Koenigsberg tomato: so different, but always delicious


Tomato Koenigsberg is a unique variety that, on the market, quickly changed the worldview of many experienced gardeners. They were surprised to learn that a tomato can have a lot of advantages at the same time and practically have no shortcomings. The Koenigsberg variety, created in Siberia, is not afraid of the vagaries of the weather and reliably gives high yields of large fruits of excellent quality.

Description of tomato of the Koenigsberg variety

Tomato Koenigsberg took his place in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2005 and is recommended for open ground in all climatic regions of the country. Of course, it can be grown in greenhouses, but once again to take the place of a plant that can withstand cold, drought and all kinds of weather vagaries, there is no special meaning. The variety was bred by breeder V. Dederko in the Novosibirsk region, which indicates its particular resistance to adverse climates. High and resistance varieties to major diseases.

This tomato grows in a very large bush, which can reach a height of even two meters. Of course, such plants require mandatory garter and formation, but the variety generously pays for the care with very high yields: two buckets from one bush is not the limit. Due to the high growth force, Koenigsberg has to be planted quite freely, therefore, the yield per square meter does not seem prohibitive, but the usual 20 kg is not a small figure at all.

The variety belongs to indeterminate plants, that is, the growth of the bush is in principle unlimited, therefore, in the process of formation, it must be artificially limited. The bushes are beautiful, covered with fairly large leaves of light green color. The roots are powerful, go deep down and spread to the sides. The fruits grow quite far from the ground: the very first inflorescence is located only above the 12th leaf, and the next after it - every three leaves. There are 5-6 tomatoes in the brushes.

In terms of ripening, the variety is mid-season, that is, harvesting does not occur until early August. Fruits are cylindrical, with a pointed tip, very dense, smooth, without a seam, perfectly stored and transported. The mass of red tomato tomatoes is at least 150 g, but mostly more than 200 g, up to 300 g, and sometimes more, with the largest specimens growing in the lower part of the bush. Why did the word red appear? The fact is that the Koenigsberg fruits of various modifications are known. They do not belong to different varieties, considering subspecies:

  • red - is considered the leading, most common subspecies, the fruits have a classic bright red color, a shape similar to an eggplant;

    The founder of the variety - red subspecies - has a classic color

  • golden - tomatoes are painted yellow-orange due to the high content of carotene (popularly called it “Siberian apricot”); this subspecies has a slightly lower yield, but very high resistance to late blight;

    The golden variety, judging by the reviews, is the most interesting to taste

  • striped - has the main red color, but is covered with yellow stripes; the fruits are slightly smaller in size (up to 200 g), so they are easily placed in three-liter glass jars;

    The striped variety, according to the author of these lines, is "for everybody": tomatoes look somehow unconvincing

  • pink - a relatively young subspecies, has increased productivity;

    The pink subspecies is very cute and apparently tasty, like most tomatoes of this color

  • heart-shaped - a subspecies bearing fruit with especially large tomatoes of raspberry color and shape that differs from the rest.

    The fruits of the heart-shaped subspecies weighing up to 1000 g are described

Any of the varieties of Koenigsberg has a wonderful taste and strong aroma of fruits, the purpose of which is universal: they are suitable for salads, and for various types of processing, only whole tomatoes are suitable for whole canning. Therefore, in general, the excess crop has to be processed into tomato sauce, juice or pasta. Those tomatoes that are placed in a whole jar do not crack during canning, retain their shape and color.

Appearance of Tomatoes

Any kind of tomato Koenigsberg looks very impressive: the shape of the fruit is not the classic "tomato", it resembles either eggplant or a large plum, but in any case, the appearance of ripe tomatoes makes an acute desire to try it soon.

The appetite of Koenigsberg fruits is undeniable, and this feeling is not deceptive

The bushes, when properly formed, do not look gigantic, but resemble a certain tomato tree, densely hung with large fruits of varying degrees of ripening.

Koenigsberg fruits grow with brushes in a few pieces.

Advantages and disadvantages of Koenigsberg, differences from other varieties

Tomato Koenigsberg is really special, although, of course, in appearance it can be confused with some others: because now there are a huge number of varieties and hybrids. So, for example, the fruits of a rather new early ripe tomato Caspar 2 are very similar in shape to it, but at Koenigsberg they are 2-3 times larger. The same applies to the fruit of the Emperor tomato, but the taste of the latter is rated only as good.

A feature of the Koenigsberg variety is that it has virtually no flaws. Relative minuses are sometimes called the fact that the crop does not ripen very early, and the fact that most fruits do not fit in standard cans for canning. But there are many other varieties specially made for this purpose for salting! This is the good old Beginner, and no less well-deserved Novelty of Transnistria ...

The most important advantages of Koenigsberg tomato are:

  • high adaptive abilities, allowing to grow and bear fruit in any climate;
  • increased resistance to most diseases;
  • beautiful appearance of tomatoes;
  • very high productivity, almost independent of whether tomato is grown in open ground or in a greenhouse;
  • drought resistance, up to heat resistance;
  • excellent fruit taste and bright aroma;
  • a variety of colors within one variety, allowing you to find an admirer "for every taste and color."

