Why do leaves of room geranium turn white and how to help the plant


Geranium, or pelargonium, rarely gives trouble to flower growers. The plant is very unpretentious and requires minimal attention. Sometimes the external condition of the flower worsens as a result of errors in care or illness. The main ailment is the whitening of leaves, entailing their fall.

When and how can the leaves of pelargonium lighten

In healthy pelargonium, the color of the leaf plate has a light or dark green hue (depending on the variety). It is this appearance that is the norm. Sometimes full or partial lightening of the color is observed, the cause may be inappropriate conditions, errors in care or disease.

The appearance of white leaves is a bad sign

Most often, symptoms appear in the winter. At this time, it is most difficult to provide the flower with the required amount of light and optimal humidity. Moreover, the leaves can not only turn white, but also turn yellow. Nutritional deficiencies can occur at any time of the year.

Additional Information! Leaves can only turn white at the edges or in the center of the plate. Sometimes small pale spots appear. Measures are taken depending on the color and degree of affection of the flower.

Why do the leaves of pelargonium turn white

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To identify the causes of lightening color analyze the process of care and conduct an inspection of all plants in the house. It is important to determine what exactly provoked a similar reaction of the plant.

Mistakes in leaving

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Unsuitable conditions of detention and non-compliance with the rules of care can affect the health of the flower. The reasons for the appearance of light color of leaves:

  • Lack of sunlight. Low light can lead to brightening of the color of the sheet or to the appearance of completely white leaves. This problem is especially acute in the winter.
  • Lack of nutrients. Depleted soil and the absence of top dressing can cause not only lightening of the leaves, but also a slowdown in growth. It is important to regularly feed the indoor flower in the summer during flowering. The most common symptom is lightening the edge of the leaf.
  • Excessive dressing. Not only a lack, but also an overabundance of nutrition is harmful to pelargonium. Frequent fertilization is simply dangerous.
  • High temperatures. Too warm and dry climate harms flowers. In winter, heating radiators dry out the air, having a negative effect on the plant.

After evaluating these factors, you can find the reason why the leaves brighten in geraniums. Once a problem has been identified, action should be taken immediately.

Even one white leaf is a signal for action


Sometimes lightening of leaf color manifests itself simultaneously with the appearance of light plaque on their lower part. This is a signal for the development of the fungus. The reason is excessive watering or transfer of the disease from other plants in the apartment.

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In this case, the flower should be treated. Conduct a comprehensive treatment with drugs. In severe stages of the disease, a transplant is performed with a complete replacement of the soil and capacity.

Note! At the time of restoration, the flower is isolated from other plants.

After the flower has fully recovered, it is necessary to strictly observe the watering regimen. Otherwise, the disease can return and lead to disastrous consequences, in addition, it will be more difficult to fight it.

How to help pelargonium and what to do with white leaves

You should understand why the leaves of geranium turn white and what to do about it. The nature of the measures to be taken depends on the cause of the discoloration. With a lack of light, move the pot on a light windowsill, at low humidity and high temperature - find a cool place and place a tray with expanded clay next to it. The problem with top dressing is solved by increasing the frequency of their use or by temporarily abandoning them. White leaves are not viable, and also spoil the appearance of the plant, so they are carefully removed.


The best prevention of any disease and deterioration of the appearance of pelargonium is strict adherence to the rules for the care and maintenance of the plant. That means:

  • adherence to the schedule of watering and fertilizing;
  • maintaining the optimal level of temperature and humidity;
  • providing sufficient lighting.

It is enough to follow simple rules for the full development of pelargonium


One of the problems that pelargonium owners may encounter is a discoloration of the leaves. In this case, an analysis of the conditions of the flower is carried out in order to understand why the leaves of geranium turn pale. This is usually caused by errors in the content or as a result of diseases. The measures taken in time will help to return the plant to a healthy appearance and allow it to fully develop.
