10 onion flowers that do not need to be dug up for the winter


Most bulbous plants need to be dug up for the winter, and once spring is planted again. It takes a lot of time. But there are flowers that tolerate winter and spring bloom with renewed vigor without digging.


They grow in one place for up to 5 years, while frosts are not fearful to colchicum. They dig them out only if you need to propagate the bush or make it less common. They dig a bulb at the end of July, and a month later they are returned to the ground.

The large size of the bulbs allows plants to do without watering for a long time. At the same time colchicum unpretentious to lighting and soil composition. The only thing that needs to be done is to cover the plants with crumbling foliage.


In central Russia, lilies can winter and do not die from frost. In one place, flowers are able to grow for 4-5 years. After this period, the bulbs in any case are dug up, as they will begin to grow and hammer each other. From this, the decorativeness of flowers is lost.

In addition, rotten bulbs appear on adult bulbs, which lead to the death of the whole plant.

Lily bulbs do not need to be dried before re-planting. They are dug up and immediately placed in a new place.

Grouse imperial

Plants need to be replanted only if the buds become smaller or the crops begin to hurt. For the winter period, grouse can not be covered, but it is recommended to sprinkle with a layer of sand. So moisture will be better retained.

Moreover, it is worth refusing a transplant if the bush has not given buds for several years. If you transplant, then there will be no flowers for at least another year.


Tulips used to grow in the same place for decades. But now more and more new varieties are planted that are capricious. Therefore, they are recommended to be transplanted every 3-4 years. To do this, at the end of summer, the bulbs are dug up, cleaned from the ground and placed in a cool, dry place.

With the onset of autumn, plants are planted. Bulbs are not afraid of winter frosts.

Onions irises

This variety of irises needs to be provided with a well-lit place with drained soil and protected from drafts. Digging the bulbs is not necessary, but it is recommended to sprinkle with a small layer of peat or compost.

With the advent of spring, the covering layer is removed, the soil is well loosened and fertilizers are applied (potash, nitrogen and phosphorus). If you still decide to dig the bulbs for the winter, keep in mind that in the next season the plants may not have time to bloom.

Flower garden

Plants similar to lilies of the valley, only in larger sizes. Blossom begins in late spring, so the spring planting of white flowers is not suitable.

Bulbs can be removed from the soil every 5-6 years to divide the bush for young plantings.

Dried bulbs are planted in the second half of summer. For this, drained soils are chosen. With a lack of watering, the plant will not die, but the flowers will be small.

Decorative bow

Plants are whimsical to care for, but at the same time they are not afraid of frost. The most important thing is to place the bulb at a depth of its three heights.

If during the growing season water flowers abundantly and regularly feed them (at least three times), the onions will calmly endure frosts.


Crocuses are left in one place for 5 years. Digging them out is necessary only for seating. Crocuses are more afraid of frost than moisture stagnation, therefore, before planting, they must add a drainage layer.

If you notice that the water has stagnated around crocuses, dig them out, dry them and plant them again before winter.


The most unpretentious plant of all presented. It is able to grow on one site for as long as 10 years. It is worth noting that the decorativeness of the flower does not depend on the frequency of transplantation. But still it is better not to keep the plant for so long in one place, since the bulbs multiply quickly and as a result they will become crowded.


Often, from florists, you can hear that the flowers of daffodils have become small or the plant produces only greenery. This is because the narcissus has not been transplanted for a long time.

Perform the procedure every 4-5 years. Bulbs are dried for 15-20 days, and before winter they are again planted in the ground.

Such a variety of bulbs that do not need to be dug up for the winter will help even the busiest gardener to decorate his plot.


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