Amorphophallus: care and growing tips


Amorphophallus is a tuberous plant from the genus Aroid. Its habitat is the flat terrain of the tropics and subtropics. Many species of this family grow on rocks, in secondary forests, and in weeds.


The amorphophallus family has up to one hundred varieties that differ in size and peduncles. They grow from a tuber weighing up to 90 kg, which is active for only six months a year, the rest of the time "rests". Its aerial part is a powerful shoot with a large, dissected leaf and flower.

Types for indoor cultivation

Indoor plants of this genus include only a few species of amorphophallus. The lower part of the cob has many flowers.

The corrugated bedspread is green on the outside and dark red inside, similar to an upturned skirt. At the time of flowering, the temperature of the top of the cob warms up to +40 degrees Celsius, from this exudes an unpleasant smell around, luring pollinators.

The inflorescence ripens for about 30 days, then abruptly opens for one night. After several days of flowering, the integrity of the top of the cob is violated, and the fruits-berries appear on the bottom.

Ripe - the size of a cherry, have a bright orange color. The tuber is huge, up to 90 kg. A leaf of 6 meters in height, with a crown with a diameter of more than 4 meters, dies off after about a year and a half.

ViewDistinctive features
Amorphophallus cognac (river)Ear of lilac hue with a petal coverlet. At the bottom of the peduncle, flowers of both sexes appear. The leaf is green, strongly dissected, resembling an umbrella. In an indoor plant, the inflorescence can be up to 80 cm, the leaf height and crown diameter are no more than 1 meter. The diameter of the tuber is up to 30 cm. The propagation of the flower is carried out by tubers.
Amorphophallus bulbousSpadix up to 30 cm with a petal-veil of pink hue, occasionally with green specks. A juicy green leaf with a pronounced dissection and a hollow petiole. Reproduction is carried out by bulbs. The rest is similar to amorphophallus cognac.
TitaniumIn height, the flower reaches more than 3 meters, weight - 70 kg. Due to its large size, Amorphophallus is titanic grown only in botanical gardens. In the natural environment almost does not grow.
Amorphophallus pioneerSimilar to the titanic, but smaller. According to the development of peduncle, leaf and tubers, cognac is identical to amorphophallus.

Home Care

The plant needs to provide a microclimate resembling its homeland. The flower is unpretentious, tolerant of sudden changes in temperature, drafts, lack of light. Darkness makes the leaves a deep dark green hue with a red stripe at the edges. Under favorable climatic conditions, amorphophallus is placed on the street.

LocationNear a window of a southeast or southwest direction. In the south direction shading is necessary.
LightingBright but diffused light is preferred. During rest, blackout is necessary.
TemperatureDuring the growing season from +20 to +23 degrees, winter rest from +11 to +13. Lower temperatures are detrimental to the plant.
Air humidityHigh humidity is preferred. Regular spraying is required.

Landing, transplantation (step by step)

Amorphophallus replants at the beginning of every spring after the tuber awakens. The capacity should be wider than the tuber, the same in diameter and height. Ceramic pots are preferred since they are more stable.

The main steps for a transplant:

  1. Prepare a new container. Close the drainage hole with a fragment of a ceramic pot.
  2. Fill the container with one-third of the drainage - a mixture of fine expanded clay, coarse sand and brick chips. Add a fresh, disinfected substrate to the middle of the tank.
  3. Prepare the tubers. Clean with a clean pointed knife to healthy tissue. Treat slices with iodine, sprinkle with crushed chalk. Leave to dry for several hours.
  4. Make a small hole in the soil, fill it with sand and immerse one-third of the tuber in it. Add soil to cover the tuber, leaving only a growth point on the surface. Water the flower a little and put in a bright place, but not under direct rays. Add soil as needed.

The soil

Amorphophallus loves loose, fertile soil. You can purchase ready-made soil for the Aroid or prepare the substrate yourself, for example, garden soil and sand in a 4: 1 ratio. It is recommended to add superphosphate 10 g per 1.5 l of substrate.

