Rosa Omage a Barbara (Hommage a Barbara) - variety description


This flower is beautiful in every way - a rose-delight! Hommage a Barbara is translated from French as "Honoring Barbara." This variety was cultivated by the Delbar rose garden, commissioned by the Perlimpinpin-Barbara Association.

The rose is named after the famous French singer Barbara (Monique Andre Cerf), who conquered the whole world with her incredible voice, playing the piano and a sense of style. These flowers have always accompanied the creative path of the talented Monique. Nomage a Barbara is the pinnacle of Delbar's work with red roses.

Rose Omage Barbara (Hommage a Barbara)

The deep velvet red color of the rose is darkened at the edges, and in the sunshine the underside of the petals shimmers with gold. This gleam, like the light of spotlights, illuminating every performance of the singer. Florists insist that the color of the bud is beyond description in words. The draped bends of the petals overlapping each other are similar to the folds of Monique's chic evening dresses. Their unusually dense addition in the center leads to the thought of the secret kept by the bud hommage a barbara. The rose, even with its full disclosure, does not allow to see the stamens.

Rose with golden reflections

The flowering of roses is plentiful, long-lasting, remontant. Large flowers with a diameter of about 8-10 cm. They are more often collected in brushes of 3-5 pcs., Less often - more than 10 pcs. Ommage pleases and Barbara of its owners with buds until the frosts - can bloom from late May to October. Not less than a week, even in the heat of every flower. The bush is constantly covered with buds. Even a drying flower looks very aesthetically pleasing and does not spoil the overall picture.

Important! The plant is invisibly clear to the eyes of wilted flowers. They fall away with the peduncle.

The bush is beautiful in itself. Its average height is 80-90 cm. The leaves are dark green in color, glossy, with teeth along the edges. They are located very compactly. The bush serves as a decoration for any composition of the garden, especially in the company of perennials. The flower is cultivated on borders, flower beds; they are decorated with walls, fences, gratings.

Rose ommage and Barbara looks spectacular both in a group and in solo. Incomparable flower position in single-grade rose gardens. When designing the landscape, Ommazh a Barbara is combined with shrubs: barberry, boxwood, coniferous. “Friendship” varieties are blooming: digitalis, delphinium. For a color combination with such roses, plants with silvery leaves are planted: wormwood, purse, and burgundy - black cohosh.

Barbara in the design of the garden

Rose Hommage a Barbara - floribunda. She inherited the intensity of color from tea-hybrid roses, and from polyanthus - resistance to specific diseases and frosts. The plant practically does not respond to the scorching sun. With its resistance to fungal infections and low temperatures, Ommage a Barbara is comparable, perhaps, with the varieties of English roses by David Austin.

The only possible drawback of a flower is the lack of expression of its aroma.

Growing a flower: how to plant in the open ground

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

You can drop Ommage and Barbara in the spring and autumn. Autumn planting is better tolerated by the plant, if the daytime temperature remains within 10-15 ºС, and the night temperature is up to 5 ºС. However, spring planting increases the chances of the bush for the subsequent successful wintering.

Important! The plant does not like the accumulation of water in the soil - you should avoid the lowlands, close proximity to groundwater. Wind blowing and drafts are undesirable for him. The landing site should be well lit, because the flower is photophilous. Resistant to rain, sunshine.

Preparation for planting bushes begins with the alignment of the site. An ideal area is with a slight slope. Excess moisture will be removed from it. Florists take pH into account. For this sort of rose, soil with a slightly acidic level (pH = 5-6) is suitable. The introduction of peat into the soil is important. Alkaline soil needs the addition of peat, acidic - peat with alkali. Ideal for roses is loam. It is loose enough to let air and moisture in the right amount to a depth of 10 cm. Heavy clay soils and excessively light sandy soils should be avoided.

Naked seedling

For landing are offered:

  • bare roses (seedlings) with an open root system. This type of landing is preferable than container. Bushes extracted from the ground are usually sent by mail. It is better to plant bare seedlings in late autumn (in November before frosts), planting in early spring is possible (in March).
  • active container or roses from the nursery. They are more expensive than seedlings and less resistant. But they are available for sale all year. You can plant them at any time of the year (when the ground is not frozen), however, it is recommended to land in spring or early summer.

Important! Avoid spontaneous places of sale of seedlings, it is better to give preference to specialized stores. This reduces the risk of buying a bad plant.

Before planting, the roots of seedlings are disinfected. Rosa Hommage Barbara landed in the hole. Its size should be 2 times the size of the roots of the plant. At the bottom should be poured: fertilizer or compost, a spoonful of wood ash, a little top layer of the earth. Of these components, a knoll is formed at the bottom of the hole.

Rosa Homage a Barbara

Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety

The landing procedure is as follows:

  1. Place the root of the plant in the center of the pit (a distance of 30-60 cm should be maintained between the bushes). The roots of the bush should be located at an angle of 45º, not parallel to the surface.
  2. Place a cane on the surface to mark the top of the landing hole.
  3. Check the location of the junction of the varietal flower with the stock. It should be immersed 3-5 cm deep (this will reduce the likelihood of dying).
  4. Closed roots do not disturb, open - carefully distribute the area of ​​the hole.
  5. Gently fill the hole with soil mixed with organic fertilizers.
  6. Seal the earth around the seedling with your hands, make a roller for irrigation.
  7. Pour around, but not under the root.

