Grape varieties Sensation - earliest receipt of berries at the cottage


The Sensation grape variety to some extent answers its name: having an original shape and variable color of berries of excellent taste, it compares favorably with both its consumer properties and simple agricultural technology. Due to its frost resistance, the variety finds fans in almost all climatic zones of our country.

The story of growing grapes Sensation

Many grape varieties have a very interesting history. Not all of them were born in the hands of agricultural scientists, many gave a ticket to the life of amateur winegrowers who did not even have a special education. A rather new, but already very popular grape variety Sensation was developed a little more than ten years ago in the Rostov region by the well-known Russian amateur wine-grower Vasily Ulyanovich Kapelyushny. This is a hybrid form obtained by crossing varieties of Talisman and Rizamat. Thus, the “parents” of the hybrid are the same as the sibling hybrid Julian. The sensation belongs to the super-early varieties in terms of ripening, it is hasty and from the point of view of the beginning of fruiting of young bushes. It is suitable for cultivation in various climatic conditions, it is used mainly in fresh form.

Nowadays, large-fruited forms of grapes with a complex of resistance to diseases and high frost resistance appear annually. But such a situation arose not so long ago, and presenting Sensation just over a decade ago, W. W. Kapelyushny said: “This is a revolution in my viticulture.”

V. U. Kapelyushny in his main specialty was not a biologist, but a mechanical engineer. He worked on the construction of railways, and then - by profession - at various Rostov enterprises, including Rostselmash. But already from the 1960s he was engaged in the cultivation of grapes in his garden plot. By the end of the 1970s, he became interested in viticulture so seriously that he became famous in the relevant circles not only for amateurs, but also for professionals. He finally became a winegrower in the early 90s, when a vineyard of 300 grape bushes was laid in the open field of Aksaysky region, but he quickly refused wine varieties and began to deal only with canteens. V.U. Kapelyushny carried out the first selection experiments in the mid-1990s together with the famous scientist I.A. Kostrikin. So there appeared the Count of Monte Cristo, Crimson, Melina ... Wives, daughter, granddaughter acted as assistants in the breeding business.

Of course, not all varieties went "in series", but those that have become famous are truly unique. Sensation is also on this list - a very early variety, bisexual and vigorous, with very tasty berries and high frost resistance. The variety is highly productive and attractive in appearance.

Video: V.U. Kapelyushny about his grapes

Grade description

The Sensation grape bushes are large, powerful, and grow rapidly: over the summer, shoots grow in size by 100-200%, while they have time to ripen almost the entire length: young shoots should be shortened during autumn pruning by no more than 30%. Most shoots are fruiting. Possess high frost resistance: both perennial wood and last year's shoots can withstand temperatures up to -24 aboutC. Currently, this indicator is characterized as an average degree of frost resistance. In the south it does not require shelter for the winter, in the middle zone and northern regions a light shelter is mandatory.

The variety is minimally affected by the main diseases of the grapes: mildew, oidium and gray rot. At the same time, the integral resistance to pests and diseases is estimated at only 2.5 points. Propagated by all methods inherent in grapes. The most popular root cultivation (rooting of lignified cuttings) and grafting on already growing bushes of other varieties.

On one bush you can leave up to 45 eyes. Sensation's flowers are bisexual, that is, they contain both pistils and stamens; other bushes are not required to be planted for pollination. The type of clusters is rather loose or medium density, the shape is conical or transitional from cylindrical to conical, their size is very large. The average weight reaches one and a half kilograms, and often more. The variety is distinguished by its premature ripening: from the beginning of the growing season (opening of the first buds) to the moment of full ripening of the berries, it takes 3-3.5 months, that is, even in central Russia, the first berries become edible by the beginning of August. But in the case of ultra-high yields, the ripening of berries is delayed by 1-2 weeks.

The yield of the variety is very high, stable, but often the berries are tied much more than the bush can withstand, and we have to normalize the yield, removing some of the bunches. If this is not done, the quality of the berries and their size are significantly impaired. The clusters on the bush hold firmly, without requiring urgent removal: with overexposure they do not spoil at all; in addition, the susceptibility to wasps, hornets and other flying insects is minimal. When left on the bushes, the berries do not rot and do not crumble, do not crack even during prolonged rains. They do not lose their marketable appearance during transportation over long distances.

The berries in the brush are not very tightly collected, but due to their size and weight the brush looks very impressive

The berries in the bunch are very large, there is no peeling. The crest has a pronounced red color. The shape of the berries is very oblong, "finger-like", so individual specimens reach a length of up to 55 mm with half the thickness. The weight of the berry is from 16 to 30 g, on average - about 20 g, but the composition of each cluster of berries is basically the same size.

The color of the berries varies depending on the stage of ripening. The first color after the original green can be characterized as yellow-pink, then turns into a pure pink, and sometimes reddish.

