Outdoor pea cultivation


Peas are a grassy vine. He not only ennobles the plot during flowering, but also provides a tasty, healthy product. It is recommended to grow just sweet peas, loved by children and suitable for cooking various culinary masterpieces.

The timing of planting peas, depending on the region according to the lunar calendar in 2019

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting peas can be calculated according to the lunar calendar.

RegionAuspicious daysBad days
South RegionMarch: 27, 29, 31. April: 6-13, 15-17.March: 6, 7, 21. April: 5, 19.
Midland, Moscow RegionApril: 29, 30. May: 6-10, 12-17.April: 15, 19. May: 5, 19.
Siberia, UralMay: 12-17. June: 1, 2, 5, 6, 11-13.May: 5, 19. June: 3, 4.17.

Preparing planting material

Before planting the peas, it is recommended to soak them in water for at least a day, until they begin to germinate.

If you plan to use planting material from the last sowing, that is, your own, then you must first find out which ones are affected by the disease. This can be understood by immersing them in a salt solution (30 g per 1 liter of water). Keep seeds there for no more than 10 minutes. As time passes, some peas will sink, and few will remain on the surface. Those that did not plunge, most likely to be sick, they must be selected and discarded. Rinse the remaining ones thoroughly, then place in water until they germinate.

The process is as follows. Water should be about 1 cm higher than the peas. In this state, they must be left for at least 12 hours, after which they should swell. After time, they need to be removed, washed in clean water. Then wrap in gauze and place in plastic bags, this will create greenhouse conditions for them and allow them to germinate. In this form, they should lie at a temperature not lower than room temperature for about 2 days. To improve quality, you need to take them out of gauze 1-2 times a day, rinse under clean water. This is done in order to avoid the formation of mucus and rot on the peas.

If you need to postpone the planting time, possibly due to bad weather or some other factors, the seeds can be stored. It is better to do this in the refrigerator, but not more than a few weeks. However, they will not stop the germination process.

To disinfect planting material before sowing, it is recommended to place them in a pink solution of manganese for no more than a quarter of an hour.

The best place for peas in the garden

When choosing a location for a pea bed, it is worth considering such nuances as the illumination of the plot, neighboring plants, vegetables, the type of soil plays a significant role, lightweight is recommended.

The most important factor is the climatic conditions in the region where the peas will be grown. It prefers a humid climate with high rainfall.

Best pea neighbors

Neighboring plants play a large role in the development of peas. Carrots, pumpkins, cucumbers and tomatoes are most suitable for the role of neighbors.

It is also not forbidden to grow potatoes and beets nearby.

Preparing the soil for planting peas

Soil preparation is an important occupation. She needs to start training in the fall. It is necessary to dig up the intended place approximately on the bayonet of a shovel, mixing the soil with fertilizer, in the form of humus (6 kg), superphosphate (40 g) and potassium salt (20 g) per 1 m². Before sowing, it is necessary to fill the area with wood ash. It will not be amiss to regularly fertilize the soil, which will well affect the cultivation of all plants and vegetables on the site.

Water the bed abundantly before planting peas.

Rules for planting peas in open ground

For comfortable pea growth on the site, you need to observe the distance between the bushes, for this you need to plant seeds at a distance of 30-60 cm. The depth of seed planting depends on the type of soil. With light soil, it should not exceed 3 cm. If, on the contrary, it is heavy clay soil, the depth should be 4-5 cm.

Before the planting process itself, you need to prepare the seeds. To do this, soak them, sprout. However, it is possible to plant dry seeds.

In the bed prepared since autumn, you need to make grooves. Pour a little humus into them, compost is also suitable. It is recommended to plant peas in a checkerboard pattern at the set distance between the peas. Although it is possible to land in the line, but also observing the distance. Then sprinkle with soil, tamp it a little.

Next, you need to create greenhouse conditions for the beds, for this it needs to be covered with something, for example, agril.

Outdoor pea care

Like all plants and vegetables, it requires care during growth. Nevertheless, the list of necessary procedures is not so large, and even a beginner in the issue of cultivation will do just fine with them.

