64 best varieties of tomatoes for growing in the regions of Russia


Varieties of tomatoes, at the moment, there are hundreds of species, each of which has its own characteristics. The yield of a variety depends on the weather conditions of the region, the mineralization of the soil and the characteristics of the care.

To get the most fleshy and healthy tomatoes, they are selected taking into account the place where the planting is planned.

Features of the choice of tomato varieties

Varieties of tomatoes are divided into those that plan to eat fresh, and those that are grown for long-term storage. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, they are guided by the following rules:

  • For open soil, early bush or standard hybrids are suitable.
  • The ripening speed of the crop does not matter if the plants are planted in a comfortable greenhouse - the height of the bushes and the nutritional characteristics of the selected species are more important.
  • On the seed packaging, you must find the region for which the variety is suitable.
  • The most unpretentious small-fruited and determinant - they will suit those who do not have the opportunity to devote much time to care.
  • To prepare tomato juice, tomatoes with thin skin are taken, and species with thick skin are used for conservation.
  • For salads, tomatoes with a rich taste are used.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the Moscow region and the middle zone

The climate of the central regions (Moscow, Ryazan, Vladimir, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo regions) is characterized by warm and humid summers, which are replaced by snowy winters. The air temperature in the summer season is favorable for both greenhouse planting and street breeding.

For glass and polycarbonate greenhouses

Indoor productivity depends on the microclimate, which is easy to maintain throughout the year. In central Russia, the following varieties are most in demand for a greenhouse.

De barao

A variety suitable for preparation and use in salads. Tomatoes ripen 4 months after the appearance of the first shoots. Each bush brings 3-4 kg of crop.

Tall. The fruits are oval, in different colors from pinkish to black. They have excellent taste and are suitable for long-term storage.


An early ripe universal hybrid that requires regular fertilizer and garter. It grows to 1.8 m, the fruits ripen in 100 days.

The crop is plentiful, large-fruited.

Bull heart

One of the largest varieties of tomatoes. It brings weighty and juicy heart-shaped fruits, the weight of which can reach 300 grams.

Unpretentious, suitable for beginner gardeners. The period from emergence to maturation is 107 days.

Pink honey

An indeterminate mid-early greenhouse species with moderate disease resistance.

Large heart-shaped tomatoes on the lower branches weigh up to 600 grams, have a meaty structure and a sweetish taste. Not intended for preservation, good for salads.

Eagle beak

A universal variety that brings from one bush up to 8 kg of red pointed fruits. Resistant to disease.

With careful care, outdoor cultivation is possible.


Harvest ripens in three months. Bushes are small, up to 60 cm. Plants rarely get sick, strong stems without garter stand the fruits.

Tomatoes are round and small, pink, with juicy sweet pulp.


A large-fruited plant, characterized by increased fruiting and gives a sweetish pink-raspberry fruit with a rich taste, suitable for making juice and fresh consumption.

Cold and disease resistant.


A hybrid that delights gardeners with delicious scarlet tomatoes that ripen in 80-90 days.

It is easy to care for, but does not tolerate low temperatures and requires preventive measures against late blight.

Miracle of the earth

Bred by an amateur gardener, this variety is characterized by large and tasty tomatoes, in some cases weighing up to 1 kg.

Fakes are often found on the market, therefore, to obtain a quality crop, seeds are purchased at reliable outlets. Humidity in the greenhouse during its cultivation should not exceed 60%. Every 10 days they carry out stepsoning.


Low-growing early ripe hybrid, bringing up to 10 kg of crop from one plant.

Dive and regular wetting of the earth is required.

For open ground

In greenhouse conditions, tomatoes ripen faster and yield a richer crop. But there are reasons why gardeners choose open ground:

  • The absence of a greenhouse on the site.
  • Preference for varieties that are not intended for greenhouse cultivation.
  • The lack of regular watering, care.

In the climate of the Moscow region, these types of tomatoes are best taken root.

White filling

This variety was bred in Kazakhstan in 1979 and is in demand among summer residents of Russia and the CIS. When planting in open soil, the bushes are low, up to half a meter.

Easily tolerate cooling. Harvesting is carried out 100 days after receiving the sprouts.

The sultan

A Dutch tomato variety that has taken root well in the central and southern regions of Russia.

Low miniature bushes with dark green leaves bring up to 7 medium red tomatoes.


Early ripe dense tomatoes ripening on low bushes.

Requires careful leaving, frequent watering is necessary. Before planting, the soil is saturated with organic fertilizers.


The new hybrid, characterized by high nutritional value and rich vitamin composition. In open ground, it grows better in the southern latitudes, but you can get a crop in the horticulture of the central regions.

So that the plants are healthy and large, before planting, the seeds are soaked for 6-10 hours in aloe juice. Seedlings are prepared in April, and transplanted to the beds in late May.


Miniature and unpretentious appearance, the height of which does not exceed 45 cm. It does not require a garter, is not subject to rot.

Red, small, sweet and sour tomatoes ripen in 95 days. Suitable for canning and fresh consumption.


