The best varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching


Beginning summer residents when choosing a variety of tomatoes stop at those that do not need to be formed. Cultivation is not a simple process, master it gradually. Gardeners who don’t have the opportunity to visit their plots often do the same.

Features of tomatoes that do not require pinching

The main difference between plants that give a decent crop without pinching shoots is unpretentiousness. They bear fruit well with a minimum of human attention. Watering, top dressing, weeding - this is enough.

Suitable options are necessarily undersized or standard. They are usually grown in open ground or under light film shelters - greenhouses. For greenhouses, compact or low-leaf forms are suitable.

Photo gallery of some tomato varieties that do not require pinching with names:

The best tomato varieties that do not require pinching

The tomatoes listed below are equally suitable for planting on open and protected soil beds. Some give good results when cultivating the house - on the windowsill, open or closed balcony, loggia.


Plants with thin brittle stems. Early fruits ripen up to 500 g, so the plant must be tied up. The color is red-pink, the pulp is sugary, sweet.

They are consumed mainly fresh or when cooking hot dishes. Harvested for future use as juice or sauces.

Fighter (Buyan)

The precocious determinant. The berries are cylindrical, smooth. The weight of one berry is about 100 g. The color is red, yellow. The taste is sweet with a slight acidity.

Suitable for any gastronomic purpose.

The variety is resistant to infections, temperature fluctuations, lack of moisture.

Balcony miracle

The precocious undersized cultivar abundantly and continuously bears fruit, therefore it is tied to a support. It has high decorative qualities.

Small tomatoes - up to 40 g unpaved, 20 g - container, universal in application.

It shows high productivity with any method of cultivation - in open beds, in containers, greenhouses. In the latter case, to save space, it is planted between tall specimens.

In the top ten

Unpretentious amber yellow tomato. Fruits of medium and large size, standard weight 170-200 g, sweet, without cracking, universal in use.

The plant is reliably fruitful in all weather conditions and in the cold regions of the Urals and Siberia.


Mid-season tomato, in protected ground conditions, close to ideal.

It grows to 120 cm, this requires a garter and correction of the crown.

The berries are egg-shaped, average weight 90 g. The taste is excellent. For future use, they are prepared by the ambassador.


A popular determinant of medium-term aging. It gives a plentiful harvest, therefore it is tied to a support.

Large, up to 300 g in weight, flat-round tomatoes are painted in orange-red color, excellent in taste, suitable for all types of processing and eating fresh.

The variety is resistant to late blight and other common diseases.


Early tomato. Fruits are rounded with a weak ribbing of bright red color, weight 70-10 g. Taste excellent. Recommended for fresh consumption.

Resistant to disease, drought and heavy rainfall, highly preserved.

Leningrad chill

Spreading dwarf bushes give tomatoes of medium size, ovoid, classic "tomato" color.

Summer residents note an excellent yield at home.


Early ripe cultivar of limited growth. The bush is compact, gives fruits weighing up to 100 g. The pulp is dense, tasty, and is used for any food purpose.

The plant is immune to common diseases, undemanding in care. Harvest is well preserved.


A popular favorite of super early ripening. The average weight of the berries is about 100 g, the color is saturated, the taste is wonderful. Of particular value - low maintenance and tolerance for poor lighting.

Resistant to pathogens of tomato infections, rarely affected by pests. The only drawback is that it is not suitable for canning for the future.

Early maturing

An early grade ideal for beginners. The shape and color of tomatoes is classic, weight up to 180 g.

Enduring any weather distortions, it successfully yields a stable crop in all regions, especially in Siberia, since it tolerates a short-term drop in temperature below the average critical for culture. Culinary application without restrictions.


A short bush with an early ripening crop. The fruits are elongated, dark red, weigh about 70 g.

The pulp is juicy, sweet, suitable for any culinary use.

The main advantage is that it tolerates low temperatures to 10 ° C, but is susceptible to infection by viruses. Picky to care for.

The best varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching for open ground

Preference is given to low varieties, as well as almost all small-fruited.


Early ripening variety forming compact neat bushes. Tomatoes are red, rounded, slightly flattened. The average weight of one berry is 80-110 g. The taste is pronounced, sweet. Suitable for long-term storage, procurement for future use.

It shows medium resistance to characteristic diseases of the culture, often suffers from late blight.


