How to care for violets to bloom


Violet (senpolia) is a perennial plant native to Africa, its stem is low, the leaves are collected by a rosette, flowers of various shapes, sizes, colors: blue, violet, snow-white, pink, wine, lilac. Plants are very moody, to admire their beautiful flowering appearance, you need to take care of them by the rules.

Requirements for flowering violets

In the absence of proper maintenance, the senpolia does not bloom, is exposed to fungal infections, and may die. It is very demanding on watering, which differs from how other indoor flowers are watered, lighting, containers, soil and temperature. It is necessary to regularly feed flowers, cut, transplant only in new land.

Genetic component

When choosing a room senpolia take into account the variety. Breeders bred many varieties. Among them are ampelous with small, medium or large flowers. There are violets, where there are 5 petals, others have much more and no stamens are visible. Also, some varieties produce only 3 buds and will not bloom magnificently. You can wait for the violets to bloom for several months or 1.5 years. Depending on the variety, the flowering time for them is also different.

Choosing the right capacity

For a small senpolia, a pot of 5-7 cm in diameter is suitable, for an adult flower 10-12 cm. In general, you need to look at the outlet and take a container with a diameter of half that. The height should be no more than 10 cm.

The bottom of the tank should be with holes for drainage. Better to take ceramics, you can plastic.

Correct soil

Senpolia requires slightly acidic soils. Acquire special land in a flower shop. It is not difficult to make the soil correctly, it is sheet land, peat, charcoal, moss (1: 2: 1/2: 1/2). Or sift garden soil by combining with sand and calcining in the oven. Expanded clay, small pebbles are laid at the bottom. A transplant is required once a year, in a fresh substrate.


Senpolia is located on the western or eastern side. In winter, there is not enough light on the windowsill from the north, in the summer from the south there is too much sun, the violet is shaded or rearranged. In order to avoid hypothermia of the roots in winter, the flower is placed in a pot on a shelf, a table, in a flower pot or on a wooden stand.


Violets prefer daylight hours of at least 10 hours, scattered light is needed, flowers shade from direct sunlight. In this case, varieties with thick and dark leaves require more bright light than with curly ones. If the flower stretches, foliage curls, it becomes pale - there is not enough light, if the middle of the outlet has become denser - a lot. When the leaf plates are bright, saturated in color and the plant has a lot of buds - the lighting is normal.

In the winter, phytolamps are used, they are usually placed in November, and removed in February. Do not forget to turn the pot so that the bush grows symmetrically.

Temperature mode

The plant loves heat. From the beginning of spring to autumn, flowers need + 20 ... +22 ° C. In winter, no lower than + 18 ... +20 ° ะก. In the summer, when +30 ° C, the flower dims, fades. Therefore, the room is ventilated, they use air conditioning, a split system. The room does not allow drafts.

Air humidity

Violets create high humidity, 50-60%. For the winter, it is better to remove the pot from the windowsill, if the heating system is nearby. The air around the flower is sprayed without getting on the inflorescences. They put a container with a flower in a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles. At low humidity, the buds develop slowly.

The leaves of Saintpaulia should not be sprayed to avoid the risk of fungal infections.

Watering Methods

There are secrets to watering the senpolia. Water is taken slightly warm, settled. It is watered as the soil dries, so that the liquid does not fall on the leaf plates, the growth point.

Through the pallet

The settled water at room temperature is poured into the pan at ¼ height of the pot. Half an hour is usually enough for the plant to be saturated with moisture, this will become clear from the soil. Then the residues are drained.


For it use a watering can with a narrow nose, a pear-douche. If there is nothing, a plastic bottle is suitable, where they make a hole in the lid and insert a tube. When water begins to flow out of the drainage, watering is stopped and then drained. In case of moisture on the leaves, they get wet with a dry cloth.


When it is too hot, immerse the flower in a container of settled water for an hour. Then let it drain and put in its original place.


In the summer, when you need to leave and there is no one to care for flowers, this method is suitable.

A thin cord is placed in the pot (household cord, acrylic thread, shoe), one end of it comes out through the drainage hole, the second is folded with a ring in the middle of the soil. Put the pot on top of the dishes with water, covered with a lid, lower the wick, while the soil is gaining the right amount of liquid.

Top dressing

Two months after planting in shop soil, flowers are fed. To do this, buy complex fertilizers. Dilute them with water in accordance with the instructions, but in a larger amount than indicated, and watered under the leaves so that the liquid does not get on them, or through a tray. In this case, the soil is first moistened.

Young flowers need nitrogen fertilizers, for flowering - potash and phosphorus. It is fed twice a month during flowering, once at rest.

Diseases and Pests

Fungal infections, diseases and pests often affect flowers.

Disease / pest

Manifestation / Reasons

Remedial measures

Gray rotA gray, fluffy coating appears on the leaves and petioles.

Temperature difference, plentiful and frequent watering with cold water.

They are treated with fungicides (Fitosporin, Agate, Tiram).
FusariumThe roots rot, the violet does not bloom, the leaves turn gray, then fall off.

Abundant watering with cold water.

Apply Benomil, Fundazole.
RustYellow spots on the outside of the leaves. Lack of sun in winter.The infected parts are removed and Bactofit, Topaz are used.
Powdery mildewWhite plaque on the plant.

Lack of light, low temperature in the room, dust.

Processed by Benlat.
Spider miteRed dots.

Dry air.

Use Apollo, Neoron. At the first stage, folk remedies: a decoction of onion peels, vodka.
Cyclamen tick

There are yellow, round spots on the leaves.

High humidity.

AphidGreen insects, they drink juice from the plant.

Taking the plant outside or contaminated soil.

Apply Mospilan, Intavir.
HeartsThe violet has red, small spots.

Dry air.

Spray with a soap solution, Fitoverm.
ShieldThe leaves below are red-brown, the top yellow.

Infected by a new plant.

Young violets sometimes have to be destroyed, insecticides (Karbofos, Aktar) help adults.
ThripsLight brown pollen on the plant.

Airing, another flower.

Processed by Fitoverm.

Rest period

The senpolia does not have a pronounced period of rest. Many varieties can bloom year-round. But some need rest in the winter, for this, in late autumn, they stop feeding, remove flower stalks and reduce watering.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: tips for determining the cause of the absence of blooming violets

In order for the plants to bloom from early spring to autumn, the following is recommended in different cases:

  • Buds are not formed, but there are many processes - the capacity is too large for violets.
  • In appearance, the flower is healthy, but because of the white plaque - the soil is depleted, the plant needs a transplant into a new, light earth.
  • Peduncles form slowly, the leaves curl - abundant watering or acidic soil.
  • Light spots appear on the foliage - very cold or hot water or a sunburn. In order not to burn the plant, it is watered in the summer after sunset.
  • With a lack or excess of fertilizing, the senpolia will not bloom. A plant needs phosphorus and potassium; too much nitrogen is undesirable.
  • If the flower is an adult, more than 3 years old, it is planted.
  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • The leaves are cleaned with a soft, slightly moistened cloth, but not moistened with water.
  • The soil should not dry out or be too wet.
  • Do not allow temperature differences.

If you follow all the recommendations, an inexperienced grower will be able to achieve a blooming look of violets.


Watch the video: 6 Tips For Caring for African Violets (October 2024).