Phytous - an abbreviation of the word "late blight". It is highly resistant to late blight and other diseases.

Landing is carried out in early April. The fruits are small, with dense skin, ideal for harvesting.


Pink, rounded tomatoes ripening in 107 days. This species is intended for outdoor use only.

It is not demanding in care, but insufficient watering can lead to damage by vertebral decay.


A popular undersized tomato, characterized by rapid ripening. The first ripe tomato can appear on branches already 65 days after planting in the ground.

Small, sweet and sour fruits are great for harvesting.


A relatively young hybrid variety that has gained popularity among gardeners in Central Russia.

Unpretentious, does not require pinching, tolerates poor lighting and cool summers. Suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for conservation.

Japanese black truffle

A determinant mid-growth hybrid that brings unusual pear-shaped tomatoes of dark brown or burgundy color.

Resistant to rot, not susceptible to pests. The ripening period is 3 months.

Leningrad chill

Low grade (up to 35 cm), bred specifically for planting in open soil. Able to tolerate severe temperature changes, resistant to cold.

During flowering, it requires top dressing with magnesium and potassium sulfate. Subject to the recommendations for care, it gives up to 3 kg of crop from one bush.

Barnaul canning

Low, early ripening appearance, giving rounded red-orange tomatoes.

Designed specifically for salting and harvesting for the winter.


An early, unpretentious tomato, suitable for planting in poor soil. In the southern regions it grows poorly, but in conditions of cool summer the fruiting is plentiful.

In greenhouse conditions it is able to grow even in the Far North.


Low bushes bringing red oval tomatoes.

Suitable for fresh consumption, and for the preparation of canned food.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the Urals

The climate of the Middle and Southern Urals is temperate, with warm sunny summers, but the soil does not differ in the variety of mineral composition. In the Northern and Subpolar Urals, the influence of subarctic winds is already felt. In the cold season, the ground freezes strongly, so the southern varieties of tomatoes do not take root or bring a meager harvest. Tomatoes of Siberian selection are suitable for the Urals.

Features of choice

The Ural climate is diverse, therefore, to obtain juicy tomatoes, the variety is selected in accordance with the weather conditions of the region. Those species that do not require painstaking care, do not freeze at lower temperatures, and quickly mature in a short summer, are best suited.

For the greenhouse

Although the temperature drops are not so noticeably affected by plantings in the greenhouse, as they are by those growing in the open air, they are just as sensitive to weather changes. Therefore, unpretentious tomatoes with strong ovaries, which are immune to diseases, are selected for the Ural greenhouses. The most productive varieties that grow gardeners in the Urals are as follows.


One plant gives the owner up to 4.5 kg of tomatoes.

Early ripe variety, rarely gets sick and easily tolerates cold.


Large-fruited hybrid species, characterized by rapid maturation.


Unpretentious, brings a rich harvest of large fruits of a pinkish tint.

Productivity is quite high, disease resistant.


Mid-season hybrid, characterized by tomatoes weighing up to 200 grams with a pleasant sweet taste.

Rarely sick.


One of the most favorite varieties of gardeners in the Urals. It rarely gets sick, each bush gives up to 4.5 kg of crop.

Resistant to parasites.

Wonderful lady

These high-yielding tomatoes are highly resistant to disease, cold and pests.

Relate to early ripening. Stress resistant.

For open ground

If tomatoes are planned to be grown outdoors, they are pre-tempered at the seedling stage. For this, containers with seedlings are exposed to fresh air and left for 10-15 minutes. It is impossible to overexpose sprouts in the cold - they can freeze and die.

Street tomatoes for the Ural region should be characterized by increased precocity. Such species are suitable.


This variety brings juicy and meaty tomatoes, but its productivity is low.

Siberian precocious

Fruits better in the greenhouse, but can grow in the open.

Siberian Express

The advantage of this type is its small size, thanks to which the plants do not need a garter.

Well kept.


Another dwarf variety that produces large and tasty fruits.

Robinson F1

Ural variety with large raspberry tomatoes.

The best varieties of tomatoes for Siberia

Temperature differences in Siberia are particularly pronounced. Summer is short, in the afternoon the air is hot and dry, at night it sometimes freezes. Stress-resistant tomatoes, which mainly include new varieties of hybrids, take root in this region.

Summer residents of Western Siberia prefer varieties such as Alsou or Siberian precocious, and the Siberian Express and Gina are popular in the east. But there are other varieties that are suitable for Siberian gardens.

For the greenhouse

There are varieties designed specifically for greenhouses in Siberia.

Altai strongman

Unusual fruits with a pronounced taste.

Universal, used for blanks and salads.


Tall bushes giving meaty raspberry tomatoes with thin skin.

Ripe, excellent taste and long retaining presentation.

Scarlet Mustang

Elongated, original fruits.

With regular feeding and proper care, one plant brings 5 ​​kg of crop.

Your majesty

Very tall tomatoes requiring garter.

Large, yellow, heart-shaped tomatoes, which can weigh up to 1.5 kg. Salad variety.

For open ground

In the Siberian territories, those varieties that are not picky about the composition of the soil and do not lose their ovaries during the cold snap take root.