Despite the fact that the Konigsberg ripening period is not early, the crop manages to ripen even in the conditions of a short summer, and unripe tomatoes normally "reach" during storage. It is proved that the chemical composition of fruits is very diverse, they found an increased, in comparison with many varieties, the content of especially useful substances and trace elements.

The fact that the variety is not afraid of either drought or heavy rains allows us to recommend it for cultivation in any conditions, including novice gardeners. True, they will have to learn a little to get the maximum yields, but Koenigsberg will give a decent amount of delicious fruits with minimal care.

As soon as the Golden Koenigsberg appeared, I managed to try to plant it on my site. The very next year, even Persimmon was removed from the arsenal, as it seemed that among the yellow-fruited tomatoes, the best options had not yet been found. The red subspecies is not so original, the rest somehow did not take root, but the golden variety is planted annually in the amount of a couple of dozen bushes and has never failed.

Features of growing tomato Koenigsberg

The general rules for planting and caring for Koenigsberg tomato practically do not differ from those in the case of any indeterminate varieties, that is, tomatoes that grow in the form of very tall bushes that require mandatory formation and garter. Like any tomatoes, Koenigsberg has to be grown through the seedling stage: direct sowing of seeds in the garden only in the very south of our country allows you to manage to get a normal crop.


The exact time for sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the climate of a particular region and on whether Koenigsberg will be grown in a greenhouse or unprotected soil. We assume that we are preparing seedlings for open ground: this is the main purpose of the variety. Then we recall when the threat of spring frost usually goes away in our area, and we count two months from this day.

Of course, there is always a risk, but it is reassuring that Koenigsberg is not afraid of cold, but frost ... Well, where do you get from him? That's 10 years ago in the Middle Volga, everything froze on June 10! Therefore, in the case of a poor forecast, we will cover the plantings, and we will still sow seeds for seedlings in the second half of March.

The second half of March is in the middle lane. In Siberia and the Urals - at the beginning of April, but no later: otherwise the harvest can not wait. And seedlings ready for planting should be at least 50 days old. The process of growing seedlings is an occupation well known to every summer resident. In the case of tomato Koenigsberg, there are no features in this matter, the whole process consists of the following steps.

  1. Seed preparation (calibration, disinfection, hardening, possibly germination).

    If seeds germinate, do not wait for very large roots

  2. Soil preparation (it does not have to be very rich in fertilizers, but it must be air and water permeable). The best composition is turf land, humus and peat with a small addition of wood ash.

    For a dozen bushes, soil can be bought and ready

  3. Sowing seeds in a small container, with a layer of soil with a height of 5 cm, after 2-3 cm one from the other.

    For sowing, you can take any convenient box

  4. Tracking the required temperature: before germination, about 25 aboutC, from the moment of occurrence (by 3-4 days) not higher than 18 aboutC, and then - as is in vivo in the apartment. Daylight illumination should always be as high as possible.

    There is enough light on the south windowsill, otherwise you need to add a light bulb

  5. Dive at 10-12 days of age in separate pots or in a large box, with a distance of at least 7 cm between the bushes.

    The best choice for seedlings - peat pots

  6. Periodic moderate watering and, possibly, 1-2 feeding with complex mineral fertilizer.

    Azofoska - one of the most convenient complex fertilizers

  7. Hardening, carried out a week before planting seedlings in the garden.

Good seedlings before planting in the ground should have a height of about 25 cm and have a strong stem. Tomato Kenigsberg seedlings sometimes seem slightly wilted, do not cause a feeling of hardness: this is a certain feature of the variety, there is nothing wrong with that. You can plant it in the garden when the soil warms up to at least 14 aboutC, that is, in the middle lane - at the very end of May.

Night and morning frosts are terrible at this time: if they are foreseen, but it is impossible to wait, tomatoes will have to be planted only under temporary shelters. This can be any collapsible greenhouse, made of metal or plastic arcs and plastic film.

Despite the resistance of Koenigsberg to cold, for planting a tomato, they choose a site protected from cold winds. This crop grows on almost any soil, but they must be well fertilized, especially phosphorus. Therefore, back in the fall, when digging a plot for each square meter, a bucket of humus and at least 40 g of superphosphate are brought in, as well as about half a liter of wood ash. In the spring, the beds are only loosened, and in the designated places they make holes the size of an earthen coma with seedlings. They plant Koenigsberg according to any convenient scheme, but so that 1 m2 there were no more than three bushes. Strong stakes with a height of not less than a meter and, preferably, one and a half, are driven in immediately.

When planting, you can use the technique "in the mud", well spilling well in advance, and you can water the seedlings abundantly after planting. It depends on soil moisture, as well as on the preferences of the gardener. It is important to try to extract seedlings from a box or a pot with an undestroyed lump of earth and plant it in the ground according to the most cotyledonous leaves.

