Peony Monsieur Jules Elie (Paeonia Monsieur Jules Elie) - how to grow and care


Among flowering garden plants, peonies occupy a leading position. These beautiful and unpretentious bushes are a real decoration of the summer garden. Of the many varietal variations, the large-flowered peony Monsieur Jules Eli is especially popular.

Peony Monsieur Jules Elie (Paeonia Monsieur Jules Elie) - what kind of variety

The variety Monsieur Jules Ely has been known for over 100 years. It was bred in France at the end of the 19th century.

Peony Description

The peony is a herbaceous plant whose shoots form a bush up to 1 m high. Weakly branched flower shoots are covered with small-sized carved leaves of a dark green hue. Large soft pink flowers have a spherical shape.

What does peon Monsieur Jules Ely look like?

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety is compact, has long flowering and large fragrant flowers, the diameter of which reaches 18 cm. It belongs to milk-flowered varieties, as its flowers look like drenched in milk. Among the shortcomings note the exactingness to the composition of the soil and bright lighting.

Use in landscape design

Bushes of this variety are very popular. They are often found in gardens and home gardens. Peony Mons Jules Ely is widely used in landscape design. He is good at solo and group landings amid green lawns. They are also used in mixborders. They go well with coniferous plantings.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Peony Bartzella (Paeonia Itoh Bartzella) - variety description

Growing peonies is not difficult. With the right choice of place, planting time and soil composition, the bulk of young plants take root well. There are several ways of vegetative propagation of peonies. The most popular is the planting of root cuttings.

Planting with root cuttings

The separation and planting of root cuttings is a propagation method that gives almost 100% survival. Cuttings form on the sides of the mother bush. The stalk ready for planting has a shoot, a formed kidney and a root system. Cuttings are separated from the bush and planted in a prepared place. Young plants, as a rule, take root well and bloom after 4-5 years.

Planting in the open ground

What time is the landing

The root cuttings are separated after flowering of the mother bush. Monsieur Jules Elie peonies finish flowering in mid-September. At this time, they are dug up and separated by cuttings for planting. Cuttings root within 1-1.5 months. After that, they are sheltered for the winter.

Location selection

Monsieur Jules Ely needs a sunny spot. In partial shade, the plant blooms very rarely, it mainly grows foliage. It is not practical to plant bushes on the shady side. Flowering cannot be achieved in the shade, but the plant itself inhibits growth and can die.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The soil for growing the bush should be neutral. The variety does not tolerate slightly acidic and acidic soils. Fertile, fairly loose and light soil is desirable. The optimal soil composition for growing peonies:

  • garden land;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • peat.

All components are used in equal parts. The flower is planted in a planting pit up to 50 cm deep. It is filled with fresh soil mixture. It is advisable to add a little superphosphate and wood ash or coal to the soil.

The root cuttings are separated from the mother plant with a sharp knife. The section is sprinkled with activated carbon. The shoot shoot is shortened so that 3-4 leaves remain. The bottom of the shoot is soaked in a 0.01% heteroauxin solution

Landing procedure step by step

Before landing, it is necessary to prepare a landing pit. They dig it out with a depth of at least 50 cm and spill it well with water.

For planting prepare a soil mixture. The pit is filled with soil. The mother bush is dug up and root cuttings are separated from it. Shoots shorten.

Cuttings are added dropwise to a depth of 10 cm and well watered. During their rooting, regular but moderate watering is carried out for 1-1.5 months so that the water does not stagnate in the soil.

Important! Cuttings are planted to such a depth that the kidneys are 4-5 cm below the surface of the soil.

Before the onset of cold weather, the remaining part of the shoot is cut from rooted cuttings. Rooted buds are covered for the winter with sawdust, flail or spruce branches.

Seed planting

Peonies are usually propagated vegetatively. But this is not the only way. This plant can be propagated by sowing seeds. This is a long and laborious process. At home, it is not used. Seedlings often do not inherit varietal traits of the mother plant. This method is advisable to use only in laboratory conditions when breeding new varieties.

Plant care

Peony Buckeye Belle (Paeonia Buckeye Belle) - features of cultivation

The plant is very unpretentious and does not require careful maintenance. He nevertheless needs some procedures. Otherwise, it will grow poorly or not bloom at all.

Watering and feeding

Peonies need plentiful watering. They especially need moisture during the period of rapid growth, before flowering and in autumn when laying new flower buds. Watered regularly, but do not water the soil. Water stagnation is harmful to the plant. For one bush during irrigation, up to 30 liters of water is required. Carefully watered so that water does not fall into the leaves and shoots.

