How and what to process currants after wintering and during the season


Currants can not always grow healthy and give a full crop without the help of the owner. This is not to say that it is too tender and capricious plant, but problems with its cultivation arise quite often. However, it is not difficult to rid the currant of all sores if it is planted correctly and further processed on time.

The first treatment of currants after winter

The first treatment can be called late winter or early spring. When all the snow has not yet come down and the kidneys are sleeping, currant bushes are poured with boiling water. In the middle lane, this is usually the end of February - the beginning of April. The spread in terms of time here is quite large. Indeed, in principle, there is no difference when a tick dies - in January or March. Another thing is that climbing in snowdrifts in severe frosts and blizzards in January is much more problematic than closer to spring.

Boiling water from tick and powdery mildew

This method is very long and widely known to many owners of currant bushes. Properly and on time, it is guaranteed to help against currant bud mites and, as a result, saves from terry, simultaneously cleanses the plant from fungal diseases. In addition, it is believed that such stress enhances the immunity of plants.

The mite hibernates in the currant buds. Hot water with a temperature of 70-80 aboutC kills the tick. It is most effective to carry out watering from a garden watering can. A plastic watering can from boiling water can lose stiffness. But practice shows that it is quite possible to use it for these purposes. Temperature is less than 100 aboutC is not critical to the plastics that watering cans are made of. Metal watering cans are more reliable, but the metal has higher thermal conductivity, and from boiling water they glow to dangerous temperatures for open hands.

Bushes of currant against a tick are watered with a hot shower from a watering can

Therefore, in any case, working with boiling water requires caution. Temperature above 90 aboutC can also harm plants. But do not forget that the treatment is carried out in the still cold season, the jets during irrigation have time to cool by a few degrees, and the kidneys themselves are still icy, and the effect of temperature is very short.

How exactly does boiling water kill a tick? There are no scientific data on this subject. There is a version that the pest is not killed by a mortally high temperature for it, but by the signal “heat started”. From this, the tick leaves the state of hibernation, it needs food, plant juices, heat, and this it cannot receive, and therefore it dies. But be that as it may, this method has been massively tested for decades, and it really works.

Video: processing currant bushes with boiling water from a watering can

Spraying with iron or copper sulfate

If the currant is not treated with boiling water, you can perform this procedure a little later, in April, but again before the buds open, with the following composition: a large dose of urea urea - 500-700 g and 50 g of iron or copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. This composition destroys not only the tick, but also all possible harmful spores and fungi, and along the way it serves the plant as a long-term nitrogen fertilizer.

Photo gallery: common currant chemicals

Processing currant bushes with a burner flame

Recently, there have been many recommendations to treat currants with an open flame of gas or gas burners. This method can be classified as a curiosity.. Such advice or someone’s joke in the black humor genre, or an experiment. The flame temperature of the gas burner is distributed unevenly across the torch, from 200 aboutC at the nozzle and above 1.5 thousand aboutC at the peak. As you can see, this is far from hot water.

Such temperatures can melt the metal. The ignition temperature of wood from an open flame begins with a mark above 200 aboutC. Temperature above 1 thousand. aboutC even with instant exposure to the plant will inevitably lead to thermal damage with all its consequences.

But, let's say that the temperature of the torch is uniform and quite suitable for heat treatment of bushes - 60-90 aboutC. Then you need to pass evenly through the flame on each branch and bud of the bush, and intuitively, without a thermometer, achieve heating to the desired temperature, and not a second without holding the flame in one place. In reality, this is impossible.

If we recall that in the spring, before the sap flow begins, the dark surface of the bark of many trees and bushes can get dry and burn even from sunlight, it becomes clear that it is impossible to seriously consider the heat treatment of currant bushes with a burner flame.

Season treatments

The main pests of blackcurrant are aphids, the already mentioned kidney and spider mites.

Pest control

In most cases, ants spread the aphids over plants, this is their food supply. If with the advent of heat you notice ants actively running up and down the trunks, you should know that your plant will be densely and evenly planted with aphids. Fighting ants is a separate big topic. But there are species of aphids that breed without the help of ants. Against aphids use the recommended remedies for this according to the instructions for use - Fitoverm, Biotlin, Karbofos and others.

Photo gallery: currant pest control agents

From folk remedies, dusting is used with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash in a ratio of 1: 1. This mixture also repels insect pollinators, therefore it is undesirable to use it during flowering, otherwise there are no contraindications. In addition, wood ash serves as foliar top dressing.

Treatment of bush diseases

Most of the problems are:

  • terry
  • gray rot
  • powdery mildew,
  • anthracnose.

Against the latter, treatments are carried out with Bordeaux liquid, against all others - with iron sulfate and Isophene, which simultaneously eliminates spider mites. There is no need for any special prophylactic treatment of blackcurrant with these drugs. They are carried out in the event of the first signs of disease, which is immediately visible from afar in the abnormal forms and color of the foliage. Treatments with fungicides can be carried out in any period of the warm season, except those specifically indicated in the instructions for use - this is usually the period of flowering and fruit collection.

Why get rid of weeds

Most of the root system of blackcurrant is located very close to the surface. That is why, firstly, even small weeds are a serious competitor to the currant bush, and large ones can inhibit growth very significantly. Secondly, you can not dig the soil under the bushes, and you can only loosen the soil to a very shallow depth, preferably with a plane cutter. Or remove weeds with your hands.

Gardeners reviews

And be sure to try to rake all the leaves from under the currant bushes in the fall. Pathogens and pests overwinter in them. By the way, a lot of aphid eggs remain to winter in the scales of the kidneys. So dousing with boiling water at the end of winter is also aphid prophylaxis.



The greatest effectiveness in combating ticks is not when it is introduced into a kidney or leaf, but at the time of the settlement of insects in the plant. At this point, they are vulnerable to contact drugs. Spraying is necessary at the time of opening of the kidneys.



Another way to control pests. It is just necessary to buy at your branch VIR (All-Union Institute of Plant Growing) for your locality and district the varieties that are most resistant to soil mites. Having planted such a sort of currant, all problems with insects will disappear immediately. It remains only to carry out prevention and top dressing.

Check mark


Black currants are almost not grown on an industrial scale in vast areas, which creates even a certain deficit. Of course, it makes sense to have this valuable culture in your garden. If you observe simple growing conditions and apply care methods in a timely manner, blackcurrant will grow quite normally and without unnecessary trouble.


Watch the video: Raspberry Care In The Winter 2019 (October 2024).