Spirea Argut - description, planting and care


Spirea Argut does not look too bright and attractive, but with its help you can create many interesting landscape compositions. The plant is a lush bush covered with white flowers. Spirea is unpretentious in care and is able to easily tolerate low temperatures.

Characteristics of Argut Spirea

According to the description, Argut's spiraea is an ornamental shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae family. The hybrid was obtained on the basis of Thunberg spiraea and a multiflowered variety of the plant.

Spiraea of ​​this variety is distinguished by lush flowering.

The shoots of an adult culture reach a height of 2 m. The diameter of the branches can be 3 m. The leaves of the plant are narrow and differ in lanceolate shape. Acute spiraea at the end of May is covered with snow-white flowers, they appear on the shoots of the second year.

The buds reach 8 mm in diameter and include 5 petals. In each inflorescence there are many stamens. Thanks to this, the plant seems fluffy.

Attention! Spirea Arguta is quite slow in growth. For 1 year, the shoots grow by 10-20 cm. Regardless of this, the crop must be cut.

Spiraea of ​​this variety is often used in landscaping. It is used for solitary landings or hedge formation. Bushes are also found in large parks. They look especially impressive in combination with coniferous crops.

Planting a plant

Spirea Grefshame - description, planting and care

There are many ways to grow a plant. The bush can be propagated by seed method or using cuttings.

Spirea propagates well by cuttings.

Seed planting

This method of planting spirea is considered not too popular. It is usually used to propagate crops in nurseries. Planting seeds is not difficult, but the resulting culture may not have the signs of a mother plant.

Planting seeds is recommended in spring. In this case, the first sprouts appear only after 3-4 months. When forming several leaves on the shoots, seedlings are recommended to dive and leave in separate containers until the arrival of autumn. Flowering spirea begins only after 3 years.

Important!When the first leaves appear, seedlings are permissible to plant in open soil. However, in this case they will have to be covered with foil and transplanted in the spring to a permanent site.

Planting seedlings

This is the easiest and most affordable method of growing plants, which helps to maintain the characteristics of the mother culture. Cutting cuttings for growing seedlings is recommended in early June. For this, semi-lignified shoots 1 year old are suitable. They must include a minimum of 5 leaves.

  1. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the stalk for 12 hours in a Kornevin solution.
  2. It can be placed in a pot with light soil or in prepared open soil.
  3. Then the seedling must be covered with a film.

At the rooting stage, the culture needs careful care. The soil should not be too wet or too dry. The plant must be systematically moistened and ventilated.

Important!Keeping culture is in the background. When young shoots appear in the spring season, the bush should be transplanted into permanent soil.

Watering and loosening the soil

Japanese and gray spirea - description, planting and care

After planting a crop, it needs regular watering. However, the soil should not be moistened too much. When weed appears, it must be removed in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing diseases and parasite attacks.

Adult bushes enough to water once a week. For 1 plant, 1.5 buckets of water are needed. After watering, the soil should be gently loosened to provide the roots with oxygen. Also, it is recommended to cover the garden with a mulching layer.

The plant needs to be systematically watered

Breeding methods

Japanese Spirea Shrub or "Bride" - Description

Over time, the culture begins to age. In this situation, new seedlings are required. To propagate the culture, cuttings or layering can be used.

Important! Propagate the plant by the seed method is impossible. This is due to the fact that this variety is a hybrid.

For grafting, planting material should be prepared in the summer. In this case, it is necessary to tear off the leaves below, and carefully scratch the stem with a secateurs. This will help to activate the appearance of roots.

They should be buried at an angle to the ground and sprinkled with earth. Landings need to be watered well and covered with a jar. Next year, seedlings can be moved to a permanent place.

To propagate the culture by layering, young shoots of the bush should be bent and attached to the ground. Sprinkle with earth on top. During the summer, the plant needs systematic watering. Next spring layering will give roots. At this stage, they can be planted on a permanent site.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Fertilizing the plant is recommended in spring or autumn. It is best to use Azofosk and Kemir station wagon. Too many dressings will damage the root system of the flower and even provoke its death.

Also, spirea can be fertilized after pruning and before flowering. For this, organic matter is used - chicken droppings, mullein, compost. During flowering, nitrate or urea is added.

Plant transplant

It is advisable to move the plant to a new place in spring or autumn. For the culture, a sunny site is suitable, on which there is no draft. It is important to avoid low or wetlands.

Spirea needs fertile soil, it must be acidic or slightly alkaline. Transplanting is allowed seedlings without noticeable defects. In this case, the bush is recommended to be treated with fungicides.

To carry out the transplant, do the following:

  • lay a drainage layer in the recess;
  • fill up the substrate;
  • spread the roots and put the plant in the hole;
  • sprinkle a hole on the ground and tamp it.

Important! Deepening is recommended to be done in advance. Thanks to this, the soil can settle and evenly moisten.

Trimming Spirea Argut

The following year, after planting, systematic pruning is performed. During the sanitary procedure, affected and dry branches must be removed. The formation of the bush should be done in spring or autumn - this will help to get a beautiful crown.

At 3 years, stimulating pruning is recommended. It aims to remove weakened and excess branches.

Attention! At age 15, a spirea needs a rejuvenating procedure - it consists in removing all old branches.

Culture needs to be trimmed in a timely manner

Pests and diseases

Spirea is a fairly strong plant. However, it can suffer from spider mites, aphids and caterpillars. In this case, the development of culture is disrupted.

To avoid such problems, at the beginning of the growing season, it is worth spraying the bush from diseases and pests.

Flowering Period: Care Features

This variety of spirea is characterized by an early onset of flowering. Already in mid-April, white flowers appear on the bush. By the middle of summer there are a lot of them.

Inside the blossoming flower, many stamens grow, which give a fluffy volume to abundantly flowering branches.

During this period, it is forbidden to use organic products as fertilizers.

It is interesting! During flowering, the bush emits a honey smell.

Winter preparations

Adult plants can not be covered. The shoots are highly resistant to frost and can tolerate a temperature drop of -40 degrees.

In this case, the root system is located near the surface of the soil, it needs protection. To do this, in autumn it is recommended to place compost or humus under the bushes. Its layer should be 30 cm.

Young plants up to 4 years old need preparation for winter. To do this, it is recommended to sprinkle the root zone with mulch. The branches must be squeezed and fixed with a rope. From above, insulate the shoots with burlap or non-woven material.

Use in landscape design

Spirea can be used to create hedges or species compositions. It is permissible to do group landings. For their design, spirea of ​​different varieties is used - for example, gray. The culture looks great with conifers and deciduous plants. Also, spirea is suitable for decoration of bouquets.

Culture is often used to design compositions.


Spirea Argut is very popular among gardeners. In order to get a powerful plant, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners and provide the crop with quality care.


Watch the video: Propagating Spirea from cuttings (October 2024).