The hybrid form of Furor grapes - features of the variety and cultivation


Furor table grapes lives up to its name. A relatively recently emerged hybrid amazes with its huge berries. The frost-resistant and disease-resistant variety is successfully grown in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, they are also trying to cultivate it in more severe conditions.

Furor Hybrid Growth History

This hybrid was bred by the amateur breeder V.U. Kapelyushny in the Rostov Region. The hybrid form (GF) was obtained as a result of pollination of grapes of the Ukrainian selection Flora with a mixture of pollen of resistant varieties relatively recently, at the beginning of the XXI century. Ordinary growers have been growing it in their plots since 2013.

Grape varieties Flora used in the process of breeding GF Furor

Grapes Flora, it is also known as Laura, obtained from the parents of the eastern group. This is a tall early grape with large sweet fruits, resistant to mildew and gray rot. This variety has functional-female type flowers.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid Furor inherited many positive qualities from his ancestor. It is grown without shelter in the southern regions and in the middle lane; in the more northern regions, the vine is sheltered for the winter. Grapes are distinguished by very large berries, almost the size of a plum. Thin skin is covered with a light waxy coating, the surface is hilly. Berries of black color, inside 2 - 3 seeds. The pulp is dense, juicy, crisp. The bunch is slightly loose, it can gain weight up to one and a half kilograms.

Bunch of grapes Furor with large berries

In the Rostov region, berries ripen by August 10. In the suburbs, in order to get an early harvest, it is better to grow grapes in a greenhouse. Ripening grapes for another month can hang on a bush without losing their consumer properties.

The young hybrid Furor received a varietal name only because of its outstanding qualities - large fruits, early ripening, frost resistance, disease resistance. Hybrid forms obtained as a result of the first crosses cannot guarantee to transfer a rigidly fixed set of positive properties to offspring. A varietal plant is characterized by a set of stable characters; GF is only one of the selection stages. In order for a hybrid form to become a variety, it takes years of breeding work.

Varietal tests of Furor are still ongoing, the following properties are declared:

  • Frost resistant. Without shelter, it can tolerate frosts down to -24 ° C.
  • Resistant to disease.
  • Early, vegetation period 105-110 days.
  • Annual shoots ripen by 75%.
  • Overgrown.
  • Large berries weighing 20-30 g and a size of 40 x 23 mm.
  • The sugar content in berries is 21-22%.
  • The acidity of the fruit is up to 5 - 6 g / l.
  • The taste of berries is harmonious, sweet.
  • The grade is table.

Grapes are well propagated by cuttings and stepsons, it is easy to plant on any stock. The disadvantages of the hybrid include its high productivity. The bunch is tied more than the bush is able to withstand.

Grapes Furor abundantly bears fruit

A number of sources indicate the presence of Furore bisexual flowers; most lovers who grow this grape say that it has a functionally female type of flowers with pollen that is not capable of fertilization.

The cultivation of grapes with a functional-female type of flowering involves its placement near bushes - pollinators. A good pollen donor is grape variety raisins. In the greenhouse, Furor will have to be pollinated artificially, or pollinated to avoid "peeling", the formation of small seedless berries.

Video: description of the hybrid form Furor

Features of planting and growing Furor grape varieties

This hybrid is attractive not only for its outstanding fruits, but also for its unpretentiousness; it is not demanding in care, resistant to disease, well adapted for wintering.


Grapes prefer slightly acidic soils. In the North-West region, it is recommended that before planting, dolomite flour be added to the soil with an acid reaction. It will enrich the soil with magnesium and will not lead to alkalization. Dolomite flour is added annually to clay acid soils; this operation is best done in the fall. For 1 square. m contribute 300 - 500 g of flour.

For landing choose a sunny place, sheltered from the wind. Tall Furor reacts poorly to the north wind. Ground water should be at least 2.5 meters from the heel roots.

On the root heel are the main roots of grapes

Depending on the region, grapes are planted in different ways. In arid areas, the heel is buried half a meter into the soil, in cool areas a shallow planting is recommended, with high standing groundwater grapes are planted on a hill. The plant is tall, when planting bushes in a row between them leave a distance of 3-4 meters.

