Blueberries - compact bushes with a sharp-eyed berry


Blueberries are a fruit plant from the Vaccinium genus in the Heather family. In addition to very healthy and tasty berries, it is appreciated for its decorative effect, which is why bushes are often planted on alpine hills. Shoots and foliage of shrubs are also used to feed livestock, and previously used as a dye for skin. The scientific name of the genus (vaccinium) comes from the word "vacca", that is, "cow." The Russian name is explained by the color of berries. Blueberries live in shady coniferous and mixed forests or in swamps. The plant is ubiquitous from temperate climate to the tundra.

Appearance of the bush

Blueberries are a perennial deciduous shrub with a height of only 10-50 cm. It is fed by a creeping, superficial rhizome, which leaves only 6-8 cm deep into the ground. A large amount of growth is formed on the lateral branches of the roots, so it is recommended to limit the shrub. In the center is a small number of main stems. Side branches on them are directed upward at an acute angle. The stems are covered with a smooth brown bark with longitudinal ribs.

Regular sessile or short-leaved leaves are arranged spirally. They have an ovoid or oval shape with finely serrated edges. The leathery surface of the sheet is pointed at the end and painted dark green. The thickened and lighter central vein is clearly visible on it.

In May, small greenish-white flowers appear at the ends of the shoots. They are practically devoid of pedicels and grow single. The correct five-petalled nimbus has 5 denticles, a single pestle with a lower ovary and 5 stamens. Drooping flowers are pollinated by insects. The plant is a good honey plant.

In July-September, egg-shaped or rounded berries ripen with a diameter of 6-10 mm. They are painted black or dark blue and have a very small amount of wax coating. At the bottom of the berry is a small round crown. Under the thin skin hides a purple juicy pulp with an intense aroma and sweet taste. It contains up to 40 small seeds.

The difference between blueberries and blueberries

Both plants belong to the genus Vaccinium, so their similarity is not surprising. A novice gardener rarely distinguishes blueberries from blueberries in the appearance of the bush. Among the most characteristic distinguish the following differences:

  • blueberry bush is always low, while blueberries can reach 3 m in height;
  • blueberries are almost devoid of light waxy coating;
  • the juice of blueberries, unlike a sister, leaves bright, persistent spots on hands and clothes;
  • the composition of blueberries is richer, it contains microelements that help improve vision;
  • if blueberries begin to bloom and bear fruit from the age of 7 years, then on the blueberry bushes the first flowers appear after 1-2 years.

It should be remembered that blueberries have no varieties and varieties. It is represented by the only species "common blueberry or myrtle leaf". If in stores "garden blueberries" or other varieties are sold, then we are talking about blueberries.

Breeding methods

Blueberries are propagated by seeds and vegetatively. With the seed method of reproduction, the most ripe and healthy berries are harvested. They are softened and the seeds are extracted, and then washed and dried. Landing is carried out in mid-autumn. Previously, the seeds are soaked in a glass of water and only those that have settled to the bottom are used. In shallow containers with a mixture of sand and peat, the seeds are planted to a depth of 3-5 mm. They are moistened and covered with a film. Every day it is necessary to ventilate and spray crops. Shoots appear a few weeks later, after which the shelter is removed. In winter, seedlings are kept in a well-lit room with a temperature of + 5 ... + 10 ° C. In spring, when the weather is warm, plants in pots are taken out to fresh air and placed in partial shade. They are regularly watered and fertilized. An outdoor transplant can be performed at the age of 2-3 years.

In June-July, half-lignified shoots 4-6 cm long are cut. The lower leaves from the stalk are removed, and the upper leaf plates are cut in half. The slice is treated with a growth stimulator, and then shoots are planted in containers with peat or peat-humus soil. A layer of river sand 2-3 cm thick is poured on top of it. The container is covered with a film. After rooting, young leaves begin to appear, which means that the shelter can be removed. Landing at a permanent place is performed after wintering (in spring or autumn).