The pulp is fleshy, very juicy. The taste of berries is described as very pleasant and harmonious, sweet, with a subtle, light muscat flavor. The peel is of medium thickness, does not interfere with the use of berries. Thus, from the point of view of the consumer, the variety can be characterized as an early table finger grape with large fruits that have a variety of colors.

Berries of grapes Sensation have a varying color depending on the degree of ripening, but always taste great

Characteristics of the grape variety Sensation

Based on the description of Sensation grapes that we met, you can give a generalized description of it, bringing together its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, the number of advantages will be much greater, but nothing in the world is perfect. So, among the obvious advantages of Sensation include:

  • excellent taste of berries;
  • attractive appearance;
  • the uniformity of the fruits in the bunch in size, that is, the absence of the so-called "peeling": small and nondescript berries;
  • long-term crop safety, including on bushes;
  • high crop mobility;
  • super early ripening;
  • very high productivity;
  • bisexual flowers, not requiring the presence of neighboring bushes of another grape variety, acting as a pollinator;
  • crop resistance to torrential and prolonged rains: lack of cracking of berries in conditions of variable humidity;
  • high frost resistance, allowing shrubs to winter under light shelter even in the northern regions;
  • good rooting of cuttings (up to 80%), which makes it easy to propagate grapes;
  • resistance to major diseases of grape plants.

However, the author's high resistance to fungal diseases has so far been only partially confirmed. Numerous owners of Sensation grapes almost unanimously note a very weak susceptibility to mildew, but as for resistance to oidium and gray rot, as well as to the most dangerous pest of the vineyard - phylloxera - have not yet come to a consensus: we can say that this question is still in stages of study.

There are very few obvious flaws of the Sensation variety (we will leave the relation to phylloxera for now).

The disadvantages of winegrowers are:

  • deterioration in the quality of berries in case of large yields;
  • the question of wintering is still not very worked out: there is an opinion that, withstanding the stated temperature from the point of view of freezing, the bushes in severe frosts dry out from the loss of internal moisture.

Indeed, no matter how sorry this is for the winegrower, a significant part of the grapes has to be cut off: without rationing the yield, the berries are small, and the brushes are sluggish and unattractive. Removal of brushes should be carried out soon after flowering, as soon as their number on the bush is clearly visible.

As for frosts, it has been observed that uncovered bushes remain alive after a harsh winter, but are sick for a long time and do not give a good harvest. Despite the declared resistance to low temperatures, the bush must be covered for the winter in the middle zone and northern regions. In severe frosts, moisture sublimates from the vine, which adversely affects the bush as a whole.

Despite the shortcomings noted, it should be recognized that Sensation is one of the most popular grape varieties grown both in summer cottages and on an industrial scale. The variety is not too capricious, it is able to grow in the southern regions and in areas with a cold and humid climate. The sensation found its fans even in Siberia and the Far East.

Features of planting and growing

In terms of the general principles of planting and growing, Sensation is no different from most grape varieties. Some features are associated with the need to restrain the growth of shoots and excessive load on their harvest. The variety propagates well by cuttings (their rooting is close to 80%), but it can also be grafted onto other varieties. Although the bush is characterized by high growth power, experts do not insist that the distance to neighboring bushes is too large, and you can keep within 1.5-2 meters. This fact makes Sensation a very attractive variety even for owners of small cottages. A big plus to this is the self-fertility of the variety. Therefore, for personal needs in the country, you can generally plant only one bush of Sensation and no longer think about vineyards.

Bringing the first ripened fruits in early August, Sensation allows you to keep them for a long time on the bush, and the high yield of the variety makes it possible for the average Russian family to enjoy tasty and beautiful berries for 2-3 months.

Despite the fact that the variety can be grown in any climatic conditions, in order to obtain good yields of berries inherent in Sensation, it is necessary to give the bushes the possibility of maximum sunlight exposure. It is among the brightest areas of the available host that you should choose a place to land. The technique of planting grapes is described in detail in many articles and books, so we dwell only on the main points.

Like any grape, Sensation will grow best on chernozem soils, but any other types are suitable, only they must be properly prepared. Add lime to a too acidic soil, sand to a clayey soil, more humus, wood ash, some mineral fertilizers to any soil, and dig everything up. This is about the site around the future bush, about 2 meters in each direction. And only then dig a landing hole.

Planting pit digs like fruit trees, but filling it for planting grapes is a little peculiar: drainage at the bottom is required

The best planting date is the second half of April, but in the south you can plant in October. Thus, in most regions, the pit must be dug the previous autumn, and in the south in the summer, 1-2 months before the grapes are planted. The size of the landing pit for Sensation is standard, from 80 cm in all dimensions. On clay soils in the pit must be placed drainage, consisting of a layer of 10-15 cm of broken brick or gravel of any fraction. In particularly arid areas, a vertical thick pipe must be drawn to the bottom to water the bush in the first 2-3 years of its life. The grapes are planted deeply, but in a clean soil free from fertilizers. This means that a layer of fertilized soil must be poured onto the drainage layer: it is prepared from the fertile layer, mixing it with humus, ash and complex mineral fertilizers. Then it remains to put the seedling in the pit and cover it with clean soil, leaving only two buds above the ground level. After tamping the soil and good watering, the hole must be mulched with any loose materials.

