Calathea - plant diseases and pests


Calathea attracts the attention of many gardeners due to its unusual appearance and bright greenery. With proper care, the plant will delight others with its beauty, which can overshadow other species. Diseases in calathea are common, since the flower is very whimsical to care for. At home, only experienced flower growers can grow a plant qualitatively. Calathea, leaves dry around the edges, what to do and how to avoid this problem - this question is asked by many flower lovers. Care at home for the flower of calathea, disease, their treatment and prevention is the topic of this material.

Why a plant can get sick

If we talk about a houseplant called calathea, diseases and pests can appear on it only because of improper care. This is exactly what experienced flower lovers do not cease to repeat, who successfully grow various varieties.

Calathea - perennial plant up to 1.5 m high

First of all, attention should be paid to watering. Excessive soil moisture, cold or hard water are factors that can adversely affect the quality of growth and development of the flower. After watering, no drops should remain on the leaves of the plant, as this is not always useful.

A significant role is played by the composition of the soil. Greasy and rotten soil can damage calathea growth. The cause of rotting is almost always excess fluid, which lingers in the soil due to poor drainage. If moss, mold or fungus appears on the surface, they should be removed immediately.

Another name for Kalathea is a prayer flower or praying grass.

A correctly selected pot is reflected in the condition of the flower. A small capacity will slow growth. Too wide and tall pot also negatively affects the life of the plant.

Leaves can dry out due to lack of lighting or high temperature in the room. Moreover, each variety of plants requires compliance with certain rules.

Fertilizers play a special role - they must be applied according to a certain schedule, in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. When using folk remedies as top dressing, mineral complexes must be introduced in much smaller quantities.

Note! An overdose of nutrients is just as harmful as a deficiency.

Calathea dumps leaves

Pests and diseases of Chlorophytum - causes and struggle

Calathea leaves can drop for several reasons. Among the main ones:

  • insufficient watering;
  • the appearance of pests on the flower;
  • improper lighting;
  • cold.

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no parasites on the flower. To do this, you should carefully inspect each leaf, soil and plant stem. Then you need to adjust the care, in particular the temperature regime.

Leaves turn pale, turn yellow, spots appear

Why leaves turn yellow in calathea are of interest to many gardeners. The appearance of yellowness occurs due to lack or excess of fertilizer. Kalatea top dressing should take place from March to September, 1 time in 2 weeks. From October to March 1 time per month.

Hoya home care, diseases and pests

It is necessary to use special feeding for ornamental plants. The dosage should be halved from the one indicated on the package.

Why leaves are curled in kalatea is a question that can be answered if we reconsider the correct irrigation and air humidity parameters.

When brown spots appear on the sheet, this may indicate sunburn. Spots appear in those places where drops of water remained on the leaves, and the sun dried them. To prevent such a problem, it is necessary to spray the plant from a fine spray.

Attention! Moisturize the plant early in the morning and in the evening so that the sun's rays at this moment do not fall on the flower.

Sometimes sticky transparent crystals appear on the back of the leaf, along with this the plate is twisted. The reason for this ailment is in sudden changes in temperature and humidity. In this case, it is necessary to adjust these indicators and eliminate drafts. Any cooling below 18 ° C may be detrimental to the flower.

Calathea: leaves dry around the edges, what to do

Caring for ampelous geraniums or pelargonium sympathetic: diseases and pests

Why calatheas begin to curl and dry leaves depends on several factors. Among the main reasons are poor watering and low humidity. It is necessary to increase the volume of liquid for irrigation and periodically spray the flower.

If these measures did not help improve the condition of the plant, it is necessary to cut off the leaves, which began to dry out and try to save the root system. You should put the pot on moist expanded clay and cover with a bag. When new shoots appear, the package can be removed.

To prevent dry tips of the leaves, you must monitor the humidity

Before answering the question of what to do if the leaves curl in the calathea, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology. In most cases, the answer lies in the lack of humidity around the flower. Ideally, the percentage of moisture should be at least 90%. Maintaining this mode is not easy, therefore, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier.

If it is not possible to buy such a device, it is necessary to spray the leaves daily with filtered and settled water. It is impossible to use ordinary liquid from the tap, since after it there are lime spots on the leaves, which are extremely difficult to remove in the future. Especially this rule applies to calathea with velvety leaves.

If the leaf begins to dry or curl into a tube, it must be removed in a timely manner from the plant. Lighting must be diffused and soft.

Important! There can be different consequences from direct sunlight. In addition to burns, drying of leaves, loss of color, and falling off are often found.

If the ends of the leaves dry on the calathea flower, you must change the location of the flower. This move seems quite reasonable and often helps to save the shoots.

Twisting leaves may not only be due to improper care or illness. The peculiarity of calathea is that all representatives of this species twist leaf blades at night. This is a normal phenomenon that should pass during the day.

Calathea is a very elegant flower that will fit into any interior

Stains on the leaves of calathea, twisting and drying of the trunk, can occur due to many reasons. Before treating the plant, it is necessary to accurately determine the source of the problem, otherwise there will be no positive result.

Rotting roots

The leaves of a calathea plant turn yellow, the stem and roots rot most often due to hypothermia and excessive watering. Beginning flower growers often do not know how to properly care for a whimsical calathea, so a number of problems arise.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering and raise the air temperature to + 23-28 ° C.

Note! If the plant stands on a cold windowsill, it must be urgently removed from there.

Frowned trunk

The trunk of the calathea is formed from dead old leaves. In a healthy plant, it is resilient and matches the color of the leaves. There should not be any spots or sticky inclusions.

Calathea in which a shriveled trunk needs urgent treatment. This symptom indicates that the plant is dying. If the problem is not noticed in time, the barrel may twist at a non-standard angle.

This happens due to the fact that the roots rot, and the flower ceases to receive nutrients. It is difficult to save the calathea in this case. It is recommended to cut off the top and root it.

Rot on the leaves and stem

Any processes of rot begin in plants due to excessive watering and damage to the fungus.

Excessive fertilization in the soil can also lead to the multiplication of putrefactive bacteria that appear in places of root burns. Therefore, it is important to comply with the norms of fertilizing. Do not allow overmoistening of the soil and stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Pests on calathe

If we talk about the indoor flower of calathea, pests in the form of parasites are most often found due to various problems in the care and cultivation of the plant:

  • Spider mite. Symptoms of the parasite are white plaque on the back of the leaves. Over time, a spider web becomes visible on the plant. The tick is very small and difficult to consider. The leaves turn yellow first, and then begin to fall away. The pest prefers dry air, so the flower must be sprayed often. In addition, they carry out mechanical treatment with an insecticidal agent.
  • Shield. When infected, small round plaques appear on the stem and leaves. Over time, the leaves fade and dry. A plant can be cured if it is treated with a solution of laundry soap. To consolidate the results, it is necessary to spray with the help of Fitoverm.
  • Thrips. Small dots appear on the sheet plate, which gradually turn into spots. Small oblong-shaped insects that move irregularly are visible on the ground. If parasites are found, it is necessary to rinse the plant in the shower and spray with Intavir. To fix the result, you can repeat the spraying twice. The same solution is used to treat the soil in which the flower is located.

Signs of damage to the plant aphids


With early detection of pests, it is not difficult to deal with them, since there are many insecticidal and folk remedies.

Calathea (home care, illness, treatment described above) is an attractive shrub that is often used as a decorative decoration. When the leaves are curled at the calathea flower, what every grower should know. The plant requires increased attention to itself, and it is necessary to grow it with all the rules.


Watch the video: Plant Health & Disease Troubleshooting Guide (October 2024).