Growing figs at home.


Healthy and tasty figs in nature grow in a subtropical climate on the Mediterranean Sea. It does not require complicated special care. Therefore, it is loved and successfully grown at home. The tree bears fruit twice a year.

Indoor varieties

Figs come from the Ficus family. Homes have been grown since the 18th century. Scientists have developed indoor varieties that are small, self-pollinated.

The table shows the main types.

GradeFruit Description
Sochi 7, Sochi 8Breeding species, derived on the basis of the white Adriatic scientist Yu.S. Chernenko. Medium size, 65-70 g, skin color yellow-green, red flesh, juicy. Ripen in late summer.
Sochi 15Color lemon, inside pink, 75 gr. Fruits in the fall, from September to November.
DalmatianLarge, 130 gr. Outside are green, inside are scarlet. Harvest in July, October.
White adriaticYellow-green hue, 60 g, sweet. In June, August.
Ogloblin SeedlingBreeding species, bred by N. A. Ogloblin. Tied in the fall before the rest period. Go for wintering in the form of green small berries. By summer, they are growing, during the growing season they ripen.
Sarah AbsheronSmall, 40 gr. Cream color, salmon flesh, sugar. Double plentiful harvest in late summer and early fall.

How to grow figs

Figs are grown in three ways: planting seeds, cuttings, root propagation. For planting, universal soil with an admixture of sand, peat, and sheet soil is used. As fertilizer, ash, lime, and eggshell are mixed.


Seed for planting is obtained from a ripe fruit.

To do this, they are removed from the core, washed under running water and allowed to dry. At this time, prepare the container for landing. The bottom is covered with drainage. The soil mixture is poured (manure, turf, sand (peat) in a ratio of 2: 2: 1).

As fertilizer, ash is used (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of substrate). Abundantly watered and lay the seeds on paper or a napkin. Top cover with soil. Create a greenhouse with an air temperature of + 23 ... +25 ºC. Daily arrange ventilation, monitor the humidity. The soil is moistened by spraying. A moisture level of 2 mm is maintained in the pallet.

After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots appear. Seedlings are discharged. After the first leaves, dive into individual pots.

The tree begins to bear fruit after 5 years after planting.


The procedure is recommended in April. To obtain the cuttings, a semi-lignified shoot is chosen. Slices are made from below under the kidney in an oblique, from above in a straight line. Leave 3 buds on the seedling. Leaves are cut to 1/3 for quick root growth. The resulting stalk is placed in pre-prepared soil (purified moistened sand), creating a greenhouse effect.

After 3 weeks, roots appear. The tree is ready for planting in a separate container.

Root shoot

The shoot is pressed to the soil, sprinkled with soil. The roots sprout within three weeks. The plant is separated and planted. When propagated by cuttings and processes, the first fruits appear in the third year after planting.

Fig care at home

To create optimal conditions, two main factors are taken into account: humidity and light exposure. Figs have two stages of development: in winter, the flower is at rest, in summer it begins to bloom and bear fruit.

Location and watering in different phases of life

The rest period lasts from October to March. At this time, the plant needs rare watering, once every two weeks to moisten the soil. The air temperature does not rise above + 10 ... +12 ºC.

From the end of February, figs begin to grow actively, the period of rest is replaced by flowering. The frequency of watering is increased. Sometimes they hold a warm shower, if the size of the tree allows. If not, then spray. In warm time, put up for fresh air.

The optimum air temperature is +22 ... +25 ºC.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are chosen filled with organic matter, minerals. Apply during flowering twice a month. Alternate cow manure with an infusion of herbs (wood lice, dandelion, nettle). Once a season, they are fed with ferrous sulfate (vitriol) to prevent pests and diseases.

Also, the fig needs potassium, phosphorus. Fertilizer with trace elements sold in the store. Feeding is carried out once during the growing season.


Figs are a fast-growing plant and require maintenance to maintain their appearance. To fix the size, the formation of a lush green bush, the branches are cut. Old, naked are removed completely to obtain new shoots.

The more fresh young shoots on the tree, the more fruits the fig will produce.

The procedure is carried out at the end of winter before the start of the active period.

Diseases, pests

Figs are not susceptible to insect attack, if simple rules for care are followed, the florist will not cause much trouble.

To maintain a comfortable root system, regularly loosen the soil. The formation of the crown contributes to the strengthening of the lower part, the absence of pests, and the greening of the tree: the branches are cut in time, the leaves are nipped, and the leaves are watered abundantly.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: beneficial properties of figs

Fig tree is a storehouse of elements, vitamins, minerals useful for the body. Especially recommended for people with heart and vascular diseases.

Figs contain:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, PP);
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • macro-, microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus);
  • mono-, disaccharides (glucose, fructose).

Potassium and magnesium strengthen the heart and reduce the possibility of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to ficin, wine berry helps to thin the blood, which reduces the risk of blood clots and serves as a prophylaxis against diseases: thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

Fig tree fruits are a good diuretic. To prevent kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, stones), they are recommended to be eaten.

High iron helps fight anemia and loss of strength. Promotes rapid recovery of the patient after operations, serious illnesses.

Older people are advised to use figs to strengthen their skeletal system. Also berry infusions are used for colds, gastrointestinal diseases.

Without the advice of a specialist, fig fruits are not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus, pregnant and lactating mothers. Glucose can cause an increase in blood sugar, weight gain, colic in newborns.


Watch the video: Everything You Need To Know About Growing Figs At Home. What's My Favorite Fig Tree To Grow (September 2024).