Care for adult bushes consists of watering, periodic top dressing, mandatory skillful pruning and easy shelter for the winter. Watering Sensations need sufficient, but not frequent, especially grapes need water during intensive growth of berries, and 2-3 weeks before harvesting watering is contraindicated. Top dressing should be done on time and without too much fanaticism: nitrogen fertilizers should not be abused especially, it is better to give nitrogen grapes in the form of organic matter, by digging in the early spring or late autumn 1-2 bushes of compost or well-decomposed manure in the bushes. And you can add a lot of wood ash under the bushes, this is one of the most valuable and, most importantly, environmentally friendly fertilizers.

The sensation is declared to be highly resistant to fungal diseases, but periodic preventive spraying from mildew, oidium and gray rot cannot be denied. It is most reliable to immediately treat the vines with a solution of iron sulfate immediately after opening the bushes from hibernation, and with the slightest signs of trouble during the growing season, Bordeaux liquid.

"Heavy artillery" in the form of synthetic pesticides should be used only in emergency cases and not at all during the loading of berries.

As for pruning, we must remember that for each grape variety its own scheme is optimal. Early spring pruning should be cosmetic, with the removal of dry and obviously excess shoots. The main work on the formation of the bush is carried out in the summer and consists in breaking out the extra growing shoots, while they are still very small and green. In this case, it will be easy to deal with the bush in the fall, before sheltering the vines for the winter. Autumn pruning is the most important. At this time, the shoots are shortened, cutting off unripe areas, as well as pieces, for each variety of its own size. On Sensation bushes, shortening is carried out at the level of 6-8 buds, but on a number of shoots you can leave only 2-3 pieces. The most acceptable bush form for this grape variety is fan.

A real vineyard is always well-groomed: durable trellis, irrigation circles, well-cut bushes

After the autumn pruning, the vines are removed from the trellis and covered with light materials, optimally spruce or pine lapnik: it will also protect against mice. It is necessary to free the bushes from shelter in the spring, approximately at the end of March, with the onset of the first fine days.

Gardeners reviews

There are still not so many reviews about the Sensation. In them, winegrowers note the similarity of Sensations with the Julian variety, as well as with the Transfiguration variety from the collection of V. N. Krainov. In numerous forums, a separate thread dedicated to Sensation has not yet been discovered. However, the variety can be recommended both for industrial use and for summer cottages.

My Sensation was planted in a permanent place in the spring of 2015. Last season, the signaling did not please me. It was only in September that it threw out a small inflorescence in the second-order stepson. So this year is the first fruiting. It bloomed in the spring in one of the first on my site - the first Bazhen on June 16th, behind it Sensation. Threw bunches of 20. There were two inflorescences on some shoots. Pea was normalized. Little.Then she removed 4 more clusters. No more hand raised! And probably in vain. Now I’m afraid how it will winter, whether the harvest will yield next year. Although the shoots have ripened for a long time and almost to the ends. Started to be painted on August 9th. It was hot. Shaded. When night temperatures fell in the second half of August, the berries began to pick up color very intensely. I didn’t even think that grapes could change so quickly - the berries became simply amazing beauty! At first they were pale pink, then the pink color became saturated. Rains in early September did not affect the Sensation, not a single berry cracked.



According to a number of signs, the Sensation is very close to the triple of V.N.Krainov, but slightly different. Indeed, wasps respond less to it. The color of the berry is a little different, it seems to be more transparent for me. According to the ripening time on the to / s bush, it ripens a little later than three, but it remains better.

Mikhno Alexander


Sensation has finally grown. They could only vaccinate in Dobrynya. On RR 101-14, on Andros and Vierul, she rejected vaccinations by the fall or next year. We must try in the root culture. Definitely ripened earlier than the Transfiguration.



At the time of our arrival, 08/12/09 to Vasily Ulyanovich g.f. The sensation was already ready, the sugar was good, the flesh was crispy, the taste was quite harmonious. I liked this form and I will definitely get it at the first opportunity. I do not advertise this gf, I just tell you what I saw and tried!

Antipov Vitaliy


The Sensation grape variety, created about ten years ago, still remains a small mystery: for all its advantages and a few shortcomings, many professionals give very restrained recommendations for use in the gardens of beginner summer residents. But, taking into account the characteristics of the variety and the discussion by professionals, you are convinced that this is a very worthy table variety with an early maturity.


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