Grapes: a brief overview of the best varieties for different regions


Since ancient times, grapes have been cultivated by man. According to historians, the pioneers in this matter were the ancient Egyptians, who successfully cultivated the culture in the sixth millennium BC. Over the past years, viticulture has stepped far forward. Today, scientists count about 20 thousand grape varieties, of which more than 4 thousand are used. They differ from each other in the color of berries, resistance to adverse conditions, taste and other qualities.

Varieties with different color berries

The color of grapes is very diverse. It depends on the amount of coloring pectin in the skin of the fetus and can range from almost white to blue-black. On this basis, all varieties are divided into three main groups:

  • white
  • black
  • reds.

One of the characteristic features of a grape variety is the color of its berries.


The berries of white grape varieties actually have a light green color. Moreover, the shade of color depends not only on the variety, but also on the growing conditions. Particularly strongly on the intensity of staining of fruits affects sunlight. To enhance its effect, many growers during the ripening period remove part of the leaves. When carrying out this procedure, one must remember that thinning too early can lead to sunburn on the berries and a complete or partial loss of yield.

More than half of all grape varieties have white berries. These include:

  • Agadai;
  • Avgaly;
  • Bazhen
  • White miracle;
  • Halahard;
  • The long-awaited;
  • Karaburnu;
  • Liang;
  • Moscow white;
  • Mascot;
  • Citrine;
  • Sabbath.

Photo Gallery: Popular White Grape Varieties


Black grape varieties are very popular with gardeners around the world. They contain a large number of antioxidants that have beneficial effects on human health. Black grapes are less common than white. Nevertheless, it can be seen in almost any vineyard. The following grades were especially famous:

  • Academician Avidzba (In memory of Dzheneyev);
  • Anthracite (Charlie);
  • December;
  • Fun;
  • Blush;
  • Moldova;
  • Odessa souvenir;
  • Autumn black.

Photo gallery: black grape varieties


Red grape varieties are less common than white and black varieties. In addition, with insufficient sunlight and other adverse conditions, they often do not gain the desired color intensity and remain greenish-pink.

Among the red varieties grown in our country, one can note:

  • Victor;
  • Helios;
  • Dessert;
  • Cardinal;
  • Original;
  • In memory of the Teacher;
  • In memory of the Surgeon;
  • Rumba.

Photo gallery: grape varieties with red berries

Varieties of different maturity

All grape varieties can be divided into early and late. Among the winegrowers of our country, early ripening varieties are in special demand, as they ripen even in regions of risky farming with short and not too hot summers.

Table: Early Varieties

GradeRipening period
(days from the beginning of the growing season)
Short description
Augalia106-115High-yielding variety with large whitish-green fruits. The pulp is crispy, with a harmonious taste and unobtrusive aroma of muscat. Avgalia does not tolerate low temperatures and often requires shelter, even in the southern regions.
Anthracite (Charlie)105-115As a cover crop, it is grown in many regions of Russia, including the northern ones. Easily tolerates frosts up to -24 ° C without shelter. Large (up to 10 g) black berries have a pleasant taste.
Baklanovsky115-125Vigorous variety with light green berries that have a fairly simple, not very sweet taste. Its main advantages are good winter hardiness (up to -25 ° C) and high commercial qualities of fruits that easily tolerate transportation and storage.
Victor100-110Variety of amateur selection V.N. Krainova. Ripe berries have a beautiful pink-purple color. The pulp is fleshy, with a pleasant taste. The main enemy of Victor are wasps. They are very fond of its sweet berries and, without proper action, they can leave the winegrower without a crop.
Halahard95-110The modern variety, characterized by great vigor growth power. The berries are light yellow, oval, with a pleasant, not too sweet taste, well tolerate transportation. Resistance to common diseases and frost is above average. Among the drawbacks of the winegrowers, they note the rapid shedding of fruit after ripening and the frequent attacks of wasps on the crop. In addition, in the northern regions of our country, he may suffer from return frosts.
Helios110-120Red grape variety with large berries, collected in bulk clusters, the weight of which can reach 1.5 kg. During transportation, it is practically not damaged. Helios tolerates frosts well to -23 ° C and is rarely affected by mildew and oidium.
Long awaited105-116Variety with large berries, acquiring a greenish-yellow color after ripening. The pulp is juicy, crispy, very sweet, with a characteristic varietal aroma. Productivity - 6-10 kg per plant. The long-awaited is very sensitive to disruption of the water balance: with a lack of moisture, the fruits shrink and become smudged, and in excess, they crack. Winter hardiness does not exceed -23 ° C.
Cardinal115-120An old American selection that has long conquered Russia's vineyards. The skin is dense, beautiful red-violet, with a smoky coating, color. The taste of pulp is harmonious, with light musky notes. Winter hardiness is low. The vine dies at temperatures below -20 ° C. It is also unstable to common diseases of grapes. In addition, he often suffers from a bunch of flu. The average yield is 120-140 centners per hectare.
Citrine (Super Extra)95-105Fungus-resistant variety of white grapes. It ripens well even in cool summers and lack of sunlight. Resistant to frost below -25 ° C. Among the advantages of this variety is the harmonious taste of rather large berries, which tolerate transportation well.

