Low-growing shrubs - flowering and decorative deciduous for the garden


Hedgerow - a beautiful and popular detail of landscape design. The height of the green fence depends on the size of the territory and its functional purpose: low-growing shrubs (50 cm) are suitable for forming green borders, coniferous or deciduous plants with a height of 150-200 cm and more - for living walls or low fences.

Tip. When creating a beautiful fence, you should also decide between fast-growing or slow-growing plants. In the latter case, the annual growth is 50 cm in height, it takes decades to grow a green wall, but the fences are beautiful and durable. Fast-growing (growth of 2 m / year) options are ideal for free fences.

Compact shrubs for a lazy garden

Undersized shrubs for a border

Among the perennial decorative and deciduous shrubs suitable for creating border hedges include:

  • undersized barberry;
  • rhododendron;
  • boxwood;
  • cotoneaster;
  • honeysuckle;
  • Karagan
  • Fortune's euonymus.

The variety of unpretentious plants is varied by dye gorse, cinquefoil, mahonia, almonds, currants and gooseberries, snowberry, spirea, henomeles.

Annuals will live a short but vibrant life. Cultures are inexpensive and bloom beautifully. The annual update of the edging allows you to make fresh compositions of beautiful plants. Below is a short list of the best varieties:

  • marigolds with terry and simple flowers;
  • sun-loving nasturtium;
  • drought-resistant verbena;
  • amazingly blue ageratum;
  • ground cover iberis;
  • silvery cineraria;
  • lush argirantemum (proper cultivation and care at home allow the annual to reach the size of a shrub).

Decorative border from undersized bushes

The overall impression of a work of art depends on how the frame matches the picture. Border flowers create a kind of frame that borders flower beds, paths, beds in geometric gardens. However, in natural style gardens borders are not used at all. As a fence, bricks, ribbons or fences can be used. It's a matter of taste. The use of fresh flowers where appropriate is always impressive.

What shrubs make a hedge

When arranging on a hedge site, an important point should be clarified: shrubs will grow freely or in a certain form. In household territories, the sheared option is more common.

Flowering shrubs for the garden, perennial and unpretentious

The group of freely growing decorative-deciduous and flowering plants for the garden consists of lilac, honeysuckle, mock up, hydrangea tree-like, Japanese quince, fruit almonds. The hawthorn, snowberry and elderberry are favorably positioned.

Tip. The best solution will be the formation of a decorative fence from plants of various heights, excluding exposure of the hedge.

The upper tier of the fence (up to 3 m) will form a linden or hornbeam with a dense, easily formed crown. Often, landscape designers form a living fence using maple, mulberry, and rough elma. Among evergreens, the most suitable are:

  • thuja western, harmoniously complementing garden design;
  • juniper is a drought-resistant evergreen;
  • yew berry - a long-term plant found in fertile and moist soils;
  • spruce growing on moist soil in the shade.

It is convenient to form fences of medium height with bushes of the cotoneaster aronia, meadowsweet, privet, turf of red and white. Sometimes it becomes necessary to create a prickly fence. An ordinary barberry, sucker narrow-leaved, pyracantha will help to cope with the task.

Lush Lilac Guard

To form a perennial trimmed border, low-growing deciduous shrubs are suitable: boxwood, magnolia holly, meadowsweet and quince Japanese. Evergreen fences form thuja and spruce.

Perennial shrubs for the northern regions

Ornamental shrubs for Siberia

Flowering trees and ornamental shrubs for the garden

Bushes of hydrangea, mock orange, vesicle, turf, cinquefoil, barberry, weigel and action are the most popular ornamental shrubs for Siberia. Most crops are damaged during the cold season at a certain level. Malozimostoyky, but quickly recovering individuals (hydrangeas, spirea, chubushniki) are suitable for successful planting in the fall. Winter-hardy varieties (cysticis, derain) also easily cope with autumn plantings. Budlia, calicant, cistus, karyopteris, holly, boxwood are the most popular perennials that successfully grow in the northern regions of the country.

