Why amaryllis does not bloom at home - what to do


This bright flower was brought to Europe from South Africa. Initially, it belonged to a species of wild lily, but already in the 18th century, Karl Liney assigned amaryllis to a separate genus. Since then, the plant has been considered a perennial flower belonging to the Amaryllis family. Due to its low frost resistance and southern origin, it is grown in a house or special greenhouses. The question often arises why amaryllis does not bloom. Reasons and solutions are described below.

Amaryllis bloom how it looks

The flower grows from the bulb. Its shape is oval, diameter is 4-12 cm. The stalk is strong, elastic. The leaves are straight, dark green, narrow, grow up to 60 cm in length and 4 cm in width. Grow in pairs. During flowering, the leaves become smaller. In the south, amaryllis blooms in late April - in May and has been active for 6 weeks. At home, this period is reduced to 21 days and falls at the end of August - beginning of September. This is due to the fact that the activity of the plant coincides with the summer in South Africa.

Red Amaryllis

What does flowering look like?

The bulb produces 1-3 peduncles, but it is better to cut off the 1st stem, otherwise the extra shoot will slow down the growth and development of the flower. When the trunk grows to 40-60 cm, inflorescences will appear on it. They resemble umbrellas in shape. After which the flower grows to 85 cm. Each peduncle has 4-12 petals that grow to 10 cm and are arranged in 2 tiers. The bud itself resembles a funnel or a deep umbrella. Thread-shaped pistils. In the depths and on the surface of the bud, 6 white stamens with a green tip are visible.

The color of the amaryllis petals is red, lilac and pink. The base is white, green or yellowish. There are 3 colored flowers.

The plant is interesting in that it can bloom up to 2 times a year. Periods can be alternated artificially.

Important! “Scary Beautiful” is about amaryllis, as its bulb and shoots are filled with poison. In a small concentration, it is useful, as it helps to fight viruses and infections. Exceeding the allowable rate of poison leads to poisoning.

It is recommended to clean the flower out of the reach of children and animals, and after planting or leaving, wash your hands.

Why amaryllis does not bloom at home

Why rhododendron does not bloom in the open ground in the garden: what to do

Some lovers of exotic flowers refuse amaryllis because of its exactingness for maintenance and care. The lack of buds during the vegetative period is also not uncommon.

Amaryllis leaves without bud

The main reasons why the flower releases only leaves

To make amaryllis bloom, you need to find out the causes of the appearance of the leaves, not the bud.

Main reasons:

  • Perhaps the peduncle has not formed due to damage to the bulb.
  • The flower "mixed up" the stage of flowering and dormancy. This happens with unstable temperature conditions in an apartment or on the street.
  • The leaves were cut, and this greatly weakened the bulb.
  • Lack of makeup and moisture.
  • Last year, I took a lot of energy for flowering, and in the new season a longer rest is required.
  • Subcooling or insufficient air temperature.
  • Little light, lack of sunshine.
  • Close capacity.
  • Poor soil.

For your information! Do not sound the alarm if the peduncles have not appeared within a month from the beginning of activity, and the flower itself does not show obvious signs of discomfort.

Proper planting is an important condition for flowering.

Why does not calla blossom at home or in the open ground

Amaryllis loves proper home care, why doesn’t the plant bloom? Because before planting, you should pay attention to the choice of pot, soil and bulb.

Flower planting process

Vessel selection

Due to the sturdy and heavy flower stalk, the capacity may fall, so you need to choose a heavy and durable flower pot. Planting several seedlings in one pot is not excluded. The size of the container depends on the bulb. The diameter of the bottom should be 3-5 cm larger than the head, depth 20-30 cm. If there is more than one flower, the distance of 2-3 cm between the bulbs is taken into account. You can purchase a vessel with a narrowed neck. So that the roots are well fed with oxygen, it is better to take dishes from unglazed ceramics.


The soil is sold in a store, but you can prepare it at home. Soil Recipes:

  • Mix 1: 1 turf and humus, add 2 parts of sand.
  • Take 1: 1: 1 turf and garden land, river sand, add ½ part of humus.
  • Equal parts of the soil from the garden, turf land, river sand, peat and humus.