Table: Late Varieties

Grade nameRipening period
(days from the beginning of the growing season)
Short description
Agadaiabout 140An ancient high-yielding Dagestan variety. The berries are light yellow, the flesh is crispy, with a simple tart taste that improves during storage. It is strongly affected by mildew, to a lesser extent - by oidium and gray rot. Vine Agadai dies already at -15 ° C.
Gyulyabi Dagestanabout 140A universal high-yielding variety widespread in the North Caucasus. Medium-sized pink berries have a simple, fairly sweet taste and are great both for fresh consumption and for making wine and juice. Like most old varieties, Gyulyabi Dagestan is often affected by diseases and does not tolerate cold.
Karaburnu150-155Vintage variety of natural selection. The berries are medium in size (up to 5 g) of light green color with a brown tan. The pulp is dense, crispy. The taste is quite sweet, without a pronounced aroma. Karaburnu is very affected by fungal diseases and does not tolerate severe frosts.
Pukhlyakovskyabout 150A relatively winter-hardy variety often found in the Don basin. Greenish-white, rather small (weight not more than 2.2 g) berries have a characteristic varietal taste. Pukhlyakovsky needs a pollinator for fruiting. Varieties are best suited for this role:
  • Chasla white;
  • Senso;
  • Hamburger Muscat.
Odessa souvenir140-145Drought-resistant variety of black grapes. Quite large (weight up to 5 g) berries have an elongated shape. The pulp is fleshy, with a harmonious tart taste and a weak muscat aroma. Odessa souvenir is resistant above average to fruit rot and mildew, but often suffers from oidium. At temperatures below -18 ° C, the vine may die.
Sabbatabout 170An indigenous variety of the Crimean peninsula. Large greenish-yellow berries with cartilaginous flesh have a harmonious taste without a pronounced aroma. The main advantages of the Sabbat are its low susceptibility to fungal diseases and excellent keeping quality of fruits.

In most of our country, only unpretentious and winter-hardy grapes can be grown. When breeding new varieties, breeders must take these two qualities into account, thanks to which viticulture is distributed even in the northern regions of Russia.


Beginner growers pay special attention to the undemanding variety to care. Fully this quality possess:

  • Agate Donskoy. An early variety with dark blue medium-sized berries of a simple taste. The pulp contains no more than 15% sugars. Differs in high (up to 50 kg from a bush) productivity. Due to its high resistance to fungal diseases, it does not require regular chemical treatments. In regions with winter temperatures above -26 ° C it can be grown without shelter. In case of damage to the vine by severe frosts, it is easily restored;

    Even novice growers will be able to get a high yield of Agatha Donskoy.

  • Timur. Low-growing grape variety with whitish-green sweet berries with a mild muscat aroma. They ripen within 100-106 days after the start of the growing season. Timur does not require special soil fertility. It feels great on sandy and sandy loamy soils. Resistance to fungal diseases is higher than most grape varieties. It tolerates a decrease in air temperature to -25 ° C;

    Timur in our garden is a universal favorite. We have 3 bushes at the age of 5 years. Ripening is the earliest of all varieties. Its berries are very beautiful in shape and very sweet with crispy flesh. There was no watering. The only thing is that the brushes are small - 300-400 g. We don’t feel the muscat.

    galyna //
  • Lydia An ancient variety characterized by high growth power and exceptional rooting ability. Pink berries are quite small. The pulp is mucous, with a characteristic aroma. Lydia used to be widely used for making wine and juices, but after rumors about the release of harmful substances during its fermentation, it lost its popularity. For successful fruiting, this variety needs a long warm summer. It does not require regular treatment from fungal diseases, top dressing and watering. Due to its unpretentiousness in the southern regions, Lydia is often grown as a decorative culture. Usually it is decorated with various arbors and canopies.