Photo gallery: grape planting patterns


Grapes do not tolerate excess water. Water the plant often after planting, water the adult vine as the soil dries. During the ripening period, we stop watering so that the berries do not crack. If the summer was dry and hot, in the fall, preparing the grapes for wintering, we “nourish” the root system with water.

Top dressing

In early spring, grapes need nitrogen, during flowering and after picking berries, he needs potassium and phosphorus. You can get by with organic fertilizers, manure and ash. If they are not, we use mineral fertilizers - carbonate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate in the doses recommended by the instructions.

  • Nitrogen - we introduce wounds in the spring and in the first half of summer.
  • Phosphorus - necessary for the plant during flowering and the formation of fruits, we feed in spring and summer.
  • Potassium - a mandatory autumn top dressing, helps the plant to winter. When applied in the spring it stimulates the growth of shoots, summer top dressing will accelerate the ripening of the fruit.

It is advisable to "pamper the vine" in the early spring, arranging for it "nutrient pits." Small pits 30 cm deep are dug between the bushes, which are filled with a mixture of manure (10 parts) and superphosphate (1 part). Water the contents of the pit and fill it with earth. The roots will actively grow in the surface warm layer to reach the "treat".

Video: properly water and feed grapes during flowering

Pest and Disease Treatment

The disease-resistant hybrid is recommended to be prophylactically sprayed in spring and autumn, after harvesting, with the usual grape preparations. Recommended for the destruction of a specific parasite are used against pests.

Video: how to protect against diseases and pests

Cutting, forming, normalization

The tall Furor hybrid needs annual pruning. This operation is recommended to be carried out in the fall before shelter. On the vine leave 6 - 8 buds, the total number of buds on the bush should be within 35 - 40 pieces. Pruning grapes allows you to get a high and stable crop, normalization is necessary to obtain a quality crop.

Normalize the crop and normalize the shoots. When normalizing the crop, extra clusters and inflorescences are removed, when normalizing by shoots, weak and thin fruiting shoots are removed. For each variety, special tables are developed to calculate the load of the crop on the bush, in accordance with which they carry out normalization.

Photo gallery: normalization of a bush of grapes

The high-yielding hybrid Furor requires mandatory normalization. Overloading the crop adversely affects the ripening of the vine and the next year's crop. Young bushes require special attention. A two-year-old grape is already able to bring a crop, no need to overload it. It is recommended to leave 2 - 3 brushes, one on the shoot.

Monitor the condition of the bush during the ripening period. In the summer, shoots should grow strenuously; if their growth has stopped, and the straightened tip of the shoot testifies to this, it means that too much energy is spent on eating the fruits. In this case, it is necessary to remove several clusters without regret in order to reduce the load.

Video: normalization of grapes by shoots

Video: normalization of the crop in bunches

By trimming the bush, we simultaneously form it. Depending on the terrain, it is recommended to use the bush forms that are most suitable for the growing conditions. If you plan to shelter grapes for the winter, give preference to non-standard forms: fan, cordon. Beginning gardeners are encouraged to apply the formation of bushes according to the system proposed by the French scientist Guyot.

The simple pruning system proposed by Guyot allows you to create a covering form and limit the load on the bush

Winter preparations

This hybrid is winter-hardy, it winters well in the southern regions without shelter. In the northern regions, it must be carefully sheltered. In the middle lane, focus on the features of winter in your area. The buds and the ripened shoots of Furor can withstand frost up to -24 ° C, but if there is little snow or unstable winter and thaws are possible, it is better to cover the plant. Young plants in any case need protection from frost.

The plant is accustomed to cold weather gradually: in the first year we cover, in the second year we also cover, in the third year we partially cover the vine, leaving one sleeve unclosed.

Photo gallery: preparing grapes for winter

To prepare the plant for winter, you need to remove the vine from its support, wrap it with “breathing” material and lay it on the ground. If winter is snowy, the grapes overwinter without hassle. Under a 10 cm thick snow layer, the temperature is 10 ° C higher than the air temperature.