Important! Any soil must undergo disinfection. To do this, it is placed in the freezer, kept over steam or doused with boiling water.


For this, pebbles, brick and ceramic chips, gravel, expanded clay are suitable. The material is mixed with part of the soil and laid out at the bottom. A hole is made in the center so that excess moisture leaves, and sand is poured on top. Drainage will protect the amaryllis from rotting and remove excess fluid.


Only elastic, smooth, strong and beautiful flower heads with small roots are selected for planting. Do not plant a flower if the bulb:

  • affected by rot, corrosion, cracks;
  • has no roots;
  • moldy;
  • it smells of unpleasant sweetness.

Usable onion

Step-by-step landing instructions:

  1. Gently peel the onion of black and beige peel.
  2. Put in a container with a solution of potassium permanganate or Bordeaux liquid for 30 minutes.
  3. Put the onion on a clean towel and dry throughout the day.
  4. Fill the half of the pot with soil. In the center, put the seedling with a blunt end into the soil.
  5. Cover it with earth so that ½ part of the bulb remains on the surface.
  6. Press the soil with your hands, mulch. Instead of mulch, you can use the remaining drainage.
  7. It is good to pour warm water and remove the vessel to the designated place.

Important! Detected diseased areas are treated with Fitosporin, brilliant green and other drugs. You can’t cut them!

Analysis of conditions of detention, is everything suitable

If the landing was carried out correctly, but the amaryllis does not bloom, gives only leaves, what should I do? It is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention, correct defects and begin to properly care.

Does the plant rest, the alternation of the phase of vegetation and dormancy

Amaryllis flowers - home care

Amaryllis blooms in autumn and winter, and rests in spring and summer. When summer comes in Russia, the flower "sleeps", thinking that winter has come. Since in his homeland at this time comes a cold time. To "sleep" it must be prepared:

  • reduce daylight hours, then completely remove the shadow;
  • gradually reduce the temperature to +10 ° C;
  • reduce the frequency of watering and top dressing.

The plant is prepared in the reverse order for the active phase.

Watering and feeding

Intensive irrigation of the plant begins when the peduncle reaches 10 cm. The indicator is the top layer of the earth. It must not be allowed to dry completely. As the amaryllis sleeps closer, the frequency of watering decreases until it stops altogether. So that the flower does not dry out, it is sprayed from the spray gun.

Important! Amaryllis is poured from the walls of the pot so that water does not flow on the bulb. Otherwise, the bulb will begin to rot, and the flower itself will stop growing.

The plant is fed with special mixtures for bulb every 10 days until complete rest.

Proper watering


Is there enough space in the pot

Choose a pot carefully. In a cramped vessel, the plant will wither and become ill. Too spacious - focus on reproduction, not flower formation. If from the bulb to the walls less than 3, but more than 4 cm, amaryllis needs to be transplanted.

Light and temperature

A partial or complete absence of light gives the amaryllis a reason to continue the rest period, and direct sunlight makes the plant nervous. Ideal would be a sunny place with light partial shade.

The acceptable temperature for amaryllis is + 18 ... +25 ° C. Only at the resting stage can it reach +10 ° C. The plant does not like drafts and sudden changes.

What to make amaryllis bloom

The easiest way is to diagnose the plant and find the cause of inhibition. The problem is fixed in the necessary way. Next, you should start to properly care for the plant and wait for the result. What else needs to be done to bloom the exotic amaryllis? You can create close to natural conditions for growth and development. The flower is accustomed to warmth, slight drought and rare rains.

Perhaps the amaryllis is not yet ready for flowering, then it is worth making an artificial rest period, regardless of the time of year. Preventive measures against pests and diseases will not be redundant.

Rest period


Amaryllis will not be able to release a bud if all the conditions for planting and care are not met. A plant can be made to bloom. To do this, find out and eliminate the adverse factors. If everything is done correctly, amaryllis will please a beautiful flower twice a year.


Watch the video: Amaryllis Done Blooming? Here's What to Do. Garden Answer (October 2024).