Seedlings with a height of more than 30 cm are best planted obliquely: roots cannot be buried too deep, it will be cold there.

After transplanting seedlings and thoroughly watering them with warm water (25-30 aboutC) it is advisable to mulch the soil with a small layer of any loose material.


In general, when caring for Koenigsberg tomato, the most common operations are performed: watering, top dressing, cultivating, etc. However, there are procedures that are associated with the fact that it grows in a large bush. These procedures are plant formation and garter.

The best time for irrigation is the evening when the irrigation water in barrels or other containers warmed up well with the sun. This tomato is watered infrequently, but plentifully. It is better to water under the root, trying not to soak the leaves once again. The soil should not dry out, especially during flowering and intensive fruit growth. As they transition to ripening, watering is reduced. While the overgrown bushes allow, after irrigation it is necessary to loosen the soil, slightly hilling the plants and destroying the weeds.

The first time the bushes are fed 15-17 days after transplanting, and then do it every two weeks. You can use any type of fertilizer in top dressing, but after starting to set fruits, the nitrogen content in them must be reduced, and then reduced to zero. The first two times, tomatoes are usually fed with infusion of mullein (1:10) with the addition of 15-20 g of superphosphate in a bucket of water (spend a liter of solution on the bush). Subsequently, infusions of 20 g of superphosphate and a handful of ash in 10 liters of water are made.

Tomato Koenigsberg is so resistant to diseases that many gardeners even forget about preventive spraying. Nevertheless, this event should not be neglected, but there is no need to use anything from the “heavy artillery”, it is enough to use Fitosporin a couple of times a season. And only in the event of an attack of diseases and pests, which happens very rarely, take more serious measures.

Phytosporin - one of the most harmless drugs to fight diseases

All indeterminate varieties of tomatoes must be formed, and Koenigsberg is no exception. This variety is grown in two stems. This means that, in addition to the main stem, they leave another low-lying strong stepson. Most often, the second stepson becomes the first stepson, which appears already under the first brush with flowers. The remaining stepsons appearing in the axils of the leaves are constantly removed without leaving stumps as soon as they grow to 3-5 cm. However, massive pinching is extremely undesirable, since it weakens the bush. You should make it a rule to engage in this procedure weekly, breaking out no more than 2-3 copies.

Stepsons should not be allowed to grow to the sizes shown in the figure.

In addition to removing stepchildren, as the bushes grow, the lower leaves are gradually torn off, especially if they turn yellow. By the time the lower fruits grow to normal size, a minimum number of leaves are left under them. And when the bush reaches too high, pinch its growth point. Does it just mean too big? An indicative sign - if 7-8 hands with fruits have already formed on it.

Depending on the conditions, a common trellis or individual strong stakes can act as a support for the bushes. It is absolutely necessary to tie the stems, and this should be done far more than once per season. Unfortunately, Koenigsberg's stems are fragile, and as the tomatoes grow and grow heavier, the bush without garter will simply collapse. Tie the stems with the "eight", using any soft twine.

With careful observance of fairly simple rules of agricultural technology, any subtype of tomato Koenigsberg will bring a very high crop of large, beautiful and amazingly tasty fruits.

Video: golden Koenigsberg on the bushes

Grade Reviews

How I liked the Golden Koenigsberg !!!!!!! The fruits are delicious, aromatic !! Some fruits are 230-250 gr !!! Be sure to plant next year !!!


//www.tomat-pomidor.com/forum/katalog-sortov/%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B3%D1%81%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1 % 80% D0% B3 /

This year Koenigsberg disappointed me. The first brushes were poorly tied to the bush. On them two or three tomatoes. He threw the second brushes very high - and there, three pieces are tied up. But I, perhaps, have a reason because this year my seeds are collected. When planted with seeds from Biotechnology - there was a fairy tale what kind of tomatoes! They kept up with one of the last, fleshy, sweet, a lot on the bush! I just fell in love with this variety.



GOLDEN KENIGSBERG. This season was grown for the first time. Now in my collection is another favorite variety. Recommend. Those who will grow it for the first time need to be prepared for its features. Seedlings are very elongated from the very beginning. The leaves are directed immediately down parallel to the stem. So long that even from the fourth to fifth internodes they reach the surface of the earth. Leaves are like ropes tangled between themselves and neighboring plants. These are additional difficulties in growing and transporting seedlings. But all this pays off with great taste.

Uncle Volodya


For a long time I’ve been planting the Golden Koenigsberg tomato variety. I plant him a lot and constantly. This variety is successful both in open ground and in closed. In open ground, the plant does not grow so tall, but still it needs to be tied to stakes, and the tomatoes themselves are smaller. This fact does not affect either the quality of the crop or the quantity. Very productive grade. Resistant to late blight.



The Koenigsberg tomato variety is relatively young, but managed to win the hearts of many gardeners throughout our country. This is a cold-resistant variety that bears fruit in large tomatoes, used both fresh, for making delicious salads, and for any workpiece. The variety of colors observed in the case of varieties of the variety adds interest to this tomato.


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