Tomato Puzata hut: advantages and disadvantages of the variety, description, planting and care


Tomato Puzata hut has earned love among professional and novice gardeners. Its fruits are large, sugary and tasty, have an unusual shape. They can be stored after harvest for a long period of time. The variety grows well in any region of Russia. It is not particularly demanding on climatic conditions and maintenance. Bred in 2012 by a group of Russian breeders. In 2013, it was included in the State Register of Vegetable Crops in the Russian Federation for cultivation for personal purposes.

Description and description of tomatoes Puzata hut

It grows well both in greenhouses and in open areas. Early-ripening, gives a plentiful harvest. The growth of the fruit is unlimited.

The bush reaches 150-200 cm. Because of the thin stems, it needs a garter. The foliage and branching of the shoots is moderate. Leaves are short, emerald. Inflorescences are intermediate. The root system is rod, well developed.

The fruits are large, pear-shaped, ribbed. Consist of 4-6 seed chambers. Unripe tomatoes - light grassy, ​​without a dark spot at the base. After ripening, they acquire a red color with an orange tint, weigh 150-250 g.

They are covered with dense skin, so they rarely cause cracks and damage. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, tender. It has a small amount of seeds. Tomatoes can be harvested already 100 days after the appearance of the first sprouts.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has the following advantages:

  • Good productivity (8-11 kg per square meter of beds). As practice shows, with sufficient care and growth on a nutrient substrate, the bushes give even more fruit.
  • High concentration of beneficial elements, minimum amount of acid.
  • Good preservation. Tomatoes can be picked ripe, they ripen perfectly in a dark place. Do not rot for a long time and do not lose taste. Due to long-term storage, they can be grown for commercial purposes, transported over long distances.
  • Large size and unusual shape.
  • Relative resistance to dangerous infectious lesions.

There are also disadvantages, which are much smaller:

  • the need for formation and garter;
  • ground pickiness.

The subtleties of growing

Usually grown seedlings according to the standard scheme for tomatoes. However, it has some features.

Puzata hut is a variety, not a hybrid. Therefore, for cultivation, you can use purchased seeds or collected independently from existing fruits. Landing in an open area can be done 9-12 weeks after sowing.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are sown in early March:

  • Soak the seed in Zircon, Epin, HB-101. If this is not done, the seedlings will grow poorly.
  • Distribute the seeds on the soil, consisting of humus and garden soil. Deepen a couple of centimeters.
  • When shoots germinate, create intense lighting. Sprinkle with warm, soft water in a moderate amount. Lower the temperature by 5-10 ° C. This will accelerate the development of roots, strengthen immunity.
  • After the appearance of the first true leaves, transplant into separate flowerpots.
  • After a week, feed. For example, Radiance, Baikal, etc.
  • Introduce nutrient mixtures every week.


Landing in open space in late May-early June, after warming the land. With greenhouse maintenance, this can be done 10-15 days earlier.

There is a need for garter. And not only the stems, but also fruiting branches, because they can break under the weight of tomatoes. It is better to plant bushes next to a special lattice-support - trellis. This simplifies further trimming and garter.

On 1 sq.m of area you need to plant no more than 3 copies. Form bushes in 1 or 2 stems. When choosing the second method, leave 1 stepson growing under the first brush with inflorescences. Cut off the lateral processes and lower greens.

In 1 stalk, all stepsons are removed as they grow. This method is recommended if the task of growing is large fruits. In addition, the formation of a single trunk helps to save space in the garden.

Tomato Care

Culture is unpretentious to the content. Its cultivation is possible even for an amateur gardener. If you follow some rules and recommendations, the bush will grow rapidly and bear fruit abundantly.

WeedingClean the weed area as needed. If this is not done in a timely manner, weeds will take nutrients from the crop. The bush will become weak, will cease to bear fruit. Weeding with care so as not to accidentally pull out or damage the stem of the vegetable.
LooseningEvery 2 weeks, so that water and air freely penetrate the roots. Cultivate the hills.
WateringOnce a week. Recommended during drought more often. Water should be heated and softened (rain or sediment).
StepsonPinch off excess processes with your fingers or cut off with a sharpened knife once a week. Stepsons should not be allowed to grow above 10 cm. The most important thing in the process is not to confuse the lateral processes with flower tassels: the first grow from the axils of the leaves, and the second from the stem.
FormationIn order for the fruits to be large, you need to leave a maximum of 8 brushes. The lower leaves, touching the soil, pluck. Pinch the growth point.
GarterIt can be tied to individual supports in the form of sticks or trellis. Manipulate as the fruit ripens and gains weight.
Top dressingRegular, alternate organics with mineral mixtures. The plant loves manure. To prepare the fertilizer, fill the main component with water (1:10). Insist a couple of weeks and water the crop. Chicken droppings are also used, but in a less concentrated form.