    Lydia can do very well without any care

Winter hardy

Winter hardiness is a must for grapes grown in areas of risky farming. The following grades can withstand the lowest temperatures:

  • Alpha. A variety of American selection. It withstands frosts down to -40 ° C, due to which it can be grown without shelter even in the northern regions of our country. The roots of the plant remain viable when the soil is cooled to -12 ° C. Alpha berries do not differ in high palatability. Their flesh has a mucous texture and a rather sour taste. They are usually used to make wines and juices. In addition, Alpha is a good pollinator for self-fertile grape varieties;
  • The riddle of Sharov. A unique variety that was born thanks to the Siberian amateur breeder R.F. Sharov. It combines high winter hardiness (up to -35 ° C) and a harmonious sweet taste of dark blue berries, which ripen 110 days after the buds open;

    The small (up to 2 g) weight of the berries of the Sharov Riddle is compensated by the excellent taste

  • Taiga emerald. Grade of selection of the student I.V. Michurin Nikolai Tikhonov. It has exceptional winter hardiness: the vine is not damaged by frosts down to -30 ° C. Bright green berries contain a large amount of sugars (up to 20%) with a fairly high acidity (about 11%), because of which they have a bright refreshing taste. Among the advantages of Taiga emerald and high resistance to fungal diseases.

Video: Taiga grapes

Complex resistant

Many modern varieties have complex resistance to cold and most fungal and bacterial diseases. These include:

  • White miracle;
  • Muromets;
  • Delight;
  • Marquette;
  • Liang;
  • Codryanka;
  • Beauty of the North;
  • Kesha.


Delight is one of the most popular grape varieties in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. It tolerates frosts up to -25 ° C and rarely suffers from fungal diseases. The winegrowers are not indifferent to the pleasant harmonious taste of its berries, containing 19-26% sugars and 7-9% titratable acids.

Delight refers to tall varieties. His vine needs annual formative pruning. Usually when it is carried out on the bush leave no more than 40 eyes.

Grapes Delight tolerates frosts and resists disease

Light green, almost white berries of this variety weigh about 5-6 g and have an oval-round shape. They are used mainly for fresh consumption. The clusters are loose, weighing from 500 to 900 g.

The fruits of Delight ripen within 100-110 days from the moment of budding. From one hectare of planting, you can collect up to 120 quintals of grapes, well preserving its qualities during transportation and storage.

I will never give up Enthusiasm. We didn’t notice that it was sick with an oidium. Reliable. It hangs until you take it off and it’s very nice at any time in the fall you can enjoy it until the frost.

Tatyana Filippenko


Video: Delight grapes


Kesha tolerates a drop in temperature to -23 ° C and has a strong immunity to fungal diseases. Its characteristic features include:

  • light green color of large berries;
  • sweet fleshy flesh;
  • early ripening of berries;
  • high productivity;
  • fast fruiting;
  • lack of propensity to peel fruit.

Kesha begins to bear fruit 2 years after planting

I have Kesha growing 13 years. Favorite variety of the whole family. Very unpretentious and stable. Virtually no watering and no feeding. The usual harvest is 25-30 kg per bush. The berries in each brush are both round and slightly elongated. The appearance of an ovary in stepsons is a normal phenomenon for him and indicates a normal load. Now, if there is no such ovary - a clear overload. A great pollinator for a nearby Talisman. Light nutmeg appears when overripe and on berries fried in the sun.




Reference table variety of black grapes. It is widely used both in industrial viticulture and in private areas. It features an original elongated, slightly curved shape of berries that have a simple but harmonious taste. They ripen in 110-115 days from the moment of budding.

Kodrianka is considered a reference grape variety

Kodrianka, better than many other grape varieties, tolerates return frosts and summer drought. In addition, she rarely suffers from mildew and oidium, and also does not cause interest in wasps. When grown in regions with winter temperatures below -23 ° C, Kodryanka must be covered.