Dive into the hole when landing

Plant care

The rose is quite hygrophilous, you need to water the plant at least once a week, in the heat - preferably two. The intensity of irrigation is also associated with the phases of the development of the bush; the most active - during the growing season, until the first blooming of flowers.

Rosa Mainzer Fastnacht (Mainzer Fastnacht) - variety description

A single consumption of water per bush is about 10 liters. Water should not be cold, settled. Be sure to loosen the soil after watering. Before winter dormancy, the last watering should be at least 30 liters per plant.

Fertilizing is one of the most important components of caring for a rose. Organic and chemical top dressing should be used. With a competent planting of roses (wells with a nutrient mixture) in the first year of life, it is not necessary to fertilize it additionally. If the landing was carried out in ordinary soil, then a young rosette can do with organic matter (mullein).

Important! In the future, you need to feed the plant at least 4 times during the periods of development and flowering. For this, mineral supplements are combined with organics.

Rosa Ommage a Barbara needs a sanitary, shaping and anti-aging pruning, like any floribunda. The plant should leave 3-5 buds in the first 12 months of life. The next year, the branches are cut by a third, and three-year-olds are completely removed. Floribunda are cut to half length before wintering.


Proper, regular pruning will help form a compact bush that holds well in a shape called rounded habit.

A rose transplant should be done either in early spring, or in early autumn. In this case, you need to cut off all the buds and cut the shoots to 50 cm in length. You can help the plant survive stress by abundantly watering it.

Important! Before winter holidays, flowers on the bush are best cut off, as many fruits will form. They could decorate the garden in winter, but in our area this is irrelevant.

Rose tea hybrid Hybrid Barbara

It is advisable to cover the bush in the winter months, because the plant has moderate frost resistance. To do this, use a frame of slats and tighten it with corrugated cardboard or burlap. As an option - additionally insulate the roots of the plant with dry foliage and conifers. Young bushes can be covered with cardboard boxes, placing inside the newspaper, bark.

During the flowering period, the plant needs formative pruning, removal of "defective", faded buds that take away food from the bush. Intensive and lush flowering is promoted by additional top dressing. A positive result is given by the organomineral fertilizer of the bushes. Such "nutrition" is applied in liquid form, for example - 1 liter of mullein per bucket of water. During budding and flowering, potassium sulfate (30 g per bucket of water) and calcium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 l of water) are additionally added to the soil.

Flowering period

To better prepare for winter, dry flowers are not removed in the fall, this helps to reduce the activity of the plant. From mid-summer, phosphorus fertilizers cease to be applied, since it delays the growing season.

Important! Starting in September, young shoots are nibbling gradually, this slows down growth - the plant is preparing for a dormant period.

It is known that each shoot of a healthy rose should end with a flower. And if this is not so, some nuances are possible:

  • you need to remember when the plant was planted. Roses of the first year of planting do not always bloom, they can "hurt";
  • perhaps the bush is old. It is important to remove old shoots that are more than 3 years old;
  • mistakes in nutrition can prevent your favorite rose from blooming. It is necessary to give the plant a fertilizer containing potassium and humates along with microelements;
  • for the rose to bloom, you need to fight diseases in a timely manner;
  • it might be worth transplanting the bush. Rose is a southern plant, and lack of light or excess moisture can affect flowering.

Flower propagation

Rose Barbara is well propagated by cuttings, and seed propagation is not suitable for her, as well as for other hybrid varieties. Cuttings are often used by novice gardeners. This method is simple and does not cost much.

Cuttings for propagating roses are harvested from lignified shoots in mid-summer. Using a secateurs, the upper part of the handle is cut off at an angle of 90 ° and covered with activated carbon, and the lower part is cut at an angle of 45 °, treated with Kornevin. The length should be 10-15 cm. Annual shoots 0.5-0.7 cm thick are suitable for cuttings. They can be planted in autumn or stored until spring.


The cuttings are immersed in the prepared soil and covered with a non-woven cloth or cut plastic bottles are put on them. In this state, the bush develops over several months.

Important! Then the rose is transplanted to a permanent place.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The most common fungal disease of roses is black spotting. Due to the formation of dark spots on the leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. For this lesion, only preventative measures are effective: proper landing and care, rational pruning. The treatment of plants with fungicides is important: Gumistar, Fitosporin-M, Topaz, Strobi. They are also used for other diseases to which the rose Ommage Barbara is susceptible, such as powdery mildew, gray rot, and rust.

Aphid is the worst enemy of roses. Plants are often attacked by a nut grower, which forms swelling on the petals and leaves. Flowers and buds also spoil the larvae of the sawfly, thrips. To combat all of the above pests, general-acting insecticides are suitable (Biotlin, Golden Spark, Confidor Extra). They "work" several weeks after treatment, persisting in the tissues of the plant.

Thus, the Omage Barbara rose is a popular plant that will become an excellent decoration of the garden. It is used for modern installations and decoration of park areas. Rose requires compliance with the rules of care.
