Aeschinanthus: types and basic rules of care


Aeschinantus is a perennial flower of the Gesnerius family. There are 80-194 species of plants of this type. Eschinanthus belongs to the angiosperms class of plants that have lateral opposite cotyledons in the embryo.

The territories where these flowers can be found are: Asia, India, Indochina, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, East Timor, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Sumatra, Java and China.


Aeschinanthus are epiphytes that use trees as a support, wrapping themselves around them. In northern countries, they are often grown as home flowers in hanging pots and pots. The flower is variegated, that is, some chlorophyll cells do not produce. Therefore, the leaves may be spotty.

Indoor species, their comparison, difference in care

The average flowering period is from summer to autumn. On overhanging shoots up to 50 cm long, inflorescences with large clusters are located. Color can vary from red to burgundy.

TitleDescriptionDifficulty in care
Beautiful, beautiful or magnificentThe most common type, the structure of peduncles is 5-10 flowers, which look like narrow tubes, leaf length up to 10 cm and width up to 3 cm, rather fat, bright green color, and occupy almost the entire area of ​​the stem.Plain.
JeffrolepisTubular bright red corollas with a yellow inside, curly shoots.High, requires the most accurate adherence to all instructions.
LobbaHairy inflorescences of saturated red color, stems elongated with a large number of small leaves of bright green color, the lower part is lighter.Medium, common for eschinanthus. Curls, you need to follow the shoots.
Mona LisaFleshy, expressive green color and disc-shaped leaves, scarlet, curved inflorescence.Low, relatively unpretentious appearance.
TwisterCurled, glossy leaves of dark green color, inflorescences of an asymmetric form of red-orange color.Medium, follow recommendations.
CarolineElongated leaves that curl 8 cm long, dark red bloom.
New GuineaColoring pale pink, green leaves.
RockyThis is the rarest species that has narrowed foliage with wavy edges, elongated lilac-colored flowers.
Tricolor or brindleVariety with a small oval foliage, short red flowers, decorated with longitudinal stripes of burgundy color.
FirebirdBright red flowers.
Marble or long stemIt has decorative foliage, on top there is a dark green color, which is thinned with stripes of a lighter shade, irregular shape, the lower part of the sheet has a marble color with bright brown ornaments, the flowers resemble green tubes. Due to new processes, the plant grows in width.High. Requires more frequent watering.

Basic rules for home care

The main conditions are sufficient amounts of light, high humidity, and the absence of drafts.

Every four years, the plant must be transplanted. It is recommended to keep on the west or east side. A flower that will be kept in the north will not bloom. Eschinantus should be periodically sprayed with clean and warm water.

Proper temperature reduction in the cold season has a beneficial effect on future flowering, which usually begins in spring.

The plant needs moderate watering no more than once a week, with warm and settled water. Excess water contributes to the decay of the root system.

Location, lighting, temperature, humidity and watering - seasonal table

SpringYou need to put the pot on the window facing east or west. If the apartment faces south, then he will need a shadow. Marble look requires the most light. All other eschinanthus are able to withstand twilight. However, blooming will be bad.Escinanthus require very high humidity, up to 60-70%. Be sure to spray the plants, moisten the ground, use pallets and pots with a double bottom, put a humidifier nearby. If the plant blooms, water should not fall on the buds and open cups.Not less than +18, while it is necessary that the plant does not fall into a draft.
Summer autumnEshinantusu cannot be in the sun at noon. In summer, a flower needs bright, diffused light.It is better to leave the eschinanthus in the house, where the temperature is at the level of + 20 ... +25 degrees. Take out to the open balcony is not worth it. If the buds are fastened on the eskhinantus, he can no longer be moved.
WinterArtificial lighting is not needed. If the room is on the sunny side, flowers may appear in winter.Do not place near heating appliances. If the room is cool, you do not need to moisturize. The warmer the house, the more moisture eskhinantus needs.The main thing is that the temperature in the room is stable and does not fall below +15. A sharp change in temperature can lead to eschinanthus disease - the leaves will fall, rot will appear.

Pot selection, soil, transplant

The pot should be shallow and with drainage holes. The soil should be airy and loose with an acidity of 5.0 to 7.0 pH. Recommended drainage height of at least 3 cm.

It is desirable to transplant flowers annually in the spring. A gentle transplant method will save the root system from damage. Plants of this type love tight containers.


  • To prepare a place for landing, this should be a vessel slightly larger than used before;
  • Lay out a drainage layer, at least 3 cm, add fertilizer. An important condition: before transplanting, the plant should not be watered for 3-4 days.
  • Turn the pot upside down and take out the flower, be sure to support the roots with your hand. Immediately transplant, avoiding the long stay of the root system outside the vessel. To water.

Every year, after flowering, it is necessary to cut off the old shoots, the only way to get a neat and lush plant. The flowering period of eshinanthus is limited to a five-year period, after which the plant must be replaced.

Cropping, support

Aeschinanthus grow in length very quickly. Over time, the stems become brittle. They just need support. You can choose any - bamboo, trellis, vine. It is best to place a support immediately when the plant is still small. It is necessary to help the stems, without pressing, wrapping them around the grate. Otherwise, the plant will not curl.

As soon as flowering is completed, you need to slightly prune the shoots.

Top dressing

Universal fertilizer for flowering plants is applied to the soil from May to September.

Flowering and dormant

In winter, the rest period should take place at + 16 ... +18 degrees and moderate watering. If the soil is sufficiently fertilized, flowering occurs in the spring.


Reproduction using cuttings:

  • trim the upper cuttings, from 7 to 10 cm in size, with 5 knots;
  • remove the leaves that are located in the lower part;
  • put processes in water or in a wet mixture of sand with peat;
  • wait for the roots to appear.

It is also possible to reproduce using a leaf, in which case it is necessary to cut it as close to the trunk as possible.

Recommended air temperature during breeding + 26 ° С.

Every day you need to let the shoots breathe if they are covered with cellophane. Rooting takes two weeks.

Diseases and pests

SymptomsPestWhat to do?
Brown spots, similar to rotten flesh, mold on inflorescences.Gray rot.Spray with benomyl, reduce watering.
Spider web on leaves, insects, falling leaves.Spider mite.Spray with insect acaricide.
Light dots on the leaves.Thrips.Spray with a special solution of Actelik.
Rotting shoots.Gray rot stems.Remove affected tissue, cover with activated charcoal. With severe decay - destroy the plant.
Leaves turn yellow, become covered with white spots.Chlorosis.Spray phytoferm, antichlorosine and feed.

Mistakes in care and their correction

ErrorWhat to do?
Lack of heat - leaves fall in winter.Raise the temperature above +16 degrees.
The flower is too dry; in summer the leaves fall.Water more often.
The leaves turn yellow and dry from heat.Shade the flower.
Light spots caused by sunburn.Do not put in the shade, but hide from direct rays.
Slowly growing - lack of nutrients.To feed.

Signs and superstitions

According to popular beliefs, eskhinantus is a husbandman. It can make it difficult for her mistress to arrange a personal life.


Watch the video: Эсхинантус (October 2024).