According to experienced winegrowers, the main disadvantage of Kodryanka is the tendency to pea. This can be avoided by treatment with growth stimulants such as gibberellin or acetylsalicylic acid.

This year I was pleased with Kodryanka. True, for the suburbs this variety is quite complex, not enough CAT. But the taste of this variety is very good. The berry is large. The grade is table. The berry is crispy, sweet, with a stone.

Roman Ivanovich


Video: Codryanka variety description

The most delicious grape varieties

The taste of berries of different grape varieties is checked by experts who set tasting ratings. Especially delicious are varieties that received more than 8.5 points out of 10 possible. For instance:

  • Rochefort (9.7);
  • Academician Avidzba (9.2);
  • In memory of Negrul (9.2);
  • Tavria (9.1);
  • Gourmet Kraynova (9.1);
  • Valentine (9.1);
  • Annie (9).


A consistently high tasting score gets grapes with a nutmeg flavor. It is most pronounced in the following varieties:

  • Hamburger Muscat. Old medium late grape variety. Its purple-blue berries taste great with a strong muscat flavor. In Russia, grown as a cover crop. In addition, it is very affected by pests;

    Muscat Hamburg - a classic Muscat grape variety

  • Muscat of Moscow. A very early selection of breeding of the Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. The berries are light green with a nutmeg flavor. Often affected by fungal diseases and spider mites;

    The average weight of Muscat Moscow clusters is 450 g

  • Rochefort. Modern early grade. The berries are large (up to 8 g), red-gray in color. The pulp is juicy, with a strong aroma of nutmeg. The resistance of the variety to disease and sub-zero temperatures is average;

    Rochefort berries are not only delicious, but also very beautiful

  • Anyuta. The latest grade of early ripening. Resistance to fungal diseases - 3.5 points. The berries are pink, rather large, with a pronounced taste of nutmeg. The average yield is 188 centners per hectare.

    Moody Anyuta, but beautiful clusters, large berry, color, taste overlaps all its flaws. Wonderful nutmeg!

    Alexander Kovtunov



The tasting assessment is affected not only by taste, but also by the size of the berries. Large and beautiful fruits are able to bring the variety an additional 2 points.

Table: grapes with the largest berries

Grade nameBerry Size (mm)Features
Biruinza20-28Srednepozdny silnorosy variety of white grapes. The flesh of the berries is sweet and crispy. The skin is thin. It is characterized by increased resistance to phylloxera. It tolerates drought, but with a lack of moisture, the size of the berries decreases significantly. Often struck by oidium. Berries are prone to cracking with a sharp change in soil moisture. Frost resistance is average (-23 ° C).
Bogatyanovsky15-20Early variety with yellowish-green berries. The flesh is sweet, cartilaginous, sometimes slightly liquid. Thanks to a strong skin easily transfers transportation. Resistance to mildew - 3 points, to oidium - 3.5. The vine freezes at temperatures below -23 ° C.
Ruslan15-20High-yielding variety with blue-black berries. The pulp is dense, juicy, with a distinct plum flavor. It is not prone to peeling even with a high load on the bush and has increased resistance to mildew and oidium.
Demeter12-15Early-medium grade. Ripe whitish green berries with a simple sweet taste. Resistance to frost and fungal diseases is average. Needs regular watering, fertilizing and careful normalization of the number of clusters.
Cockle White12-14The latest high-yielding white grape variety. Ripens in mid-August. The pulp of ripe berries is sweet, fleshy. The skin is dense. Rarely affected by mildew and gray rot. It tolerates drought very poorly.
Great12-14Strong-growing variety of Bulgarian selection. The berries are dark purple. The flesh is crispy, with a good taste and a light aroma of sweet cherry. Unstable to fungal diseases.

Photo gallery: grapes with the largest berries


Among lovers of grapes, seedless varieties are especially appreciated. Their berries are eaten fresh and used to make raisins.