Watering is an important part of care

During spring growth, peony requires root dressing with nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, it is useful to carry out sheet top dressing with mineral fertilizers. This procedure is carried out monthly until the end of flowering.

Mulching and cultivation

After each irrigation, the soil is loosened under the bush and around it. This prevents the drying of the soil and helps to preserve moisture for a long time. The loose soil is covered with mulch so that it does not dry out too quickly and there are no sudden changes in temperature at the root of the plant. As mulch use crushed bark, straw, peat,

Preventative treatment

As a preventive measure, the soil around the plant is treated with a potassium permanganate solution. In 10 l of water, 2-3 g of dry matter is dissolved. Processing is carried out in the early spring after snow melts. At the same time, fungi and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed.

Blooming Peony Monsignor Jules Ely

Peonies of this variety are especially beautiful during flowering. They are grown for large and fragrant flowers. Care during flowering will extend this period and ensure the growth of buds in the next season.

Period of activity and rest

Rose Freesia (Friesia) - how to care for a varietal plant

In early spring, the period of active vegetation begins. The plant builds green mass and forms buds. Peony Monsieur Jules Elie begins to bloom in early June. The duration of flowering depends on lighting, care and age. Flowering bush can last until mid or even until the end of July. In winter, there comes a period of rest, which lasts until the beginning of spring. During the dormant period, the ground part of the plant dies.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, the plant needs regular and plentiful watering. Fertilizing fertilizers for flowering plants is also required. After flowering, they are fed with compositions containing potassium and phosphorus.

Additional Information! After flowering, it is recommended to reduce the frequency and intensity of watering.

What to do if a peony does not bloom, possible causes

Sometimes a peony refuses to bloom. There are several reasons for the lack of flowering:

  • lack of lighting;
  • large depth of landing;
  • small planting material;
  • plant age.

Important! If the bush is very old, it is advisable to replace it with a young plant.

Peonies after flowering

As soon as the peonies have faded, the time comes for mandatory procedures for caring for them before wintering. This is a transplant, pruning and preparation for winter.


The transplant is carried out after flowering. The procedure is required in the following cases:

  • the bush grows in one place for a long time and the soil is gradually depleted;
  • the bush has grown too much and requires division.

Usually the bushes are divided and transplanted from 6-7 years of age. But if division is not required, the peony can be transplanted every 10 years. Do not transplant the plant too late in the fall. It must take root before the onset of cold weather. It is advisable to transplant it in September, so that 1-1.5 months pass before the winter.


Pruning of the bush is carried out in late autumn. At this time, the entire surface of the bush withers and dries out almost completely. Stems and leaves are cut at ground level. Cut off parts of the plant are burned to prevent the spread of diseases and pests that may be in dry foliage. You can not cut the bushes ahead of schedule, when the green part is alive. This leads to the death of the peony.

Winter preparations

Peony Julie El is a frost-resistant herbaceous variety. He hibernates in open ground. May suffer only from prolonged severe frosts. Adult bushes shelter for the winter only in the northern regions. Young bushes under the age of 3 years are recommended to be carefully covered. They can suffer even from short-term temperature drops.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Peonies are susceptible to viral and fungal diseases. They suffer from such viral diseases:

  • sheet mosaic;
  • spotting;
  • Lemoine's disease;
  • verticillus wilting.

Sheet mosaic


Ways to combat viral infections are not developed. The diseased plant is destroyed along with the root system.

The most common fungal diseases of peony are:

  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust.

Leaves and shoots are covered with gray or whitish bloom. Patients with rust leaves are covered with brown spots. Remove diseased areas of the plant and burn. After that, the bush is treated with an antifungal drug. The treatment is repeated until complete recovery.

Peonies infect such pests:

  • aphid;
  • thrips;
  • nematodes.

Thrips on the sheets


Insecticides are used to kill harmful insects. They process the plant until the pests are completely destroyed. With the defeat of nematodes, the plant cannot be saved. Affected plants are destroyed, and the soil is treated with a formalin solution.

Caring for peonies of the Mons Jules Elie variety does not take much time and effort. This is an excellent choice for landscape design, long and surprisingly beautiful flowering. The bush can grow without transplanting for more than 10 years.


Watch the video: Пион MONS JULES ELIE (October 2024).