Grasses for lawn and mixtures thereof


Contrary to popular belief, growing a lawn using ordinary grass will not work. Such a lawn will remain stiff even with regular maintenance.

The difference between lawn grass and wild

Lawn crops differ from wild grasses in a set of useful properties.

It includes:

  • rapid growth of shoots. Due to this quality, several weeks after planting, the seedlings form a dense turf layer;
  • aesthetics. The green lawn in front of the house or in the backyard can become an element of the garden landscape, a place to relax, as well as a playground for games;
  • tactile sensations. Touching the lawn, a person will feel the velvet surface of leaf blades;
  • variety of shapes and varieties. The gardener can choose from more grass mixtures and monocultures.

When purchasing seed for planting a lawn, it is necessary to focus on the following factors:

  • seed quality. When buying, you should make sure that the seller can provide the appropriate certificate;
  • climatic conditions. Each culture is characterized by its level of resistance to sharp temperature extremes;
  • features of the selected site (location, soil properties, groundwater level).
  • The list also includes the color of the grass, tolerance of cutting, uniformity of seedlings, type of root system, shelf life of seeds.

Types of grass mixtures

Herb mixtures are classified into several categories. Among them are:

  • fast. Tillering provides a quick restoration of bald spots (components of such lawns: annual ryegrass, pasture ryegrass, red fescue, meadow bluegrass);
  • sunny. Plants from this group are resistant to heat and bright light (hedgehog meadow, festulolium, meadow fescue and red);
  • shadow. Lawn crops of this type are planted in areas that are in the shade (soddy pike, shoot woodland, red fescue, common bluegrass);
  • universal. Herbs are undemanding to the place of growth. They are resistant to heat and shade (meadow bluegrass and red, fescue red and sheep, rye grass).

High-quality mixtures consist of seeds characterized by high germination. Otherwise, bald spots form on the lawn, which subsequently have to be re-sown.

Cereals are selected in such a way that crop disadvantages are compensated for by their advantages. If the manufacturer correctly calculated the formula, the lawn will survive the effects of adverse environmental conditions without any special losses.

Grass mixtures are most often used to create lawns that are not going to be subjected to intensive trampling. The territories reserved for sports fields are planted with monocultures. In order for a green area to appear in front of the house, which is characterized by a sufficient level of thickening, the gardener must follow the recommended seeding rate during planting. By this definition is meant the number of seeds that will be required per 1 m2 of plot.

Grass for the lawn

There are a lot of varieties of lawn grass. About the development of the root system, they are divided into groups listed in the following table.

A typeDescriptionPlants
RhizomeThe root develops in breadth. Overhead shoots grow from nodes that, over time, appear on its branches.- meadow foxtail
- Bluegrass
- White field
Stem rootPlants are unpretentious and decorative. Additional shoots are formed on the main root.- lollipop horned
- sainfoin
Loose bushShoots appear on the aerial parts of the plant. Only one node can be seen in the root system.- Pasture ryegrass
- Timofeevka
Flat bushesNew shoots after intergrowth with old ones form bumps.- Belous
- Red fescue

Another important factor is the intended location of lawn grass.

The upper tier is formed from photophilous cultures, which include boneless bonfire and sainfoin. To create an average, half-upper herbs are used, for example, timothy, hybrid clover or alfalfa. To make the lower tier, you will need a red fescue and a field mushroom.

Gardeners should also pay attention to the life expectancy of plants. Lawn grasses can be perennials and annuals. As monocultures and components of mixtures use:


This early cereal is appreciated for its rich shade, high resistance to temperature extremes and shade tolerance. With regular mowing, it forms an even cover. The root system is weak, so the plant should not be planted on sites that undergo trampling. The advantages of perennial include unpretentiousness, rapid growth and decorative appearance, and the minuses are slow root survival. Bluegrass can be a good basis for mixtures;

White clover

The hybrid is bright. Gardeners who have planted this crop on their site can conduct low mowing. The lawn will not suffer from this;


Most often, a complex consisting of two varieties (red and sheep) is chosen. The result is a green carpet that is resistant to shading and lack of moisture. Such a lawn does not need special care;

Small-leaved timothy

The plant is characterized by rare endurance. It is not afraid of shade, low temperatures and high humidity;

Pasture ryegrass

Its leaves are painted in a juicy color. Culture is planted if there is a need for temporary plantings. Ryegrass does not tolerate low temperatures, so it should be sown as a monoculture only in warm areas;


The shoot gives long shoots of a light green shade. Among its characteristic features, intense tillering is distinguished. The thin polevole is not afraid of frequent haircuts and sudden changes in temperature. Having planted it on its site, the gardener will receive a lawn of deep green color. Dogwoods are included in grass mixtures for decorative lawns;


Unpretentious culture with a powerful root system, the seeds of which are often included in the composition of grass mixtures. It prevents weeds from growing;


Resistant to waterlogging, drought, frost. Its short shoots form a thick cover, which can be subjected to low mowing.

Mixtures of grass for the lawn

To grow a lawn, experienced gardeners recommend using mixtures of cereals. This is due to such features of these plants as:

  • developed root system;
  • uniformity of seedlings;
  • decorative appearance;
  • tolerance of frequent haircuts;
  • ability to stifle weeds.

Before buying grass mixtures, you need to determine the type and purpose of the future lawn.

If you plan to use the green area as a place for outdoor activities and sports, you should give preference to sports compositions. They are resistant to trampling and the presence of a dense sod layer.

Herb mixtures are acquired if they want to plant a meadow lawn. Bright flowers and lush greens will adorn him throughout the season. The site is made out by tall and short plants. Elite lawns, unlike rural-style lawns, are moody and demanding of growing conditions. This is offset by their appearance. Such landscape design will make the site more sophisticated and neat.

Lawn grasses grow quite quickly. They do not cause soil depletion. 1-2 months after sowing, a decorative lawn is formed at the site of the prepared site. To maintain its attractive appearance, the gardener will have to regularly water and cut the grass.

Instead of grass mixtures, you can use strips of rolled lawn. This option is considered quick and easy. Its only drawback is the high cost of the material. For a quality rolled lawn, the gardener will have to pay a rather impressive amount.

Whatever method is chosen, the correct cultivation technology cannot be dispensed with. The final result depends not only on the composition of the grass mixture, but also on the quality of care for crops.


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