To date, hundreds of seedless grape varieties have been bred. In the countries of the former USSR, the most popular were:

  • Korinka is Russian. Frost resistant vigorous variety with a very early ripening period. The berries are small, golden green, very sweet. Resistance to mildew and gray rot is high, to oidium - medium. The thin skin of berries is often damaged by wasps;

    The weight of Russian Korinka berries does not exceed 2 g

  • Radish raisins. Medium early variety with pink berries. The pulp is juicy, tasty, with a slight aroma of nutmeg. Thick peel allows you to transport berries over long distances and store until mid-January. Resistance to fungal diseases is above average, frost resistance is weak. With excessive moisture in the soil, the taste of berries deteriorates significantly. Needs a mandatory normalization of the crop;
  • Century (Centeniel Sidlis). An early variety of American breeding. The berries are light green, medium in size (weight about 3 g). The flesh is crispy, with a delicate muscatel aroma. When overripe, the berries crumble. In addition, they quickly lose color and acquire a brownish tan. Rarely affected by fungal diseases. Average frost resistance (up to -23 ° C);

    Inflorescences have grown very well, cut yesterday. One brush is 460 g, the other is 280 g. Kishmish is 100%, there are not even rudiments. The whole family really liked it, there was a light muscatic. In all respects, I liked him more than Radiant.



  • In memory of Dombkowska. Variety resistant to diseases and pests, bred by Orenburg breeder F.I. Shatalov. It features high winter hardiness (up to -28 ° C). The berries are dark blue, almost black in color. The pulp is juicy, harmonious taste. With a lack of heat and sunlight, it can be acidic. From the beginning of the growing season until the berries ripen, no more than 115 days pass.

    The average yield of the variety Pamyaty Dombkovskaya is about 85 centners per hectare

Varieties for winemaking

For the production of wine, technical grape varieties are used. Their berries are not large in size and decorative appearance, but contain a large amount of aromatic juice.

The weight of berries of technical grape varieties rarely exceeds 1.5 g

Table: The most famous technical grape varieties

Grade nameFeatures
AligoteHigh-yielding variety of early-middle ripening period. Often suffers from fungal diseases and pests. Whitish-green berries have a characteristic aftertaste. Widely used for making dry wines.
NomineeWinter-hardy variety of medium late ripening. Its light green berries accumulate up to 25% of sugars with an acidity of 5-5.6 g / l. The table and dessert wines made from them have a pleasant aroma and piquant taste.
PomegranateMedium-late heat-loving variety, practically not suffering from fungal diseases. The wine made from its blue-black berries has a bright red color and tastes great.
Cabernet SauvignonWorld-famous grape variety with a medium-late ripening period. Its small blue-black berries with the aroma of nightshade serve as the basis for many fine wines. It has a relatively high resistance to frost (can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C) and fungal diseases. When overloading the bush with a crop, the sugar content in the fruits decreases, which makes the taste of wine noticeably worse.
CrystalYellowish-green berries of this variety ripen in the second half of August. They are used to make table and hybrid wines. A distinctive feature of the Crystal is its high winter hardiness (up to -35 ° C) and the presence of immunity to most fungal diseases.
Nutmeg pinkMid-early variety of Crimean selection. Pink berries weighing up to 1.8 g contain 22% sugar and 7-8% acids. The pulp has a strong musky taste. Dessert wines are made from it, steadily receiving high marks from specialists.
Firstborn of MagarachIn southern Russia, it matures in late September. It is rarely affected by fungal diseases and can withstand frosts down to -25 ° C. Berries weighing up to 2 g, with a strong skin of white color. Sugar content of juice - 20-22% with an acidity of 6-8 g / l.
Riesling AzosA modern hybrid of the Riesling Rhine and Dzhemete varieties. Unlike its parent, it is resistant to grape aphids and fungal diseases. Riesling Berries Azos medium size, with a thin white skin. The dry wine prepared from them is not inferior in taste to the wine from Riesling Rheinsky (tasting score - 8.8 points).
Traminer pinkOne of the oldest grape varieties of medium ripening. Berries weighing no more than 1.5 g contain a large amount of juice (about 80%) and sugars (22%), which makes it an excellent raw material for making dessert wines. The main disadvantage of the variety is its low resistance to fungal diseases and frost.
Fetyaska white
Mid-early white grapes with a high (up to 26%) sugar content in berries. Often suffering from fungal diseases and spider mites. Relatively resistant to subzero temperatures. Widely used for making juice and wine.
ChardonnayRelatively winter-hardy variety of medium ripening period. The berries are small (up to 1.5 g), with a light green skin. It is easily affected by fungal diseases. Very much appreciated by winegrowers for their juicy aromatic flesh, from which high-quality wines are obtained.