For grapes, it is not frost that is terrible, but thaws that repeatedly occur and are replaced by negative temperatures. Under such conditions, grapes under shelter can ripen, and open buds will begin to bloom and freeze.

Frost resistance of grapes directly depends on how many nutrients it has time to accumulate during the growing season in the roots, vine and perennial wood. The most frost-resistant are bushes with arbor and arched formations. Then there are bushes with a cordon formation. Stampless forms are most susceptible to freezing due to a lack of perennial wood.

We grow grapes in a standard form, if it does not require shelter

  • Overfeeding with nitrogen and a lack of potassium and phosphorus slows down the maturation of the vine and it can freeze.
  • Diseases, pests and hailstones damage the leaf mass and weaken the plant.
  • With a high level of fruiting, the bulk of the nutrients are sent to the berries, and nothing remains for the development of roots and new shoots. A depleted bush can die in the winter, normalization is necessary.

Even if the grapes freeze in winter, there is a chance that it will recover from substitution buds. This year, he will not please the harvest, but he will form a bush.

Video: tips from an experienced gardener on how to cover grapes

Video: we shelter grapes in the Urals

Reviews of winegrowers

Last summer on my bush Furora was the first crop. There were no large brushes, a bunch of loose, oval berries, almost black, weight 10-12 g, fleshy flesh, dense, taste with cherry notes. Harvest can hang on a bush for a long time, transportable, stored. Berries do not crack, are not damaged by wasps. The furor is very vigorous, the vine has ripened well. It behaves very resistant to disease. It seems to be generally good performance, but there was also a feeling that he had not yet dispersed.

Monakhova Vera Andreevna (Kazan)


FUROR has been bearing fruit for two years. Growth is weak, vines are thin. The year before last, I left one bunch - the weight is 800 grams, the berries in clusters are aligned, up to 20 grams, the surface of the berries is bumpy, the berries ripen in clusters at the same time, wasps love it. Last year, there were 8 bunches weighing 1-1.2 kg, ripened by August 21. It seems to me that FUROR has not been dispersed yet at my site .... At FUROR, the berry is fleshy, but not liquid, with a crunch, cherry tones are present in the taste.

Zhanna Fayfruk (Voronezh region)


The shape tastes very good! I (and not only me) seemed to taste the taste of cherry jam in it. Very unusual smack.

Liplyavka Elena Petrovna (Kamensk)


I started the Furore this year with rapid growth and flowering. Since the first fruiting, left three brushes. Grew well, the vine is close to six ripening buds. The berry began to stain. Let's try what kind of grapes with such a promising name. This year I tried Furor in his vineyard. I have it from Biysk from Vanin V.A. , and he has from Kapelyushny V.U. Left three signaling. At the end of September, the shape, size and color of the berries is the same as yours, but the taste does not really seem to have ripened. The vine ripened, even cut the cuttings. The grapes are beautiful, powerful; while I leave, we will save wood, normalize the load, maybe something will work out.

Valyaev Andrey Nikolaevich (Altai Territory)


He drew attention to the flowering of Furora. However, I must admit that the flower at my Furoor is female.

Mikhno Alexander (Krasnodar Territory)


This year we have pollination on Furore rather poor; although overall productivity is good, but the clusters are loose .... The taste, of course, is wonderful. Two fruiting was observed on one of the bushes. The flower is functional-female, pollination every time seems to be very bad, but after pouring berries you understand that the opposite is true - pollination is sufficient just for the formation of loose clusters in which the berries do not crush. Last year, the bush was overloaded, the vine matured poorly.

Evgeny Polyanin (Volgograd region)


The hybrid form of Furor grapes grows well in open ground in the south. A disease-resistant variety is not demanding in care and high-yielding. Its giant berries have excellent taste. A short growing season and a relatively high frost resistance make its advance to the north promising. The disadvantage is the functional-female type of flowering; bisexual neighbors will be needed for fruiting.


Watch the video: Виноград Фурор Grapes Furor 2015 (September 2024).