Pea is resistant to cold, it is not a problem for him. What can not be said about the heat, it affects the sprouts badly, killing them.

In hot weather, you need to ensure regular watering and loosening of the soil, weed the site. Installation of backwater required. Consider each of the processes in more detail.

Watering and weeding

Peas love moisture very much, therefore it is necessary to provide regular and plentiful watering in order to avoid problems.

In the absence of the proper amount of water in the soil, peas do not germinate well.

Watering is divided into 2 parts, before flowering and after.

  • Before flowering, watering is done no more than 1 time per week, in hot weather, it is increased to 2 times a week.
  • After the flowers appear, watering doubles. Ie at least twice a week, and in dry weather 4 times a week. The amount of moisture required is determined by a bucket of water per 1 m / sq.

The watering process also has its own peculiarity. It is highly recommended not to get water on the leaves, you need to pour directly between the beds.

Immediately after watering, the beds are loosened, weed, so that moisture can enter as deep as possible into the soil. After it begins to emerge, after about 10 days, a more thorough loosening of the soil is carried out, saturating it with oxygen.

Top dressing

In order for peas to grow at the maximum of their capabilities, it is necessary to ensure the most favorable conditions for its growth, or resort to the use of top dressing. Given the prevailing climate in Russia, the second option for solving the problem is more suitable for gardeners.

  • In the fall, at the time of the start of soil preparation for planting, it is necessary to produce the first fertilizer. It is made at the rate of 0.5 buckets of rotted organic matter per 1 m².
  • The next time will be directly during the landing. These are superphosphate, potassium salt and nitrate. The necessary ratio for the soil has been described above.
  • The next session of fertilizing the soil occurs at the time of emergence. It is produced by the infusion of nettle (green) as well as dandelions.
  • The last time that fertilizing is applied to the soil is during the flowering period. It is produced regularly with watering. For this, a tablespoon of nitrophoska is added to a bucket of water. At the same time, the water norm per 1 m² during this period is 5 liters.
    The use of fertilizers containing nitrogen is recommended only if
    the soil in which peas are planted is not fertile, or spring is cold enough.

Pest and pest control

Peas are susceptible to various diseases, the appearance of pests. The biggest enemy is the pea moth. Butterfly, the active period is during flowering. The harm lies in laying eggs on the plant, from which caterpillars will then appear. It is the caterpillars that cause the greatest damage, penetrating deeper into the pods, eating seeds.

One such butterfly can lay up to 250 eggs, which is a disastrous figure for one bush. As a preventive measure, early sowing is recommended. It turns out that flowering occurs before pests are activated, thus saving the plant from death. It is also recommended to very often loosen the soil around, this will kill insect pupae. In addition, pollination with wood ash and tobacco is possible.

The next major problem is the Bruhus beetle. Just like a butterfly eats peas, gnawing the flesh. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that insect-damaged seeds do not enter anyone's food. Since the excrement of the pest contains a large number of dangerous substances that will have an extremely negative effect on the human or animal organism.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the larva can wait for the winter in the grain. To protect yourself from this, you must store the peas in sub-zero temperatures, and then pass them through a 3% salt solution. Damaged seeds will be immediately visible, they will float to the surface.

Another pest is the nodule weevil. It causes great damage to the culture, with its own dimensions of only half cm. It feeds mainly on the tops of the plant, laying off larvae. Which in turn feed on the root system of the plant, its terrestrial part.

As a prophylaxis, deep plowing in the fall is recommended, with the help of it pest larvae are destroyed. Also, early sowing, by the time the beetle appears, it is enough to strengthen the trunks of the plant, which will make them unsuitable for the pest. Pollination with tobacco and wood ash is also a very effective solution to this problem.

Pea harvesting and storage

Harvesting is done as it ripens, not at once. It should be noted that peas do not have long-term storage properties. It is recommended to immediately bring it into one of the types: dried, canned or processed.


Watch the video: A Complete Guide for Growing Peas: Indoors, Outdoors, Containers, Trellising - Table of Contents (October 2024).