You can buy fertilizers in the store for tomatoes and other vegetables. It is recommended to spray bushes with superphosphate dissolved in water. This should be done at dawn or at dusk, in fog or rain, so that damp greens do not get ultraviolet rays and cause burns.

It keeps up unevenly, continues to bear fruit even after the onset of cold weather. Therefore, you need to think about shelter in advance so that the bushes do not freeze and die.

Tomato diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to various diseases and insects, but do not neglect preventive measures. The soil before planting should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or vitriol to kill infections. To prevent root rot, the bushes should be mulched with peat, humus or straw.
To reduce the likelihood of insect damage, you need to regularly inspect for their presence, spray the culture with a solution of potassium permanganate. If the pests still wound up, then it is necessary to begin an immediate fight:

  • Black or green moving dots.
  • Syrupy coating.
  • Yellowing and curling leaves.
  • Growth retardation.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Wipe the affected areas with soap and water.
  • Purchase larvae of natural enemies in the store: ladybugs, lacewings, female flies, and some species of wasps.
  • Attract to the site of birds: tits, hemp, robins.
  • Flying and jumping insects with white wings.
  • Smooth and shiny plate surface.
  • A white coating that blackens over time.
  • Deformation and wilting of leaves.
  • Poor ripening of fruits.
  • The presence of white veins inside the tomato.
  • Place fly tape near the bushes.
  • Vacuum the moths. It is better to do this on a cool night when insects are less mobile.
  • Treat the plant with infusion of leaves and roots of dandelion.
  • Sprinkle with vitriol or lime.
  • Openwork mesh on the foliage.
  • The accumulation of black excrement.
  • Yellow pigmentation on the green.
  • Weakening of the culture.
  • Treat with Fitoverm and cover with plastic wrap for a day.
  • Use drugs Actellik, Agravertin, Karbofos.
  • 50 g of marigold flowers pour 1 liter of cool water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Insist 3 days and strain. Pour liquid into the spray bottle, and spray the bushes. If necessary, repeat the procedure after 7-10 days.
Spider mite
  • White or yellowish dots (traces of insect punctures).
  • Thin web.
  • Dropping greens.
  • Wipe the aerial part with alcohol.
  • Treat with bleached solution. To prepare it, pour 1 kg of grass in a bucket of water. Insist 12 hours. Add soapy water and irrigate the bush. The procedure is performed several times with an interval of 5-7 days.
  • Apply purchased preparations Karbofosfor and Agravertin.
Colorado beetle
  • Rounded worms of red or light shade with dark spots on the sides.
  • Striped insects.
  • Eaten leaves and fruits.
  • Manual collection of larvae and adults.
  • Pollination with birch wood ash.
  • Spraying mortar from dead beetles. To prepare it, pour a liter jar of pests into a bucket and pour 20 liters of water. After the death of the "Colorado" and the subsidence of the bodies at the bottom, insist another week. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2, process the tomatoes. Only fresh solution should be used.
  • Purchase purchased poisons: Bombardier, Typhoon and others.

When using purchased pest control products, it is important to comply with the dosage indicated on the package. Otherwise, they can not only not act, but also harm the culture.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: tomato Puzata hut - a diet dish

Puzata hut contains a large amount of glucose and other useful substances. At the same time, tomatoes have a minimal amount of acid. They are allowed to eat while observing the dietary table, to include in the children's diet.

The fruits are recognized as universal. They can be consumed in any form: canned, cheese, add to salads. Tasty juice is made from tomatoes, they do not lose their taste after heat treatment.

Reviews about the variety are both positive and negative. Moreover, the opinion of gardeners differs dramatically. For example, a part claims that many fruits ripen on the bushes, others say that the crop practically does not produce crops and simply takes up extra space in the garden. Some describe tomatoes as delicate, very tasty and juicy, while others claim that tomatoes are fresh and suitable only for pickling and pickling.

Indeed, the characteristic of the variety in some cases may not coincide with the official description. Harvest largely depends on soil fertility, climatic features, compliance with care recommendations, etc. To understand whether a tomato is suitable for growing in a certain garden plot, you need to try to plant several bushes and look at the speed of their development, fruiting. To obtain the maximum result, you must follow the rules of keeping and landing, described earlier.


Watch the video: Томат "Пузата Хата" (October 2024).