Rosa Rocoko (Rokoko) - a description of the variety and its varieties


Rococo shrub rose captivates with its delicate beauty. Powerful shoots, endurance and unpretentiousness of the plant, combined with the intricate color of the apricot hue - all this makes the variety demanded and popular among flower growers. Rococo occupies a leading position among the varieties grown for cutting, and its lushly flowering bushes give a special charm to any flower bed.

Description and characteristics of Rococo roses

Rose srub Rococo belongs to the varieties of medium growth - the plant reaches a height of 120 to 150 cm. It was bred at the end of the last century, is characterized by abundant and long flowering and the ability to bloom repeatedly.

Rococo flowers have a pink apricot hue

A special charm and nobleness of the bushy roses of Rococo gives their shape: with fairly tall shoots they do not grow wider than 1 m. Strong branches rush up and create a dense crown that looks massive and impressive both in the hedge and in single plantings.

Shoots grow quickly; when ripe, they become thick and strong. The leaves are dark, glossy, muted, therefore, against their background, watercolor flowers that look like old varieties look especially bright and elegant.

Large flowers of the variety are collected in a brush and bloom for about two weeks. The buds are small, yellow in color with a pink pointed top. When they open, the terry and light wavy petals are clearly visible. The fully opened flower shows bright orange stamens.

For reference! The flavor of this variety is not very strong, but delicate and unusual - it resembles a fruity.

The color of the flowers of the bush rose Rococo represents the transitions from light apricot to pink shades. After full bloom, it becomes creamy, and by the time of withering it turns pale.

By the end of the season, the flowers of the variety brighten

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The undoubted advantages of the Rococo variety include:

  • good tolerance of drought;
  • long flowering period;
  • frost resistance;
  • refined appearance;
  • terry and large flower size;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • repeated flowering.

At the same time, the disadvantages of the plant are very minor:

  • requires spacious areas and bright sun during the day;
  • does not differ in strong aroma.

Popular Rococo Varieties

Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

Among the most popular varieties, varieties deserve special attention:

  • Lovely Rokoko. It is a shrub about 1 m with terry large flowers and good immunity to powdery mildew and black spotting. It blooms repeatedly until the frost.
  • Magic Rokoko. Tea-hybrid variety with powerful and plentiful shoots. Large large flowers form large inflorescences.
  • Lemon Rokoko. Large double flowers of the variety at the beginning of flowering have a greenish tint. They are not afraid of rain and keep freshness in a vase for a long time after cutting.
  • Rose variety Playful Rokoko. It is distinguished by terry pink flowers, which look very impressive in a bouquet. Therefore, the variety is often bred for cutting.

Rules for growing a flower

Rose Eddy Mitchell - grade description

In order to get a luxurious and healthy plant, do not neglect the basic recommendations of experienced gardeners.

The variety is widely used in landscape design.

The quality and duration of the flowering period completely depends on the choice of place for planting rose bushes of this variety. The plant does not accept even light partial shade. Only sunny places open to direct rays. At the same time, the longer the plant is illuminated during the day, the more abundant and magnificent it can bloom.

The requirements for the soil of the Rococo rose variety are the same as for most other roses: it must be light, nutritious, well-drained to avoid stagnation of water. It is advisable that it be loam or sandy loam.

Note!Rococo is strongly not recommended to be planted in a place where roses of any other variety grew before it.

The description of the planting process is as follows:

  1. Land allocated for landing is deeply and carefully dug up.
  2. Depending on the size of the roots of the bush, prepare planting pits.
  3. If required by the quality of the soil, drainage material is introduced to the bottom of the pit.
  4. The shoots prepared for planting are cut off, leaving 10-15 cm.
  5. If a seedling with an open root system is planted, it is soaked for several hours in water. Plants transplanted from containers are carefully watered.
  6. Place the seedlings in the pits and gently fill their roots with soil mixed with compost.
  7. The soil is slightly tamped and thoroughly irrigated.

In this way, you can plant a Rococo rose in spring and autumn. However, if the climatic conditions in the winter are too harsh, then it is better not to risk with an autumn landing.

Large variety flowers are collected in a brush

Important!When planting, keep in mind that the variety likes space. Therefore, the nearest plants and other rose bushes should have a distance of about 1 m. Within these limits, large perennial plants are also not recommended.

Plant Care Rules

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Rosa Rococo does not require too much attention, you just need to adhere to simple rules:

  • Watering and humidity. The variety needs watering only in the absence of natural rainfall and with severe drying of the earthen coma. Watering in this case should be plentiful.
  • Top dressing. For abundant flowering, it is important to carry out fertilizer in the first half of summer: the first time - at the beginning of the growing season in spring, the second time - before flowering. Special mineral complexes for roses are used. Organic fertilizers can also be used.
  • Pruning. This procedure allows you to give the plant an original shape. In spring, it is necessary to remove under the root all twisted, dry and deep shoots growing deep into the crown. Healthy branches should be cut to a third.
  • Mulching. The use of mulch helps preserve moisture and protect the root system of the plant from overheating. Therefore, during the season, the mulch layer needs to be updated several times.
  • Preparing for the winter. Before the cold weather comes, you need to remove all dried shoots and fallen leaves, which may contain larvae of various pests. With a high probability of a snowy winter with frequent thaws, rose bushes are best covered. For this purpose, the plant is covered with compost, and the shoots are covered with spruce branches.

The variety is characterized by lush and long flowering


Flowering and dormant period

Rokoko is a rose that blooms in early summer. But at the same time, its bushes are strewn with flowers until the first frost, as the plant constantly throws more and more buds.

Flowers are not afraid of rain, and after a long exposure to the sun, although they fade, they do not lose their decorative effect.

Flower propagation methods

Most often, Rococo roses are propagated by propagating cuttings. This method is quite simple to execute and gives good results.

In mid-summer, cuttings are cut from healthy shoots and rooted in a moist substrate or sand. To speed up the process, the cuttings are created in greenhouse conditions by covering it with plastic or glassware.

After rooting, a young plant is planted at a constant place of growth.

Possible diseases and pests, ways to combat them

Rococo rose variety shows good resistance to many common diseases. A dangerous disease for the plant is stem cancer. With a defeat on the shoots of the rose, bright red spots appear that turn pale, but spread throughout the plant. The only solution to this situation is the immediate removal of the diseased bush.

Rosa Lovely Rococo - one of the most colorful varieties of the variety


Among the pests that are sometimes found on shoots, spider mites and aphids should be noted. You can try to get rid of them using folk methods. In severe cases, insecticide treatment is used.

Rosa Rococo is a colorful scrub of medium height with dense dark foliage and large flowers of a delicate apricot hue with a transition to pink. The variety is characterized by unpretentious care and a long flowering period. In addition, the plant has a stable immunity to many diseases. The main condition for lush and prolonged flowering is planting in spacious areas of the garden, which are illuminated by sunlight during the day.


Watch the video: Rococo (October 2024).