The determinant of medium-term aging. Cream-fruits gain weight up to 90 g, juicy, sweet to the taste. Equally good are fresh or canned in any way.

Resistant to drought, fusarium. Open ground is grown in the North Caucasus region.


Determinant medium early variety. Tomatoes up to 100 g in weight are rounded with a pointed tip.

Sweet, juicy, universal use.


Early standard form. Berries weighing 60-80 g are rounded, slightly flattened, juicy, sweet. They are consumed fresh or processed into juice, sauces, pasta.

One of the few varieties that are planted with seeds in open ground in risky farming regions.


Early ripe tomato resistant to cool weather.

Large-fruited variety, maximum weight 200 g. The berries are bright red, flat-round, smooth or slightly elongated, like a bag, with a slight ribbing. Differ in juiciness, sweet taste. In the open ground of Siberia and the Urals gives a consistently good result.


Early hybrid, red berries weighing up to 80 g. The shape is round with a flat bottom.

Fruiting is slightly stretched over time, since not all tomatoes of the same brush ripen at the same time.

Bonnie MM

Ultra-ripe variety with stable yield. Bushes are compact.

Berries of red color are rounded, slightly flattened above and below. Ribbing is expressed. Usually used for harvesting for the winter or fresh.

Tomato is not picky about growing conditions, is not very susceptible to diseases of the culture.


Early ripe determinant. Needs support. Round tomatoes weigh 60-80 g.

They have excellent taste, are used fresh and as raw materials for the preparation of juice and sauces.

Gelfruit Golden

Mid-early variety, which is desirable to attach to the support. The cream-shaped fruits are golden yellow in color, weigh about 100 g, and are resistant to cracking.

They exhibit excellent taste in fresh and canned form.


Compact mid-life boom. Tomatoes weighing up to 75 g of elongated elegant shape, the pulp is dense, fleshy, with excellent taste. Ideal in any form - fresh, canned, as an integral part of hot dishes.

It is resistant to typical diseases of the species, withstands long-term transportation.


Mid-season grade. Fully ripened fruits gain weight up to 170 g, have a heart shape. The color is bright red. In cooking, they are used fresh and for cooking tomatoes in a processed, pressed form.

Not afraid of drought and disease. Long transportation is contraindicated - the skin quickly cracks.

Winter cherry

A stem plant with raspberry berries of a round, even shape, of excellent taste. Use fresh and canned.

It tolerates cold snap and abnormal heat, resistant to fungal infections, undemanding in care.


Determinant tomato of medium and early ripening. The bush is compact, internodes are short. The fruits are small, weigh no more than 60 g. The shape is elongated with a pronounced tip. Taste is high.

Sensitive to compliance with irrigation and top dressing. It is unstable to adverse weather, which manifests itself in cracking of the skin. It shows high resistance to diseases and pests. Not prone to over-ripening during storage or transportation. The application is universal.

Cio Cio San

Mid early indeterminant. It grows up to 2 m, it requires garters to trellises. Greenhouse cultivation with rationing of side shoots is allowed.

The berries are small, with an average weight of about 40 g, bright pink. The taste is delicate, sweet, characteristic acidity is not expressed. Use fresh and canned.

The cultivar is resistant to adverse conditions, typical diseases of nightshade.

The best varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching for greenhouses

Tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions are usually planted in order to provide good ventilation. Varieties that do not require pinching are selected from among those giving small leafiness.


An early variety that needs to be tied up. Experienced summer residents are advised to remove part of the stepsons on the bottom of the stem. Fruits weigh up to 100 g have a relatively good taste, suitable for salting, canning, fresh salads.

Resistant to fusarium, tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis.

Children's sweetness

An early ripening small-sized compact, forms medium-sized berries weighing up to 120 g of saturated red color. The skin is dense, thick, this ensures long-term safety. The taste is excellent, it is consumed fresh and pickled.

In warm areas of the country, breeding in open ground is possible.

Ob Domes

Early ripe hybrid of greenhouse cultivation. The height reaches 1 m, so the plants are tied to trellises.

Tomatoes are quite large, up to 250 g, saturated pink color with weakly highlighted stripes. The shape is round, with an elongated lower part. The culinary purpose is universal.


Watch the video: 'Pinching Out' Your Growing Tomato Plants Suckers (October 2024).