Thanks to the creeping rhizome, blueberries give a large amount of root shoots. Over time, the bush becomes too large and needs to be divided and transplanted. In the first half of autumn it is completely dug out and divided into parts with a sharp knife. Each divide must have several shoots and at least five healthy kidneys. Without allowing the rhizome to dry, the plants are immediately planted in a permanent place.

Location and Landing

In order for blueberries to take root in the garden, it is necessary to create conditions close to natural. Particular attention should be paid to lighting and soil composition. The soil should be sufficiently acidic, but moderately moist. To do this, peat crumbs, pieces of pine bark, sawdust, oak leaves are introduced into it. River sand is added to too dense and heavy soil. Bushes should be placed in partial shade or in the open sun.

Landing can be carried out in the spring or in the fall. It is noted that it is blueberries planted in autumn that better take root. A planting pit 60 cm wide and 80 cm deep is dug at a distance of 1.5 m from buildings or other plants. At the bottom of the hole lay out drainage material. If the rhizome is overdried, then it is placed for several hours in a basin with water. The root neck is placed flush with the soil. The earth is tamped and filled with voids with fertile soil.

Bushes are watered with citric acid. The soil compacted at the roots is mulched with sawdust or peat. When planting seedlings from 3 years old, their shoots are shortened to a height of 20 cm from the ground. This compensates for damage to the rhizome and promotes rapid adaptation to a new location.

Care Rules

Blueberries require regular care and attention from the gardener. Its roots are very close to the surface, so frequent watering with small portions of water is necessary so that the liquid does not stagnate and the fungus does not develop.

To obtain a plentiful harvest, fertilizing should be done. Use organic and mineral complexes. Organics (peat crust, mullein, compost) is distributed in the basal circle in the spring every 3 years. Every year, at the end of spring, the bushes are watered with a small amount of mineral fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, Kalimagnesia, superphosphate). On non-hot days in the evening, a fertilizer solution is also useful to spray on the crown.

A mandatory procedure for growing blueberries is pruning. From the age of 3-4 years, it is carried out every spring. You should leave up to seven healthy strong branches. Too thick places thin out and remove part of the side shoots. Old branches (from 5 years old) are cut to a height of 20 cm. When the bush reaches the age of 15 years, its entire crown is also shortened to a height of 20 cm.

Blueberries are resistant to frost and do not need shelter for the winter, however, protection from sudden spring frosts may be necessary. Blooming buds or flowers suffer from sudden temperature changes. In case of cooling, cover the bushes with non-woven material.

Blueberries are usually resistant to plant diseases. Only with regular waterlogging of the soil does root rot and powdery mildew develop. Treatment with Bordeaux liquid or another fungicide will be beneficial. Of the parasites, aphids and scale insects are most often attacked. You can get rid of them with the help of insecticides and acaricides. To prevent chemicals from entering the fruit, it is recommended that preventive treatments be carried out in early spring.

Harvesting, useful properties

Collect blueberries begin in mid-summer. It is better to do this in dry weather in the morning or in the evening. Only well-ripened, almost black berries are picked. For this, special fruit raisers are often used. Berries are freed from foliage and stalks, washed and dried. To preserve the fruits longer, they are frozen, dried or jam and jams are prepared.

The use of blueberries not only gives a pleasant taste, but also saturates the body with useful substances. Fruits and leaves are rich in active elements:

  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • saponins;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • glycosides;
  • antioxidants.

Eating several berries daily can lower blood sugar, improve metabolism and increase the acidity of gastric juice. The product helps to improve blood supply to the retina of the eye, and fights against diarrhea, vitamin deficiency and infectious diseases. Fruit juice and a decoction of leaves are used externally to combat eczema, scaly lichen and skin rashes.

Contraindications to the treatment of blueberries are diseases of the pancreas and duodenum, individual intolerance, a tendency to constipation or oxalaturia.