Ornamental shrubs for the Urals

The longevity of ornamental undersized and medium-sized shrubs for the Urals is ensured by a developed root system, early termination of nitrogen fertilizing, planting along vertical shelters from the wind, and careful wrapping of agrofibre for winter.

The ranking of unpretentious shrubs for the northern regions is headed by:

  1. Honeysuckle (Latin name - Lonicera) is a winding odorous culture with paired white flowers.
  2. Juniper is the best tapeworm for lawn or path framing, goes well with various garden crops.
  3. Mountain ash, creating an amazing symbiosis with fir, spruce.
  4. Rhododendron Daurian, eye-catching look in spring to pink bloom.
  5. Barberry of Thunberg.
  6. Rosehip.
  7. The cinquefoil is bush.

Under the cover of the mountainous reliefs of the middle Urals, the species listed above are successfully developing, as well as girl’s grapes, frost-resistant derain, viburnum, spirea, and hawthorn. In the south, it is possible to breed a snow-berry, a mock-up, forsythia.

Picturesque decor of the alley in the Urals

Important! Among the shrubs for planting in the Urals, the best choice will be old proven varieties bred in Russia and familiar to winter frosts.

Flowering shrubs for the Urals

In the Urals, thermophilic perennial shrubs and shade-loving flowering plants for summer cottage are grown. The following crops are most unpretentious to severe weather conditions:

  • wake-ups - shrubs 2-3 m high with pink, purple, white flowering;
  • Spirea - an unpretentious individual with airy-looking caps during flowering;
  • Calicant, causing ecstasy surrounding water lilies;
  • evening primrose (shrimp oslinnik) is the most hardy and unpretentious species in the family of 140 varieties;
  • hibiscus - an ornamental shrub with bright large buds;
  • crocuses - purple flowers of bulbous form;
  • Muscari revitalizing borders with white, blue, purple pimples;
  • creeping, erect varieties of shrub argyrantemum, impressive in a variety of flowering yellow, white and pink shades;
  • Calcium, similar to Chinese lanterns;
  • Weigela with juicy green leaves and white and pink buds;
  • almonds - photophilous plant, living up to 130 years;
  • jasmine is the owner of an alluring aroma.

Among the beautiful and unpretentious flowering shrubs, gardeners are betting on cotoneaster, yellow jasmine and red barberry.

Shrubs and perennials mixborder

Decorative foliage indoor plants

The competent selection of flowering shrubs, decorative perennials for mixborders is carried out taking into account the height, root system of the plant, flowering period and colors. The flower beds, built on the contrasts of purple and yellow, red and green, blue and orange, make a good impression. When planting, it is enough to correctly emphasize large buds, complementing the composition with small-flowered contrasting individuals with small spots.

Monochrome mixborders based on a triple color palette with a smooth transition of shades look exquisitely and deeply. White flowers are used to revitalize the monochrom. At the same time, green foliage, supporting the splendor and decorativeness of the flower garden, plays an important role in the design of the mixborder. In order to facilitate the work on creating vivid and elegant compositions, landscape designers suggest using ready-made mixborder schemes.

Fragrant flower garden

The skeleton of the composition is 2-3 dwarf conifers (3), cinquefoil (1) and saxifrage Ferdinand I (4).

A successful mix of annual and perennial plants


Then the plants are grouped. Under the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, hybrid, lush, wedge-shaped, paniculate, musk saxifrages are planted. Cirrus cloves (10) will add delicate colors and a special aroma to the bushes. Stone rose (11) will become the highlight of the flowerbed, Thunberg's barberry (2) will become an elegant border.

One-way Mixborder

Creating a luxurious composition that can decorate one wall of a building or fence requires following the correct planting sequence:

  1. A conical boxwood (9) is placed on the side of the flower bed.
  2. Clematis (14) will provide a red or white background flowerbed.
  3. In the interval between clematis and boxwood, organisms of medium height organically fit in: hatma (13), echinacea (12), decorative onions (6), verbena (8), Korean mint (11).

