exposure to the sun can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

In order for the bush to form symmetrically, not stretch out and be beautiful, it is periodically turned over on the windowsill, substituting different sides of the flower to the light. Sometimes in the spring a rose is planted in open ground. In this case, the first time it is covered with non-woven material, so that it is better taken root and does not freeze.

Watering roses

Home rose is a moisture-loving culture, but watering will only benefit if there is no stagnation of moisture. So that the water does not stagnate in the pot, you need good drainage and loose soil. Only then can the roots "drink" and absorb nutrients.

In summer, usually watered up to 3 times, and in winter - once a week. But, to make sure that watering is necessary, a dry stick is immersed in the ground and, if the earth is dry at 2, 5 cm, watered (it is important to prevent more or less drying of the soil). For irrigation take lukewarm, settled water.

Soil for roses

Soil for roses needs loose, breathable and fertile. House rose prefers a soil mixture with a neutral or weak acidity level (pH from 6 to 7, 5). In the store they buy a substrate for flower plants and improve it with sand (perlite).

You can make the soil yourself by taking 3 parts of garden soil and humus for 1 part of sand (another option: 2 parts of peat and humus for 1 part of sand). At the bottom of the pot lay a layer of drainage of expanded clay or pieces of brick.

The soil is periodically loosened and mulched after watering.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Fertilizing and fertilizing are necessary for the vegetation of the plant. From spring to autumn, a rose is fed 1 time in 14 days with mineral liquid fertilizer for roses (alternating with organic). In autumn, the number of top dressings is reduced. Fertilize with a diluted 2 times concentrated composition after watering.

They make sure that just before flowering, the domestic rose does not receive a lot of nitrogen, otherwise flowering can not wait, but the bush will grow up. Sometimes foliar top dressing is carried out (in cloudy weather or in the evening, without getting on the buds). After the transplant, they feed the bush no earlier than 14 days.

Rose transplant

A rose flower at home needs a transplant. Transplantation of young bushes is carried out annually - in a container whose diameter is 2.5 cm larger than the previous one. Adult plants are transplanted as they grow, when the roots cover the entire lump of land.

The roots are shortened a bit to stimulate the appearance of appendages. You can leave the pot the same. After the purchase, the home rose should adapt to new conditions, so it is not immediately transplanted. Work with the plant carefully, taking care not to damage the roots. The planted rose is watered, sprinkled with dry earth and mulched. After 2 weeks, you can feed fertilizer for roses for the first time.

Homemade rose pruning

Pruning of roses is carried out regularly in the spring - after waking up and after flowering. If the bush was not cut for the winter, in the spring the shoots are shortened so that at least 3 buds are preserved (the upper one should look out). If the domestic rose has formed thin shoots directed inward, they are removed. For normal vegetation, it is enough to leave 5 or 6 shoots. After flowering, faded flowers with peduncles are cut. The cut points are sprinkled with chopped coal.

Domestic rose - a plant of medium complexity. But the Queen of Flora needs careful care so that she can fully show her beauty.

Propagation of roses by cuttings

Getting new roses from cuttings is an easy and affordable way to get a new bush. Cuttings are cut from the central part of the faded shoot so that the cut line is at an angle of 45 ° C and 10 mm below the lowest kidney. At least 2 buds and about 10 leaves are left on the handle, the rest are removed.

The cuttings are placed in an inclined position in a wet mixture of sand and peat. At a temperature of about + 19 ° C, rooting takes place in 2 to 4 weeks. Rooted cuttings are planted in the ground carefully so as not to break the fragile roots. The root neck is not buried. After planting, they shade a bit to help adapt in the new environment.

Diseases and Pests

Sometimes a home rose starts to look bad. This suggests that she was attacked by diseases and pests. Common signs of rose damage include:

  • yellow dots on the leaves, yellow and fall leaves of the rose home - attack by a spider mite (increase humidity by spraying and a warm shower; 3 times treated with Fitoverm with an interval of 10 days);
  • white plaque on rose leaves - Damage by black spotting or powdery mildew (sprayed with fungicides, soda solution - 1 tsp. in 500 ml of water or the drug "Skor");
  • leaves and rose buds fall - dry air, little moisture, the rose is hot, reaction to a sharp change of place (sprayed, watered, try to avoid a sharp change of place);
  • the roots of the rose rot - overflow (if all the roots rotted, the plant died; if some of the roots are intact, the damaged ones are removed, the whole are washed in potassium permanganate and transplanted into new soil; they monitor the watering);
  • the stem of a rose rots - defeat the black leg - a fungal disease that is practically not treated, the bush dies;
  • the rose dries - dry air; stands next to the battery; the plant does not absorb nutrition from the soil, because the roots are rotten (spray, monitor watering; rearrange; remove damaged roots);
  • leaves dry, curl and fall off - damage to aphids (remove the affected leaves; wash the plant with green soap, wash it off well after 20 minutes; use "Spark");
  • the stalk turns black or gray, plaques appear - fungal lesions (treated with Fitosporin);
  • sheet plate deformation - viral disease (remove damaged leaves and shoots, improve the conditions of the rose).

A caring flower grower, having bought a plant, will immediately try to create optimal conditions for its development, then many problems can be avoided.

Types of home roses with photos and names

There are many types of homemade roses. It is convenient to grow compact bushes with miniature flowers at home: patio roses (grow in cobbled courtyards and at home), polyanthus (multi-flowered) roses, Kordan roses.

Grade "Baby Masquerade" (Baby Masquerade)

A not wide bush up to 0, 3 m high with branched shoots. There are few thorns. Small dark green leaves. Small flowers form inflorescences of 6 to 10 pieces. During flowering, the color of the petals changes (chameleon flowers) from lemon to pink and red. Subtle smell of fruit. Resistant to disease.

Grade "Angela Rippon" (Angela Rippon)

A miniature bush (height - up to 40 cm) with branched shoots and many flowers formed in inflorescences of 5 pieces. The width of the flowers is up to 4 cm. They have a strong smell. Dark green small leaves. No cropping needed; often fed a little. For prevention, they are treated against black spotting and powdery mildew.

Grade Easter Morning

On thick straight shoots, hard dark green glossy leaves are formed. Gentle-creamy, gustomakhrovye flowers form large inflorescences up to 27 pieces. It blooms almost without interruption. Has a delicate aroma. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases.

Compact bushes of a grade "Fire Princess" (Fire Princess)

The height of compact bushes is up to 40 cm. Branched shoots look up. Glossy green leaves with serrated edges. Terry orange-red flowers on the tops of shoots form inflorescences of 5 pieces. May be affected by powdery mildew, black spotting.

Compact rose bushes are popular with indoor flower lovers. It is convenient to look after them and it is pleasant to watch. Despite the widespread prevalence, the domestic rose continues to remain a flower of unique beauty, to delight and surprise with a variety of species.

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