Grapes for different regions

When choosing a grape variety, special attention should be paid to its adaptability to the climate of a particular region.

Krasnodar Territory and Crimea

The natural conditions of the south of Russia, especially the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory, are ideal for growing grapes. Almost all varieties of this heat-loving culture grow well and bear fruit here. Especially popular with local residents are fruitful varieties with tasty and large fruits:

  • Cardinal;
  • Hamburger Muscat;
  • Moldova;
  • Sabbath;
  • Radish raisins;
  • Biruinza;
  • In memory of the Surgeon;
  • Anyuta.

There are many wineries on the Crimean peninsula and in the Krasnodar Territory, so technical grape varieties are in high demand:

  • Nutmeg pink;
  • Cabernet Sauvignon;
  • Aligote;
  • Chardonnay;
  • Traminer pink.

Crimea is a great place for growing grapes


The long hot summers of Donbass allow many grape varieties to mature. But they can suffer during fairly cold winters with little snow. Vine growers in this region prefer relatively frost-resistant varieties. These include:

  • Agate Donskoy;
  • Codryanka;
  • Liang;
  • Pukhlyakovsky;
  • Laura;
  • Mascot;
  • Halahard;
  • The long-awaited.

Middle Volga region, including Samara region and Tatarstan

In recent years, grapes are increasingly found in household plots of the inhabitants of the Middle Volga. A great contribution to the development of viticulture in this region was made by specialists from the Samara Regional Experimental Fruit and Berry Station, who created many new varieties adapted to the local climate. Among them:

  • Firstborn of Kuybyshev;
  • Kuibyshevsky early;
  • Beauty of the Volga region;
  • Crane;
  • Muscat Kuibyshevsky.

In the Samara region and Tatarstan, unpretentious or complex-resistant varieties also feel good:

  • Kesha
  • Pleven steady;
  • Agate Donskoy;
  • Codryanka;
  • Lydia

The middle strip of Russia and Moscow region

In central Russia and the Moscow region, grapes often suffer from frosty winters and not warm enough summers. The return frosts, which often occur during the flowering period of the culture, are also detrimental to it.

To get a guaranteed harvest, middle-class and Moscow region vine-growers grow only early frost-resistant varieties. Among them:

  • Aleshenkin gift;
  • Korinka Russian;
  • Delight;
  • Liang;
  • Beauty of the North;
  • Crystal;
  • In memory of Dombkovskaya;
  • Muscat of Moscow.

Video: grape harvest in the Moscow Region farm

North-West of the Russian Federation and Belarus

The North-West of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus are characterized by a short, rather cool summer with a lot of rainfall and a lack of sunny days. Not every grape variety can ripen and accumulate enough sugar in such conditions. In addition, wet weather increases the risk of various fungal diseases.

In such difficult climatic conditions, most wine growers choose modern varieties resistant to disease and low temperature:

  • Muromets;
  • Aleshenkin gift;
  • In memory of Dombkovskaya;
  • Victor;
  • Halahard;
  • White miracle;
  • Delight.

I have been cultivating grapes in the north of the Leningrad Region (Priozersky district) since 2010. In the first 2 years there were mistakes with sheltering the grapes, but the vines did not die and now yield crops. Started with 4 bushes (3 varieties) Oval Delight, Laura and Memory Dombkovskaya. After 2 years, making sure that the grape bears fruit in our region, she acquired the varieties Platovsky, Aleshenkin, Rodina, Kristall, Ilya Muromets, Early Malinger. The oval delight and 2 bushes of the Memory of Dombkowska began to bear fruit.

Svetlana Bedrina


In Siberia

In Siberia, the main risk factor for grapes is extremely cold winter temperatures. But breeders have created varieties that grow and bear fruit even in such difficult conditions. Among them:

  • The riddle of Sharov;
  • Taiga emerald;
  • Tukay;
  • Alpha;
  • Cheryomushka Siberian,
  • In memory of Dombkowska.

Even the most cold-resistant varieties in Siberia require mandatory shelter.

Video: vineyard in Siberia

Thanks to the tireless work of breeders, winegrowers have a large selection of varieties of their favorite culture. Each of them can choose grapes for their site, which most fully meets all its requirements.


Watch the video: Northern NY Grapes & Wines Beating The Cold, Making Their Mark (October 2024).