Professional Mixborder

  1. Silver notes of wormwood (10) will add lightness and shade boxwood.
  2. In front of the flower garden, it is worth giving place to anise lofant (7), Kuril tea (5), pelargonium (3), magnificent Endress geranium (1), alchemilla (2) and coreopsis (4).

Flower garden for beginners

The attention of novice gardeners deserves a simple and universal scheme, embodied in one-sided and two-sided versions.

Universal flower garden based on fragrant flowers and shrubs


Refined jasmine will become the skeletal shrub of the mixborder (1). To the right and left are peonies (2) and phloxes (3). Lilies (4) and the Houston Ageratum (5) will provide the middle tier of medium-sized crops. Among low plants for creating a border, marine lobularia (7), Turkish clove (8) will become an acceptable option.

Hydrangea Mixborder

Exquisite hydrangea is wonderfully combined with majestic and simple plants, allowing you to create mixborders of radically different styles. The principle of organizing a live edging with hydrangea implies the planting of perennial garden shrubs with an appropriate flowering period: clerk, small petals, dasiphorus. The brightness of the mixborder will be given to cultures in catchy colors with long flowering, for example, gaillardia, coreopsis, rudbeckia.

Hydrangea and coniferous mixborder

The combination of conifers with hydrangea creates a feeling of perfect purity against a background of noble greenery or cold blue. Delicate fluffy flowers in the vicinity of thujas are a great idea for creating a Mediterranean-style plot. A bolder solution would be a combination of white hydrangea, iris, western juniper, vesicle and creeping flowers.

Mixborder diagram with hydrangea and conifers


Luxurious azaleas, dahlias and roses also create a good company of hydrangeas with evergreen shrubs. Coniferous crops help deciduous varieties overcome various diseases and prevent the appearance of insect pests. At the same time, thuja, spruce, juniper have an open root system, planting occurs in spring.

Ground shrubs

Ground cover (creeping) shrubs organically complement the landscape design of the garden, form a green or variegated cover, partially prevent the growth of weeds, decorate the territory.

Photophilous shrubs

How to choose a perennial for continuous decoration of illuminated areas to a height of 15-30 cm:

  • Stonecrops are stunted shrubs that fill the foreground of flowerbeds and decorative stone terraces with small inflorescences of yellow, white, pink and red tones.
  • Arabis, covered in white and pink (plain and terry), for 14 days gives a special atmosphere to rock gardens, flower beds, borders.
  • Grass cloves are represented by extensive green and gray-blue carpets, decorated with pink, white, red flowering in rock gardens and flower beds.

Decor of a rocky garden with photophilous creeping plants

  • Youngsters decorate the landscape in summer with white and red flowers. The leaves of green and purple resemble small roses that extend along massive areas.
  • Bells, perennial shrub aster, thyme with small flowers form large clumps of rock gardens and front flower beds.

Planting perennials in the shade

The need for planting shade-tolerant perennials arises when necessary to hide voids under trees, on slopes and in ravines, on darkened paths. The foreground of shadow compositions is usually decorated with a loosestrife, monetanum, a tenacious creeper (the average height of the bushes is 10-15 cm). Under trees, planting of vegetation 30-50 cm tall with spectacular foliage is preferred. The hosts are the hosts with green, blue, yellow, and white-edged foliage, the diameter of the sockets is 40-150 cm.

Lungworms and forget-me-nots cover the soil up to 30-40 cm with lanceolate or heart-shaped foliage, with gray stripes and spots. Badan creates a continuous flooring in the shade and in the sun, blooms with pink buds. Astilbe cope with the tasks of cover plants. Florists will appreciate the long lush flowering (from white to red tones) and shade tolerance.

Practical recommendation. Do not get involved in diversity. Often, fashionable novelties of compact shrubs naturally look in compositions planted in groups of several copies. For a small garden (up to 10 acres), it is advisable to group the same type of crop into spots with an area of ​​0.5-1.5 m².


Watch the video: 18 Winter Flowering Shrubs That Look Good In Winter Garden (October 2024).