Abakan pink

Bred in Altai, perfectly adapted to the climate of Eastern Siberia.

Large ribbed fruits delight gardeners with fleshy flesh and a pleasant taste.

Chinese heat resistant

Early ripe variety, resistant to heat, characteristic of July in Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but at the same time adapted to the climate of Siberia.

Pinkish tomatoes are suitable for salting.


Unpretentious large-fruited species, the advantage of which is late blight resistance.

Yamal Early ripe

A large-fruited variety that can survive in the Far North.

King of Siberia

Giant tomatoes with thin skin weighing up to 1 kg.

Due to the severity of the fruit, the bushes need garter and careful care.

The best varieties of tomatoes for Belarus

Belarusian gardeners prefer to grow greenhouse species, since the summer in the country is cool and short. But today in stores you can find seeds suitable for open ground.

As in the Russian regions, when choosing a variety, summer residents of Belarus are guided by the unpretentiousness of tomato, resistance to cold and the ability to quickly ripen.

For greenhouses

Many varieties take root well in Belarusian greenhouses, but the following varieties differ in the best yield.


Tall early ripe plants, bearing sweet and dense fruits.


It is in demand among gardeners of Belarus and Central Russia.

Medium-fruited, matures in 95 days.

Baby F1

An unpretentious hybrid that is suitable for beginner gardeners.

It is not affected by microorganisms, but only bears fruit successfully in greenhouses.

Verlioka F1

Another hybrid variety that is bred for greenhouses with low light.

Red Arrow

Brings a rich harvest of large and juicy fruits, universal in use.

For open ground

Varieties adapted to the conditions of a temperate climate and a short summer are grown on street beds. Most often, the following types are chosen:


Determinant undersized bush, characterized by lush greenery.

It does not require complicated maintenance, it is not choosy to the soil, but pinching is necessary.


Achievement of Belarusian selection.

Low plants bring their owners up to 5 kg of juicy tomatoes.


Designed specifically for the climate of Belarus.

Small neat tomatoes have a great taste, they contain a high content of vitamin C.


An early ripe universal variety that is suitable for beginner gardeners.

It is not demanding in care, but needs mineral top dressing.

The best varieties of tomatoes for the Vitebsk region

In the Vitebsk region, short, rainy summers, so a little time is devoted to ripening the crop. Vitebsk gardeners choose varieties adapted to cool, quickly ripen. All tomatoes are grown in seedlings.

Climate features

Weather conditions in the Vitebsk region are influenced by the Atlantic air masses. The climate is temperate and humid. In the spring, frosts are often observed, and summers are relatively cold. In this climate zone, tomatoes are more susceptible to disease, southern varieties are often affected by rot. Greenhouse hybrid varieties take root better.

For greenhouses

The most popular are two varieties.

Appetizing and Irish liquor

They belong to mid-ripening varieties (the crop is harvested after 115-120 days), poorly take root in open ground.

Standard care is required, including mandatory garter, because the plants grow tall, with a lot of ovaries.Appetizing variety gives large fruits, dark red with black tint. Irish liquor when ripe remains green-yellow.

For open ground

For street breeding, undersized, dwarf plants are suitable.

Volgograd precocious

It does not suffer from late blight, the ripening speed corresponds to the name - tomatoes are ready for use 95 days after transplanting.

Openwork F1

Although this hybrid is mid-season, it survives well on the street, is not susceptible to disease and has a rich yield.


Neat, compact plants that delight their hosts with dense, sour fruits.

The best varieties of tomatoes for Udmurtia

Udmurtia is located in the temperate climate zone with frosty winters and hot sunny summers. Udmurt summer residents prefer to grow tomatoes such as the Beautiful Lady, Bull's Heart, Titanic and Kostroma. Planting the Raspberry giant gives good results - these pink, fleshy tomatoes ripen 90 days after the seedlings are placed in the ground.

Tomatoes for the Leningrad region

The main criterion for choosing tomatoes for the Leningrad region and Karelia is frost resistance. In the conditions of a polycarbonate greenhouse, the following species will bring abundant crops.


An indeterminate hybrid suitable for planting in mineral-poor soil.


Frost-resistant hybrid variety that is immune to powdery mildew.


One bush will bring 4-6 tomatoes with smooth glossy skin and a pleasant taste.


Perfectly takes root on scanty northern soil, while giving juicy fruits.

The best varieties for the Saratov region

The Saratov region is characterized by strong temperature drops, when a hot summer day is replaced by night cooling. Such conditions are best tolerated by such varieties.

Iron Lady F1

Unpretentious hybrid view designed for landing in closed ground.

Collective farm

It perfectly takes root in the Saratov sites, has sweet friable flesh.

Talalikhin 186

Ripens quickly, characterized by the simultaneous ripening of fruits on the bushes.

Many varieties of tomatoes are universal and suitable for growing in different latitudes. Typically, those species that are best grown in a given climate are sold in the region.

But in order not to make a mistake with the choice, experienced farmers always first get acquainted with the characteristics and features of the species before buying.


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