How to propagate ampel geraniums at home


Propagation of geraniums is a real mini-science, which involves the ability to work with the earth and handle plants. There are two ways to plant a flower - to sow seeds or root cuttings. Another indispensable procedure is pinching twigs of one type of geranium to another bush. The plant is unpretentious and does not require much time to care.

Reproduction: ampelous geranium, or pelargonium

In order for the window sill to bloom for three seasons, you need to carefully care for the plant and properly plant it. If you want to propagate geraniums of various types (pelargonium, as it is also called), you need to know a few simple rules:

  • You can grow a seedling using seeds or cuttings. Prefers geranium plushyashchelynoe propagation by cuttings according to the same principle as ampelous;
  • the plant likes saturated soil, slightly clayey, of several components;
  • You can plant sprouts in the garden. But it is worth planting cuttings in the ground, given certain conditions of care.

Unique flower with bright buds

To sprouts began, it is desirable to have a certain supply of knowledge and be able to work with the ground. It is necessary to think over each step of actions. Any grower can choose their method regarding how to propagate pelargonium.

Methods of propagation of geraniums

Ivy-shaped geraniums: care and reproduction

How to grow ampelous lobelia from seeds at home

For a plant to grow and develop normally, you need to know certain rules. The ivy geranium is almost always accepted. There are several secrets that will help keep the geranium from drying out, falling leaves, so that the indoor plant bloomed and increased in size. Caring for this type of plant is completely identical to that which is present in the agricultural crops of the garden.

The ivy ampelous geranium care, reproduction, requires the following:

  • so that the pelvic pelvic leaves feel good, you need to prepare a special soil. In equal proportions, the following components should be present: peat, sand, turf and sheet land;
  • in the summer, you need to water the geranium 2 times a day. Use water at room temperature. The earth should be treated with a spray gun;
  • periodically you need to trim the flower bushes, removing the lower branches. It should be a mini-tree with abundantly blooming crown;
  • before winter, pruning of all shoots except the central one, on which no more than 6 leaves are located, is required.

Care for geranium seedlings

For your information! The main condition is the frequency of action. Do not forget about watering, pruning branches, sometimes fertilizing the soil. It is not difficult to take care of the pelvic pelargonium if you follow these rules.

Seed cultivation

Propagation of geraniums can occur from seeds. Germination of planting material occurs within 1-2 weeks under normal conditions. In order for the seedlings to sprout and be strong, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • choose a quality planting material. Each seed should be brown. Each specimen should be firm and slightly oblong;
  • seed preparation. If the material is purchased, then there will be no problems with this, since the seeds have already been processed. Home copies need to be sanded with sandpaper, treated with special tools and soaked in water;
  • prepare loose soil, which should have the appropriate composition. It is better to buy ready-made in the agricultural store;
  • pick up containers for sowing. It is necessary to choose not too high flowerpots. So it will be easier to root the plant;
  • how sowing is carried out: lay out drainage at the bottom, fill the soil, and then seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other, sprinkle them with soil 2 cm and spray from the spray gun. After that, put the pot on the windowsill and cover with glass.

Growing geranium from seeds

Note! It is better to purchase planting material in a specialized store. The purchase will cost more, but the quality will be 100%.

The growing process itself is elementary: moisten the soil in accordance with the need, open the glass for a few minutes a day. After the appearance of the first shoots, standard care is carried out as for ordinary seedlings.

Propagation of ampelian geranium by cuttings at home

Geranium can also propagate by planting cuttings. This option is relevant for beginner gardeners. Cutting cuttings is better in the spring. At this moment, not only the processes of cleavage occur, but also the cultivation of the plant. If there is no need to trim the extra branches, then you can pinch off the cuttings in autumn or winter.

First you need to correctly cut the twig, which will subsequently become a process. Cutting of ampelous pelargonium is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. Choose a twig. The length of the shoot should be 10-12 cm and have a minimum of 5 leaves.
  2. Preparing the cuttings. After cleavage, treat the slice with a special tool. Put on paper so that the twig dries. 6 hours is enough
  3. Prepare the soil by filling it in a container. At the bottom of the tank, a drainage should already have been formed.
  4. Dip each twig 1-1.5 cm. The earth around the trunk is well tamped.
  5. Humidify the earth with a spray gun.

Propagation by cuttings

Note! The handle cannot be placed in water. A sprig will not let the roots, but simply rot.

The seedling will take root in 2-3 weeks. During this time, 1-2 leaves may turn yellow and fall. If the trunk begins to dry, then the plant receives too much moisture.

How to root an ivy pelargonium

Geranium - home care how to water geranium

Many flower growers have a lot of questions regarding how to root the ivy geranium without loss of sprouts. There are several recommendations that will save the plant from death:

  • so that the sprout takes root faster, you need to pick up soil with a high peat content. Sometimes peat tablets are additionally used;
  • do not need to moisten the soil too much. It is enough only to spray the soil and the aerial part of the flower. But this must be done depending on the drying of the upper layer of the earth;
  • well rooted flower helps direct sunlight. No need to build greenhouses and greenhouses. Geranium does not really like creating artificial heat.

What you need to do to root the plant

It is possible to check how the congenital pelargonium has taken root already 1 week after disembarkation. First you need to pay attention to the state of the branch, which will act as a new sprout.

How to pinch ampel geranium

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

If you had to cut a bush of a certain variety of geranium, then the branches can not be thrown out, but planted in another bush. It will turn out a plant, which at the time of flowering will produce buds of different colors and shapes. The question arises, does pinch pelargonium need to be nipped?

You can pinch the plant, and in some cases it is even necessary. If the bush is powerful and large, but quickly loses its leaves and for some reason does not bloom, then the procedure can save the situation. For carrying out it is worth choosing autumn or winter so that the flower does not lose a lot of juice at the time of notching.

Rules for pinching geraniums

It is necessary to cut a twig and slightly dry, process with a special tool. Next, make a small notch, into which a twig cut at an acute angle is inserted. Rewind the place with tissue adhesive. Get homemade versions of the plant with the original flowering.

How to plant ampel geranium in a cache-pot

A very popular option of garden containers for planting plants is a cache-pot. Geranium can also be planted in this kind of device. The cache-pot is made of special cement mortar using special technology.

Important! Constant breeding of a flower in such a container is undesirable. You can plant the plant in a pot for a while, but not more.

Step-by-step algorithm for planting geraniums in a cache-pot:

  1. The bottom should have drainage holes. The plant does not really like moisture, so when watering, the remaining water should self-destruct, otherwise the root will rot and the plant will die.
  2. At the bottom of the cache-pot is laid out a drainage layer of small pebbles.
  3. Pour soil into the tank, which is fairly enriched with peat and treated with parasite and insect repellents.
  4. You can plant a stalk or a fully formed bush.
  5. During the rooting period and the rest of the time, you only need to spray the soil. Watering is optional.

Geraniums in flower pots

Note! So that the plant does not disappear, it is advisable to put a cache-pot in the sun. The cement base of an unusual flowerpot can keep damp for a long time, so the sun should warm the earth well, evaporate excess moisture.

To make the window sill blooming and "alive", you should choose geranium as a houseplant. It will become a good option if you want constant flowering, but there is no time to look after the flowerpots. Geraniums are easily bred and root well under appropriate conditions.


Watch the video: How to propagate geraniums. (October 2024).