Watering and feeding

After transplanting, watering is first necessary moderate, after the start of growth - more plentiful.

In the vegetative period - after a slight drying of the topsoil. After awakening, the flower needs a lot of moisture and systematic dressing. When watering and spraying, only soft water of a pleasant temperature is used.

4 weeks after the appearance of the first seedlings, you need to start feeding with an interval of 10 days. A few minutes before dressing, water the plant. Most of all, he needs phosphorus and a little potassium and nitrogen in a ratio of 4: 1: 1. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. From organics, an infusion of rotted cow manure or bird droppings diluted with water is suitable (20: 1).

Periods of flowering and dormancy

Amorphophallus begins to bloom in spring when it wakes up, and continues until a leaf is formed. Flowering period is approximately 14 days. At this time, the tuber is noticeably reduced due to the consumption of nutrients. After flowering is completed, the plant again enters into a short-term “rest” for a month to restore its internal resources and release a young leaf.

Another shoot will grow next year, larger and taller. Dormancy is an indispensable condition for the flowering of amorphophallus. It is necessary for the plant so that the tuber regains strength. During this period, the container with the tuber should be placed in a shaded place, with a temperature from +10 C to +14 C. The frequency of irrigation is reduced.

If pollination occurs during the flowering period, fruits with seeds appear on the lower part of the cob. After their maturation, the plant dies. In home crop production, this is an extremely rare occurrence, since it is very difficult to achieve pollination in an environment unnatural for a flower. Be sure to bloom at least two flowers of the same species in one place.

After the shoot has withered, you can remove the tuber from the soil, peel, cut off the rotted parts, dusting the slices with powdered charcoal, and process in a solution of potassium permanganate, dry. Then wrap in paper and store in a shaded place until the start of the season.

Breeding methods

The flower is propagated in a bulbous and tuberous manner. The processes are separated from the mother tuber, while the plant is "resting". They are washed, kept for several minutes in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, dried and stored until spring in moist sand or wrapped in paper.

The optimum storage temperature is from +10 C to +13 C. In the spring, when new shoots germinate, they are planted in containers. If the mother tuber remains to winter in the soil, then the young are separated in the spring. With bulbs, similar actions are carried out.

It is possible to divide the tuber for reproduction during the awakening period. To do this, it must be cut into several parts according to the number of sprouts, without touching them. Dust the slices with crushed charcoal, air dry and plant in the usual way. During the procedure, use a well-sharpened, clean knife.

Growing difficulties

The main problems of this flower are associated with improper watering. Other errors spoil the decorative look of the sheet.

Diseases, pests

May be affected by aphids or spider mites. To prevent invasion of aphids, a container with a flower should be protected from infected plants. The cause of the spider mite is dry air.

Small white dots appear on the surface of the sheet, and small mites and cobwebs appear on its lower part. To prevent this problem, frequent spraying and increased humidity are required.

Pests can be dealt with using Fitoverm by applying two spraying procedures with an interval of 10 days. This drug will help to get rid of midges that appear on the soil with excess watering. In this case, the preparation is sprayed with soil in a pot.

Mistakes in leaving

Dark spots on the tuber and at the base of the petiole, which quickly blur.Excessive watering or low temperature.
The leaf dries up.Lack of fertilizer or too dry air.
The leaf darkens.Not enough light.
The sheet is covered with bright spots.Sunburn.

Benefit and harm

Amorphophallus perfectly neutralizes toxins, benzenes, phenols and formaldehydes, staphylococci, viruses and harmful bacteria. Staying next to this plant is useful for those who suffer from heart diseases, intestinal cramps, and have biliary tract problems. Sedative and anti-stress substances are released from its leaves into the atmosphere.

In home floriculture, this original plant is rare. In one year, from an exotic flower, it gradually turns into a tree in the shape of an umbrella, resembling a palm tree, and then into a potato tuber.


Watch the video: Amorphophallus konjac Update - Getting Bigger and it's inside now (October 2024).